This template should always be substituted (i.e., use {{subst:Infobox German railway vehicle}} ). Any accidental transclusions will be automatically substituted by a bot. |
This template uses Lua: |
This infobox enables the display of technical data on German locomotives. It mirrors the de.wikipedia infobox "Infobox Schienenfahrzeug", enabling table fields to be instantly translated into English as they are copied across and thus simplify the transfer of data from there to en.wikipedia. After substitution the template will use the English-language parameters found in {{infobox locomotive}}.
Purpose and description
Template analogue
Copying an Infobox Schienenfahrzeug template directly from de.wikipedia and saving it on en.wikipedia will result in the following conversion taking place, with the German values (right) being replaced by the English values (left):
{{Infobox locomotive
| name = {{{Baureihe|}}}
| bgcolor = {{{Farbe1|}}}
| color = {{{Farbe2|}}}
| image = {{{Abbildung|}}}
| caption = {{{Name|}}}
| builder = {{{Hersteller|}}}
| buildmodel = {{{Motorentyp|}}}
| builddate = {{{Baujahre|}}}
| totalproduction = {{{Anzahl|}}}
| whytetype = {{{Wheel arrangement|}}}
| aarwheels = {{{AAR wheel arrangement|}}}
| uicclass = {{{Achsformel|{{{Bauart|}}}}}}
| DRGtype = {{{Gattung|}}}
| gauge = {{{Spurweite|}}}
| leadingdiameter = {{{VorneLaufraddurchmesser|}}}
| driverdiameter = {{{Treibraddurchmesser|}}}
| coupleddiameter = {{{Kuppelraddurchmesser|}}}
| wheeldiameter = {{{Raddurchmesser|}}}
| trailingdiameter = {{{HintenLaufraddurchmesser|}}}
| outerdiameter = {{{AussenLaufraddurchmesser|}}}
| innerdiameter = {{{InnenLaufraddurchmesser|}}}
| carrydiameter = {{{Laufraddurchmesser|}}}
| minimumcurve = {{{Halbmesser|}}}
| wheelbase = {{{FesterRadstand|}}}
| overallwheelbase = {{{Gesamtradstand|}}}
| wheelbasewithtender = {{{RadstandMitTender|}}}
| racksystem = {{{Zahnradsystem|}}}
| drivingcogwheels = {{{Antriebszahnräder|}}}
| brakingcogwheels = {{{Bremszahnräder|}}}
| cogwheelsize = {{{GrößeZahnrad|}}}
| bogie = {{{AchsabstandDerFahrgestelle|}}}
| pivotcentres = {{{Drehzapfenabstand|}}}
| length = {{{Länge|}}}
| over couplers = {{{LängeÜberKupplung|}}}
| over buffers = {{{LängeÜberPuffer|}}}
| width = {{{Breite|}}}
| height = {{{Höhe|}}}
| axleload = {{{Radsatzfahrmasse|}}}
| emptyweight = {{{Leermasse|}}}
| workingweight = {{{Nutzmasse|}}}
| serviceweight = {{{Dienstmasse|}}}
| weightondrivers = {{{Reibungsmasse|}}}
| locoweight = {{{Gesamtmasse|}}}
| tenderweight = {{{DienstmasseTender|}}}
| locotenderweight = {{{DienstmasseMitTender|}}}
| tendertype = {{{Tenderbauart|}}}
| fuelcap = {{{Brennstoff|{{{Tankinhalt|}}}}}}
| watercap = {{{Wasser|}}}
| enginetype = {{{Motorbauart|}}}
| primemover = {{{Motorentyp|}}}
| rpmrange = {{{Nenndrehzahl|}}}
| enginetype = {{{Motorbauart|}}}
| electricsystem = {{{Stromsystem|}}}
| collectionmethod = {{{Stromübertragung|}}}
| tractionbatteries= {{{Fahrbatterie|}}}
| tractionmotors = {{{AnzahlFahrmotoren|}}}
| range = {{{Reichweite|}}}
| capacity = {{{Kapazität|}}}
| firearea = {{{Rostfläche|}}}
| boiler = {{{Kessel|}}}
| lengthinside = {{{Kessellänge|}}}
| smalltubediameter= {{{AnzahlHeizrohre|}}}
| largetubediameter= {{{AnzahlRauchrohre|}}}
| heatingtubelength= {{{Heizrohrlänge|}}}
| boilerpressure = {{{Kesseldruck|}}}
| tubearea = {{{Rohrheizfläche|}}}
| fireboxarea = {{{Strahlungsheizfläche|}}}
| totalsurface = {{{Verdampfungsheizfläche|}}}
| superheaterarea = {{{Überhitzerfläche|}}}
| cylindercount = {{{Zylinderanzahl|}}}
| cylindersize = {{{Zylinderdurchmesser|}}}
| pistonstroke = {{{Kolbenhub|}}}
| hpcylindersize = {{{HDZylinderdurchmesser|}}}
| lpcylindersize = {{{NDZylinderdurchmesser|}}}
| cogwheelbore = {{{ZR-Zylinderdurchmesser|}}}
| cogwheelstroke = {{{ZR-Kolbenhub|}}}
| cylinderpressure = {{{Zylinderdruck|}}}
| valvegear = {{{Steuerungsart|}}}
| transmission = {{{Leistungsübertragung|{{{Antrieb|}}}}}}
| transmodel = {{{Getriebetyp|}}}
| runningsteps = {{{Übersetzungsstufen|}}}
| runningstepswitch= {{{Fahrstufenschalter|}}}
| trainheating = {{{Zugheizung|}}}
| multipleworking = {{{Steuerung|}}}
| locobrakes = {{{Bremsen|{{{Lokbremse|}}}}}}
| auxbrake = {{{Zusatzbremse|}}}
| parkingbrake = {{{Feststellbremse|}}}
| continuousbrake = {{{Beharrungsbremse|}}}
| safety = {{{Zugsicherung|}}}
| antiskid = {{{Gleitschutz|}}}
| trainbrakes = {{{Zugbremse|}}}
| coupling = {{{Kupplungstyp|}}}
| maxspeed = {{{Höchstgeschwindigkeit|}}}
| indicatedpower = {{{IndizierteLeistung|}}}
| poweroutput = {{{InstallierteLeistung|}}}
| poweroutput 1 hr= {{{Stundenleistung|}}}
| poweroutput cont= {{{Dauerleistung|}}}
| powerindex = {{{Leistungskennziffer|}}}
| tractiveeffort = {{{Traktionsleistung|}}}
| t/e starting = {{{Anfahrzugkraft|}}}
| maxincline = {{{Gefälle|}}}
| acceleration = {{{Beschleunigung|}}}
| deceleration = {{{Bremsverzögerung|}}}
| fleetnumbers = {{{Nummerierung|}}}
| firstrundate = {{{Indienststellung|}}}
| retiredate = {{{Ausmusterung|}}}
| notes = {{{Anmerkung|}}}
Header information
DRG Class | |||
- Class Baureihe
- Designation(s) of the vehicle(s)
- Colour1 Farbe1
- Alternative header background colour: Enter the six-figure RGB value without a "#", otherwise it defaults to the DRG colour as per the testbox above.
- Colour2 Farbe2
- Alternative header text colour: Enter the six-figure RGB value without a "#", otherwise it defaults to the DRG colour as per the testbox above.
- Image Abbildung
- Photograph in the form Lokfoto.jpg (i.e. without statements like "image:" oder "300px")
- Name Name)
- Caption
- Number(s) Nummerierung
- Number(s) allocated to the vehicle(s)
Parameters valid for all vehicles
- Manufacturer Hersteller
- Builder
- Year(s) of Manufacture Baujahre
- Entered service Indienststellung
- Retired Ausmusterung
- Quantity Anzahl
- Wheel arrangement not used
- AAR wheel arrangement AAR wheel arrangement
- Axle arrangement Achsformel or Bauart
- In German Bauart is usually used for steam engines and Achsformel or Achsfolge for other vehicles.
- Type Gattung
- Gattung is often synonymous with Baureihe or 'class'. In this context it is a DRG locomotive type used to define the purpose, ratio of driven to total axles and the axle load. E.g. G 56.18 was a Goods train steam engine with 5 driven axles and 6 in total, with an axle load of 18 tons. Also used for railbuses and passenger coaches.
- Gauge Spurweite
- Top speed Höchstgeschwindigkeit
- Leading wheel diameter Laufraddurchmesser vorn
- Diameter of the front carrying wheels
- Trailing wheel diameter Laufraddurchmesser hinten
- Diameter of the rear carrying wheels
- Outer carrying wheel diameter Laufraddurchmesser außen
- for Garratt locomotives
- Inner carrying wheel diameter Laufraddurchmesser innen
- for Garratt locomotives
- Carrying wheel diameter Laufraddurchmesser
- Driving wheel diameter Treibraddurchmesser
- Length over couplers Länge über Kupplung
- Length over buffers Länge über Puffer
- Height Höhe
- Width Breite
- Pivot pitch Drehzapfenabstand
- Distance between bogie pivots or pins
- Wheelbase Fester Radstand
- Distance between fixed wheels
- Overall wheelbase Gesamtradstand
- Distance between outermost wheels
- Bogie wheelbase Achstand Fahrgestelle
- Distance between bogie axles
- Empty weight Leermasse
- Total weight of vehicle when empty
- Total weight Gesamtmasse
- Service weight Dienstmasse
- Total weight of vehicle when ready for service e.g. with supplies on board
- Adhesive weight Reibungsmasse
- Weight on driving wheels
- Axle load Achslast or Radsatzfahrmasse
- Starting tractive effort Anfahrzugkraft
- Acceleration Beschleunigung
- Acceleration in m/s² (only given for railbuses)
- Braking deceleration Bremsverzögerung
- Braking deceleration in m/s² (only given for railbuses)
- Power index Leistungskennziffer
- Brakes Bremsen
- Parking brake Feststellbremse
- Running steps Übersetzungsstufen
- for three-phase AC motors as well as mechanical/hydraulic gears
- No. of traction motors Anzahl Fahrmotoren
- Number of motors with model and type of construction
- Drive Antrieb
- Train heating Zugheizung
- Locomotive brakes Lokbremse
- including dynamic (rheostatic) brakes (Widerstandsbremsen) and regenerative brakes (Nutzbremsen).
- Train brakes Zugbremse
- Train protection Zugsicherung
- Anti-skid protection Gleitschutz
- Minimum curve kleinster befahrbarer Halbmesser
- Smallest negotiable curve radius
- Floor height Fußbodenhöhe
- Duties Betriebsart
- Tachometer Geschwindigkeitsmesser
- Couplers Kupplungstyp
- e.g. Scharfenberg
- Train Control Steuerung
- e.g. multi-unit control
- Maximum incline Gefälle
- Maximum possible negotiable incline
- Features Besonderheiten
- other technical features of the vehicle
- Remarks Anmerkung
- Footnotes etc.
Steam traction
- No. of cylinders Zylinderanzahl
- Cylinder bore Zylinderdurchmesser
- LP cylinder bore ND-Zylinderdurchmesser
- Low pressure cylinder
- HP cylinder bore HD-Zylinderdurchmesser
- High pressure cylinder
- Piston stroke Kolbenhub
- Coupled wheel diameter Kuppelraddurchmesser
- Boiler Kessel
- Type
- Boiler length Kessellänge
- Length between the tube walls
- Boiler overpressure Kesselüberdruck
- No. of heating tubes Anzahl der Heizrohre
- No. of smoke tubes Anzahl der Rauchrohre
- Heating tube length Heizrohrlänge (Swiss = Siederohrlänge)
- Grate area Rostfläche
- Radiative heating area Strahlungsheizfläche
- Firebox + combustion chamber
- Tube heating area Rohrheizfläche
- Heating tube heating area + Smoke tube heating area
- Superheater area Überhitzerfläche
- Evaporative heating area Verdampfungsheizfläche
- Firebox heating area + combustion chamber + heating tubes + smoke tubes (total heating area)
- Indicated Power Indizierte Leistung
- Valve gear Steuerungsart
- Cylinder pressure Zylinderdruck
- Tender Tenderbauart
- Service weight incl. tender Dienstmasse einschl. Tender
- Tender service weight Dienstmasse Tender
- Water capacity Wasser
- Maximum amount of water carried
- Fuel Brennstoff
- Fuel type + maximum amount carried
- Wheelbase incl. tender Radstand mit Tender
Diesel traction
- Installed power Installierte Leistung
- Tractive effort Traktionsleistung
- Motor make/model Motorentyp
- Make and model of motor
- Motor type Motorbauart
- Number of cylinders and general design of motor (e.g. 2 x V12 with exhaust gas turbocharger and charge cooling, four-stroke, water-cooled)
- Nominal rpm Nenndrehzahl
- Power transmission Leistungsübertragung
- Hydraulic, | transmission=Mechanical, Electric
- Transmission model Getriebetyp
- Tank capacity Tankinhalt
Electrical traction
- Electric system Stromsystem e.g. Catenary
- Collection method Stromübertragung
- number of pantographs
- Power output (one hour) Stundenleistung
- Power output (continuous) Dauerleistung
- Running step switch Fahrstufenschalter
- Type
Accumulator vehicles
- Traction batteries Fahrbatterie
- Capacity Kapazität
- Range Reichweite
Rack railway vehicles
- Rack system Zahnradsystem
- e.g. Abt, Strub
- Cogwheel cylinder diameter ZR-Zylinderdurchmesser
- Cylinder diameter of the cogwheel drive
- Cogwheel piston stroke ZR-Kolbenhub
- Piston stroke of the cogwheel drive
- Driving cogwheels Antriebszahnräder
- Number
- Braking cogwheels Bremszahnräder
- Number
- Cogwheel size GrößeZahnrad
- Size of the cogwheels in mm or number of teeth
- Continuous brake Beharrungsbremse
- Downhill brake
Coaches, wagons and railbuses
- Wheel diameter Raddurchmesser
- Seats Sitzplätze
- Standing places Stehplätze
- Doors Türen
- Low-platform section Niederfluranteil
- Coach class Wagenklasse
- Working weight Nutzmasse
Template for copying
{{Infobox German railway vehicle
Infobox sorting
- Class = Designation(s)
- Colour1 = Header background colour
- Colour2 = Header text colour
- Image = Photo
- Name = Caption
- Number(s)
- Quantity
- Manufacturer
- Year(s) of Manufacture
- Entered service
- Retired
- Wheel arrangement
- Axle arrangement
- Sub-class
- Gauge
- Length over couplers
- Length over buffers
- Height
- Width
- Pivot pitch
- Bogie wheelbase
- Wheelbase
- Overall wheelbase
- Wheelbase incl. tender
- Minimum curve
- Empty weight
- Total weight
- Working weight
- Service weight
- Tender service weight
- Adhesive weight
- Axle load
- Top speed
- Indicated power
- Installed power
- Tractive effort
- Hourly output
- Continuous output
- Starting tractive effort
- Acceleration
- Braking deceleration
- Power index
- Range
- Capacity
- Coupled wheel diameter
- Driving wheel diameter
- Leading wheel diameter
- Trailing wheel diameter
- Outer carrying wheel diameter
- Inner carrying wheel diameter
- Carrying wheel diameter
- Wheel diameter
- Rack system
- Driving cogwheels
- Braking cogwheels
- Cogwheel size
- Valve gear
- No. of cylinders
- Cylinder bore
- LP cylinder bore
- HP cylinder bore
- Cogwheel cylinder bore
- Piston stroke
- Cogwheel piston stroke
- Cylinder pressure
- Boiler
- Boiler length
- Boiler overpressure
- No. of heating tubes
- No. of smoke tubes
- Heating tube length
- Grate area
- Radiative heating area
- Tube heating area
- Superheater heating area
- Evaporative heating area
- Tender
- Tender service weight
- Water capacity
- Fuel
- Motor make/model = Type of motors/manufacturer's designation
- Motor type = No. of motors (e.g. 2 x 12 cylinder V-engine, four-stroke, water-cooled with exhaust gas turbocharger
- Nominal rpm
- Power transmission
- Transmission model
- Traction batteries
- Electric system
- Collection method
- No. of traction motors
- Drive
- Running steps
- Running step switch
- Brakes
- Auxiliary brake
- Parking brake
- Locomotive brakes
- Train brakes
- Continuous brake
- Train protection
- Anti-skid protection
- Train heating
- Tachometer
- Gear
- Duties
- Couplers
- Maximum incline
- Seats
- Standing places
- Doors
- Floor height
- Low-platform section
- Coach classes
- Features
- Remarks
Header colours
The colours of the headers are either based on a well-known livery of the railway company or the state or national flag.
Wagon and train classes
Type of vehicle | Colour code | Appearance | |
Passenger train coaches (not for railbuses) |
| |
Underground railway vehicles | |Colour1=0000FF
German states
State | Colour | Appearance | |
Baden | |Colour1=FFDD00
| |
Bavaria, Pfalz | |Colour1=0081FF
| |
Mecklenburg | |Colour1=FCC300
| |
Oldenburg | |Colour1=33009B
| |
Prussia | |Colour1=000000
| |
Imperial Railways in Alsace-Lorraine | |Colour1=FF0000
| |
Saxony | |Colour1=698B69
| |
Württemberg | |Colour1=BD1220
European countries
Country | Colour | Appearance | |
Austrian and Hungarian Railways | |Colour1=8B0000
| |
Germany (DR) | |Colour1=a00
| |
Switzerland | |Colour1=D81E05
Hints and help etc.
- Please do not enter new parameters unless they are mirrored by the German template "Schienenfahrzeug". New parameters or other changes should be carried out in the following order
- 1. Purpose and Description, 2. Template for Copying, 3. Infobox Sorting and 4. XML-template for the template master.
- To transfer a Schienenfahrzeug table from de.wikipedia to en.wikipedia
- 1. Copy the code into en.wikipedia, 2. Change commas to decimal points and vice-versa as necessary and 3. translate any data words as necessary. The field names themselves will automatically be translated into English. Note that Infobox Schienenfahrzeug automatically redirects to German railway vehicle.
- Unknown parameters are listed in Category:Pages using infobox German railway vehicle with unknown parameters (0)
- The
|boxtype=locomotive, train, unk
is categorised in Category:Infobox Schienenfahrzeug (0)
TemplateData for Infobox German railway vehicle
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This Infobox enables the display of technical data on German locomotives, railbuses and other railway vehicles. It mirrors the de.wikipedia infobox "Infobox Schienenfahrzeug", enabling table fields to be instantly translated into English as they are copied across and thus simplify the transfer of data from there to en.wikipedia.
Tracking category
See also
- {{Infobox locomotive}}
- {{Infobox train}}