
Username: capiramirez

Name: Rafael Ramírez

I was born on October 23th, 1973 at Mexico City. I went to elementary school in a really old school named Justo Sierra. When I was 15 years old a moved to a new school at State of Mexico, in that time I used to spent so many time to get the classroom because I needed around of one hour and a half to arrive there. I have been living in Toluca City since 1995. The reason to move to this new city was that I had to study and work, and in this city I could do both activities. Furthermore, due to the attitude of this city I started to train athletics, especially long distance run, and I got some good results in students’ competitions. I got a bachelor in Accounting in May 1997, and a Master degree in May 2000. I started to teach in the Accounting field since January 2000. Today, I am the manager of the family business.