User:Bože pravde


enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
shMaterinski jezik ovoga korisnika je srpskohrvatski.
Матерњи језик овога корисника је хрватскосрпски.
My favourite countries

        Serbia                     Croatia
Bosnia-Herzegovina      Slovenia
    Macedonia               Montenegro

God of Justice is the English translation for the name of the Serbian anthem Bože pravde.

I was born Belgrade, in the Serbian republic in Yugoslavia, and I declare myself as a Yugoslav (even though the country no longer exists, I refuse to identify with any of the traditional ethnicities, because my ethnicity is mixed).

My username is very significant, because I am proud to be a citizen of Serbia, and very proud to be a Christian. My name is Avdo.

Articles I wrote or contributed to

This list in incomplete. I was updating it for a while, but then I stopped... Oh, well :)

Historic articles





Interactive templates I created

I wanted to make one for every municipality, but I ran into some resistance and lost motivation.. :( I hope you like the ones I made :)


The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar
To a great guy, the world needs more people like you. I hope you keep up your unique view on the Balkans and its people. Your friend Jagoda 1 00:06, 12 December 2006 (UTC)