Mathematically, the Fourier transform can be defined by the following formula:
There are several different versions of this formula in common use, which give rise to slightly different functions F(ν). In addition, it is possible to avoid complex numbers by using the Fourier sine and cosine transforms. See also the list of Fourier-related transforms.
In the study of waves, it is possible to describe any waveform or signal as a combination of simpler waves, each of which has a single frequency. For example, a sound wave can be described as a combination of different pitches, and a beam of light can be described as a combination of different spectral colors.
Here A is the amplitude, ν is the frequency, and φ is the phase of the wave. A multi-frequency wave can be written as a sum or integral of simple sinusoidal waves:
Here A and φ have become functions, since they depend on the frequency ν. The integral is necessary because the possible frequencies ν form a continuous spectrum. (In the case where ƒ is periodic, only a discrete set of frequencies is present, and the integral becomes a sum. The result is known as a Fourier series.)
For technical reasons, it works better to replace the cosines with complex exponentials:
The complex-valued function F(ν) incorporates both the amplitude and the phase:
The function F(ν) is called the Fourier transform of the function ƒ(t). Somewhat surprisingly, there is a simple formula for F in terms of ƒ:
Alternate Notations and Definitions
There are several common notations for the Fourier transform of a function , including and This article uses the notation throughout.
There are also several notable variations on the formula for the Fourier transform. While the form we have given is common in engineering, physicists prefer to use the angular frequency. This leads to the following formula for the transform:
The function F1(ω) is related to F(ν) by the following formulas:
Unfortunately, this convention leads to an awkward formula for ƒ in terms of F1:
To eliminate the asymmetric placement of the 2π, it is common to include a square root of 2π in both formulas:
Here . The Fourier transforms and are both unitary, while the transformation is not.
Let ƒ(t) be a function, either real- or complex-valued, defined for all real numberst. The Fourier transform of ƒ is the function F(ν), defined by the following formula:
In applications, the functions ƒ and F are thought of as two aspects of the same waveform: the function ƒ describes the wave over the time domain, while F describes the wave over the frequency domain.
When the independent variable t represents time (with SI unit of seconds), the transform variable ν represents ordinary frequency (in hertz). Under suitable conditions, f can be reconstructed from F by the inverse transform:
for every real number t.
Other notations for are: and
The interpretation of the complex function may be aided by expressing it in polar coordinate form: in terms of the two real functions and , where:
which is a recombination of all the frequency components of f (t ). Each component is a complex sinusoid of the form e2πiνt whose amplitude is A (ν ) and whose initial phase angle (at t =0) is φ (ν ).
The Fourier transform is often written in terms of angular frequency:ω = 2πν whose units are radians per second.
The substitution ν = ω/(2π) into the formulas above produces this convention:
Variations of all three conventions can be created by conjugating the complex-exponential kernel of both the forward and the reverse transform. The signs must be opposites. Other than that, the choice is (again) a matter of convention.
Summary of popular forms of the Fourier transform
angular frequency (rad/s)
ordinary frequency ν (hertz)
^F(ν) and F(ω) represent different, but related, functions, as shown in the table labeled Summary of popular forms of the Fourier transform.