
What is wrong with the English version of Wikipedia? It has many, many, many articles, but why is the quality of the articles so low? This is a question difficult to answer. It is not as if there were over four million important articles to improve. There are only 100 or so extremely important articles, 1000 or so highly important and 10.000 or so important articles. All the rest are just particular novels, music albums, movies, television programmes, all kinds of organisms, not-so-important people, rocks, compounds, small companies, small cities and counties etc. And why do people have so lousy grammar? Is it because they cannot write English, because they are "foreigners" or is it because people just did not learn how to? Why is it that the American educational system is of low quality and people can not write adequately? Why are there countless articles without proper structure as if everyone just appended their spew to the articles? Do people like to collect pointless facts and that is why many articles are full of dated facts without any coherent meaning? Or is it because facts are collectively thought to speak for themselves?