Talk:Boosting (video games)

Introducing a New, Direct Way for Gamers to Get Boosting Services

We’re introducing a new approach to providing Boosting Services: an Open Discord Community dedicated to Boosting and LFG channels, where gamers and boosters can connect directly, free from middleman interference.

PvPvE Boosting Discord Community is the first and only platform on the web that promotes an open, fair, and transparent environment for gamers to access or provide video game boosting services, without being overcharged or having to share a percentage of their payments.

Why this Open Approach, and Why Now?

The time for change is now. There are several key reasons why this shift is needed, and why the traditional boosting model must evolve to benefit the actual boosters:

  • High prices on traditional websites: From the client’s perspective, prices are inflated.
  • Shrinking booster payouts: Boosters are seeing their cut reduced to just 20-30% of the total order price.
  • Zero direct communication: There’s little to no direct interaction between clients and boosters.
  • Boosters treated as faceless IDs: Many large platforms only represent boosters as numbers, giving them no chance to build their own reputation.

Our solution addresses all of these problems. We’re empowering the boosters who actually deliver the services, giving them the opportunity to earn a fair share and establish their own name.

(~~~~) PvPvE Boosting (talk) 21:12, 12 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]