
A sengese is a throwing knife of the Matakam from northeastern Nigeria or northern Cameroon.

Sengese from Cameroon
Sengese blade


It is sinuous in shape and its handle is often dressed in leather. It can also be used as an exchange currency.


  • Barbara Winston Blackmun, Blades of Beauty and Death: African Art Forged in Metal, 1990
  • Werner Fischer, Manfred A. Zirngibl, African Weapons: Knives, Daggers, Swords, Axes, Throwing Knives, 1978
  • Jan Elsen, De fer et de fierté, Armes blanches d’Afrique noire du Musée Barbier-Mueller, 5 Continents Editions, Milan, 2003


  1. ^ Norman Hurst, Ngola: the weapon as authority, identity, and ritual object, 1997, p.14