// Taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Bellezzasolo/Scripts/adminhighlighter.js&oldid=829278273
// Inspired from
// https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Amalthea/userhighlighter.js&oldid=437693511
// Features added:
// - Apply to IA, CU, OS, 'crats', AC members in addition to sysops
// - JSON data (~36KB) is cached locally for speed
// - Allow custom order (set window.highlight_order)
// - Allow custom caching length (set window.cache_hours)
// - Allow application of all user classes (set window.all_groups)
// - Preserve previous classes
// - Don't highlight talkpage discussion tools links
// If you want to set a custom order, add something like
// window.highlight_order = ['arbcom', 'bureaucrat', 'oversight', 'checkuser', 'interface-admin', 'sysop', 'steward'];
// to your common.js file where you load this script.
// If you want different colors, add something like
// .userhighlighter_bureaucrat {background-color: red !important}
// to your common.css file.
// If you want to apply multiple changes for users with more than one group, add
// window.all_groups = true;
// to your common.js file where you load this script.
// Caching taken from:
// Galobtter: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Galobtter/scripts/adminhighlighter.js&oldid=910026828
// L235: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:L235/customhighlighter.js&oldid=912068642
// <nowiki>
(function($) {
var highlight_order = window.highlight_order || ['arbcom', 'bureaucrat', 'oversight', 'checkuser', 'interface-admin', 'sysop', 'steward'];
var all_groups = window.all_groups || false;
if (all_groups) {
// Core function for applying classes to the parsed JSON data
var main = function(data) {
var classDefs = {
'arbcom': '888888',
'bureaucrat': '5588FF',
'oversight': 'DD66DD',
'checkuser': 'FFFF00',
'interface-admin': '66DD66',
'sysop': '00FFFF',
'steward': 'FF9933'
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.Uri', 'mediawiki.Title'], function() {
for (var perm in highlight_order) {
mw.util.addCSS('.userhighlighter_' + highlight_order[perm] + ' {background-color: #' + classDefs[highlight_order[perm]] + '}');
$('#mw-content-text a').each(function(index, linkraw) {
try {
var link = $(linkraw);
var url = link.attr('href');
if (!url || url === '/wiki/' || url.charAt(0) === '#') {
} // Skip <a> elements that aren't actually links; skip anchors
if (url.lastIndexOf('http://', 0) !== 0 && url.lastIndexOf('https://', 0) !== 0 && url.lastIndexOf('/', 0) !== 0) {
} // require http(s) links, avoid "javascript:..." etc. which mw.Uri does not support
if (link[0].parentElement.className && link[0].parentElement.classList[0] === 'autocomment') {
} // Skip span.autocomment links aka automatic section links in edit summaries
if (link[0].tagName === 'IMG') {
} // Don't highlight image links or talk page discussion tools links
if (link[0].className && (link[0].classList[0] === 'external' || link[0].classList[0] === 'ext-discussiontools-init-timestamplink')) {
} // Avoid errors on hard-to-parse external links
url = url.replace(/%(?![0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/g, '%25');
var uri = new mw.Uri(url);
if (!ADMINHIGHLIGHT_EXTLINKS && !$.isEmptyObject(uri.query)) {
} // Skip links with query strings if highlighting external links is disabled
if (uri.host === 'en.wikipedia.org') {
var mwtitle = new mw.Title(mw.util.getParamValue('title', url) || decodeURIComponent(uri.path.slice(6))); // Try to get the title parameter of URL; if not available, remove '/wiki/' and use that
if ($.inArray(mwtitle.getNamespaceId(), ADMINHIGHLIGHT_NAMESPACES) >= 0) {
var user = mwtitle.getMain().replace(/_/g, ' ');
if (mwtitle.getNamespaceId() === -1) {
user = user.replace('Contributions/', '');
$.each(highlight_order, function(_ix, ug) {
if (data[ug][user] === 1) {
link.addClass('userhighlighter_' + ug);
return all_groups; // Exit on first match if false, continue if true
} catch (e) {
// Sometimes we will run into unparsable links, so just log these and move on
mw.log.warn('crathighlighter.js unparsable link', e.message, linkraw);
// Grab or generate the user data then actually run the main function
var crathighlighterdata;
try {
crathighlighterdata = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('crathighlighterjson'));
} catch (e) {
mw.log.error('crathighlighter: failed to parse local storage', e.message);
var cache_len = window.cache_hours || 1;
cache_len *= 60 * 60 * 1000; // milliseconds
if (!crathighlighterdata || !crathighlighterdata.date || (Date.now() - new Date(crathighlighterdata.date).getTime()) > cache_len) {
crathighlighterdata = {};
var promises = [];
var baseUrl = '/w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:AmoryBot/crathighlighter.js/';
$.each(highlight_order, function(idx, perm) {
var url = baseUrl + perm + '.json';
var deferred = $.getJSON(url, function(data) {
crathighlighterdata[perm] = data;
$.when.apply(null, promises).then(function() {
crathighlighterdata.date = Date.now();
localStorage.setItem('crathighlighterjson', JSON.stringify(crathighlighterdata));
} else {
// </nowiki>