The Waitress (Manet)

The Waitress (1879) by Édouard Manet

The Waitress (French - La Serveuse de bocks) is an 1879 oil on canvas painting by Édouard Manet. It directly relates to his Corner of a Café-Concert (National Gallery) and some art historians consider it to be a secondary version or preparatory work for Corner.

See also


  1. ^ (in French) Sophie Monneret, L'Impressionnisme et son époque, vol. 2, t. 1, Paris, Robert Laffont, 1987, 997 p. (ISBN 978-2-221-05412-3)
  2. ^ Françoise Cachin, Charles S. Moffett et Juliet Wilson-Bareau, Manet 1832-1883, Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1983, 544 p. (ISBN 2-7118-0230-2)
  3. ^ Sophie Monneret, L'Impressionnisme et son époque, vol. 2, t. II, Paris, 1987, 1185 p. (ISBN 978-2-221-05413-0)