This file is in the public domain because its copyright has expired in the United States and those countries with a copyright term of no more than the life of the author plus 100 years.
William Dickson (Luis Vernet’s storekeeper)
Don Ventura Pasos
Charles Russler
Antonio Vehingar (known in Buenos Aires as Anthony Wagner)
Juan Simon (Capataz i.e. Gauchos’ Foreman)
Faustin Martinez
Santiago Lopez
Pascual Diego
Manuel Coronel
Antonio Rivero
Jose Maria Lune
Juan Brasido
Manuel Gonzales
Luciano Pelores
Manuel Godoy
Felipe Salagar
M. Lattore (the last five being Charrúa Indians, sent to the Falklands by the Governor of Montevideo)
Antonina Roxa
Gregoria Madrid
Carmelita, and her two children
5 Further Gauchos (names unknown)
Charles Bratin (temporary resident)
William Drake (temporary resident)
- Captain Onslow's report of the visit of HMS Clio to Port Louis in January 1833, Falkland Islands Government Archives, Stanley.
- 1833 Narrative by Port Louis settler Thomas Helsby, Falkland Islands Government Archives, Stanley; relevant excerpt.