I am a researcher. When I write research papers, I often summarize the "related work" section in a Wikipedia page. Hopefully it can help other researchers working in related fields. Some of my contributions are below. My academic homepage is http://erelsgl.github.io .
Social choice
Game theory
Auction theory
Mechanism design
Topology and analysis
Poincaré–Miranda theorem
Borsuk–Ulam theorem
Bauer maximum principle
Closed graph
Selection theorem
Direction-preserving function
Integrally-convex set
Power cone
Discrete fixed-point theorem
Fixed-point computation
Hole (topology)
Homotopical connectivity
Homological connectivity
Nerve complex (minor)
Simplicial complex recognition problem
Subdivision (simplicial complex)
Chessboard complex
Deleted join
Metric projection , Chebyshev set
/Matveev on Algebraic Topology
Minor: Brouwer fixed-point theorem , Knaster–Tarski theorem , Kakutani fixed point theorem , Stone–Tukey theorem , Connected space , Riemann mapping theorem , Covering number , Colorful Helly theorem , CW complex , Gordan's lemma , Sigma-additive set function , Link (simplicial complex) , join (topology) , Betweenness
Probability Statistics and Learning
Computational Geometry
Balls into bins
Maximal independent set#Algorithms
Non-constructive algorithm existence proofs
Set balancing
Zero-weight cycle problem
Hall's marriage theorem#Constructive proof of the hard direction
Hall violator
Assignment problem
Rank-maximal matching
Maximally-matchable edge
Partition problem
Multiway number partitioning
Balanced number partitioning
Matroid-constrained number partitioning
Greedy number partitioning
Pseudopolynomial time number partitioning
Largest differencing method
Multifit algorithm
Bin covering problem
High-multiplicity bin packing
Karmarkar-Karp bin packing algorithms
Multiple subset sum
Configuration linear program
Strongly-polynomial time
Optimal job scheduling : Interval , single machine , Identical machines , Uniform machines , Unrelated machines , Template .
[Minor] Bin packing problem : Next-fit , First-fit , Best-fit , Harmonic , FFD , NFD .
List scheduling
Longest-processing-time-first scheduling
Lexicographic optimization
Lexicographic max-min optimization
Fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS)
Optimal kidney exchange
Algorithmic problems on convex sets
Minimum mean weight cycle
/Optimal algorithms with unknown runtime complexity
Minor: Set packing , Subset sum , Sample complexity , Makespan , Multiprocessor scheduling , Gallai–Edmonds decomposition , Hungarian algorithm , Maximum weight matching , Distributed constraint optimization
Linear programming
Data structures
Sociology and Biology
/Land reform by country
/Bitcoin economics
/BKK procedures
/Multi-frame agents
My main contribution is in Hebrew Wikisource: S:he:User:Erel_Segal .