File:Lou Fette.JPG

This work is copyrighted and unlicensed. It does not fall into one of the blanket fair use categories listed at Wikipedia:Fair use#Images or Wikipedia:Fair use#Audio_clips. However, the person who added this tag asserts that the use of this work in the article Lou Fette to illustrate the work in question on the English-language Wikipedia, hosted on servers in the United States by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, qualifies as fair use under United States copyright law. Any other uses of this image, on Wikipedia or elsewhere, may be copyright infringement. See Wikipedia:Fair use and Wikipedia:Copyrights.

This image comes from [1]. The use of this image on Wikipedia is contended to be a fair use, since it is used solely for educational purposes in a not-for-profit encyclopedia, is necessary for cultural and historical purposes, and the material value of the possible copyright is not believed to be lessened by its use here.