The convex series is said to be a convergent series if the sequence of partial sums converges in to some element of which is called the sum of the convex series.
The convex series is called Cauchy if is a Cauchy series, which by definition means that the sequence of partial sums is a Cauchy sequence.
Types of subsets
Convex series allow for the definition of special types of subsets that are well-behaved and useful with very good stability properties.
cs-closed set if any convergent convex series with elements of has its (each) sum in
In this definition, is not required to be Hausdorff, in which case the sum may not be unique. In any such case we require that every sum belong to
lower cs-closed set or a lcs-closed set if there exists a Fréchet space such that is equal to the projection onto (via the canonical projection) of some cs-closed subset of Every cs-closed set is lower cs-closed and every lower cs-closed set is lower ideally convex and convex (the converses are not true in general).
ideally convex set if any convergent b-series with elements of has its sum in
lower ideally convex set or a li-convex set if there exists a Fréchet space such that is equal to the projection onto (via the canonical projection) of some ideally convex subset of Every ideally convex set is lower ideally convex. Every lower ideally convex set is convex but the converse is in general not true.
cs-complete set if any Cauchy convex series with elements of is convergent and its sum is in
bcs-complete set if any Cauchy b-convex series with elements of is convergent and its sum is in
The empty set is convex, ideally convex, bcs-complete, cs-complete, and cs-closed.
Conditions (Hx) and (Hwx)
If and are topological vector spaces, is a subset of and then is said to satisfy:
Condition (Hx): Whenever is a convex series with elements of such that is convergent in with sum and is Cauchy, then is convergent in and its sum is such that
Condition (Hwx): Whenever is a b-convex series with elements of such that is convergent in with sum and is Cauchy, then is convergent in and its sum is such that
If X is locally convex then the statement "and is Cauchy" may be removed from the definition of condition (Hwx).
is closed (respectively, cs-closed, lower cs-closed, convex, ideally convex, lower ideally convex, cs-complete, bcs-complete) if the same is true of the graph of in
The multifunction is convex if and only if for all and all
The inverse of a multifunction is the multifunction defined by For any subset
The domain of a multifunction is
The image of a multifunction is For any subset
The composition is defined by for each
Let be topological vector spaces, and The following implications hold:
complete cs-complete cs-closed lower cs-closed (lcs-closed) and ideally convex.
If is a cs-closed (resp. ideally convex) subset of then is also a cs-closed (resp. ideally convex) subset of
If is first countable then is cs-closed (resp. cs-complete) if and only if is closed (resp. complete); moreover, if is locally convex then is closed if and only if is ideally convex.
is cs-closed (resp. cs-complete, ideally convex, bcs-complete) in if and only if the same is true of both in and of in
The properties of being cs-closed, lower cs-closed, ideally convex, lower ideally convex, cs-complete, and bcs-complete are all preserved under isomorphisms of topological vector spaces.
The intersection of arbitrarily many cs-closed (resp. ideally convex) subsets of has the same property.
The Cartesian product of cs-closed (resp. ideally convex) subsets of arbitrarily many topological vector spaces has that same property (in the product space endowed with the product topology).
The intersection of countably many lower ideally convex (resp. lower cs-closed) subsets of has the same property.
The Cartesian product of lower ideally convex (resp. lower cs-closed) subsets of countably many topological vector spaces has that same property (in the product space endowed with the product topology).
Suppose is a Fréchet space and the and are subsets. If and are lower ideally convex (resp. lower cs-closed) then so is
Suppose is a Fréchet space and is a subset of If and are lower ideally convex (resp. lower cs-closed) then so is
Suppose is a Fréchet space and is a multifunction. If are all lower ideally convex (resp. lower cs-closed) then so are and
If be a non-empty convex subset of a topological vector space then,
If is closed or open then is cs-closed.
If is Hausdorff and finite dimensional then is cs-closed.
Let be a Fréchet space, be a topological vector spaces, and be the canonical projection. If is lower ideally convex (resp. lower cs-closed) then the same is true of