User:Mcnabber091/sandbox/Economic summary of Illinois

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Economic Summary of Illinois

The GDP for Illinois was $695 billion in 2012. Illinois had an estimated population of as in 2012. The GDP per capita of Illinois was $46,151 in 2012.


There are 102 counties in Illinois. Below are the top ten counties ranked by population 2010

Rank Locality Population 2010
1 Cook 5,194,675
2 DuPage 916,924
3 Lake 703,462
4 Will 677,560
5 Kane 515,269
6 McHenry 308,760
7 Winnebago 295,266
8 St. Clair 270,056
9 Madison 269,282
10 Champaign 201,081


Top 10 cities in Illinois by estimated city proper population in 2010.

Rank City Locality Population 2010
1 Chicago 2,695,598
2 Aurora 197,899
3 Rockford 152,871
4 Joliet 147,433
5 Naperville 141,853
6 Springfield 116,250
7 Peoria 115,007
8 Elgin 108,188
9 Waukegan 89,078
10 Cicero 83,891


Illinois industries by GDP 2012.

Industry GDP value added $ billions 2012 % of total GDP
Real estate and rental leasing 85.61 12.31%
Government 69.80 10.04%
Finance and insurance 67.20 9.67%
Professional, scientific, and technical services 59.85 8.61%
Durable manufacturing 49.26 7.09%
Health care and social assistance 48.80 7.02%
Wholesale trade 48.53 6.98%
Non-durable manufacturing 43.12 6.20%
Retail trade 40.37 5.80%
Transportation and warehousing 25.45 3.66%
Information 23.22 3.33%
Administrative and waste support services 22.35 3.21%
Construction 21.33 3.07%
Accommodation and food services 19.54 2.81%
Other private services 17.62 2.53%
Management of companies and enterprises 16.63 2.39%
Utilities 13.17 1.89%
Educational services 9.74 1.40%
Arts, entertainment, and recreation 5.97 0.86%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 5.78 0.83%
Mining 1.95 0.28%


Illinois employment by industry in June 2013

Industry Employment thousands June 2013 Percent of total employment
Trade, transportation and utilities 1,160.2 20.05%
Professional & business services 882.5 15.25%
Education & health services 881.9 15.24%
Government 820.0 14.17%
Manufacturing 578.2 10.00%
Leisure & hospitality 540.0 9.33%
Financial activities 373.6 6.46%
Other services 252.5 4.36%
Construction 186.6 3.22%
Information 99.9 1.73%
Mining and logging 10.4 0.18%
Total non-farm 5,785.8 100%


Top 10 Illinois based corporations by revenue in 2012

Rank Corporation Revenue $ millions 2012 Profit $ millions 2012 Assets 2012 Debt Ratio 2012 Headquarters Employees 2012 Market cap 3/29/12 $ billions Industry
1 Archer Daniels Midland 80,676 Decatur
2 Walgreen 72,184 Deerfield
3 Boeing 68,735 Chicago
4 State Farm Insurance 64,305 Bloomington
5 Caterpillar 60,138 Peoria
6 Kraft Foods 54,365 Northfield
7 Sears Holdings 41,567 Hoffman Estates
8 Abbott Laboratories 38,851 Abbott Park
9 United Continental Holdings 37,110 Chicago
10 Allstate 32,654 Northbrook

Government Finances

In 2011, the state government of Illinois had total revenue of 80.69 billion. Total expenditures were billion.

The total debt outstanding in 2011 was 64,801 billion (9.32% of GDP).

The total cash and security holdings in 2011 was 123,283 billion.

Revenue by Source $ millions Percent of revenue
Insurance trust revenue 21,310 26.42%
Intergovernmental revenue from Federal Government 19,218 23.83%
Insurance trust expenditure 15,151 20.29%
Sales and gross receipts 13,613 16.88%
Individual income tax 11,225 13.92%
Charges and miscellaneous general revenue 9,182 11.38%
Corporate income tax 3,024 3.75%
Motor vehicle license 1,608 1.99%
Other taxes 1,077 1.34%
Intergovernmental revenue from local governments 368 0.46%
Property taxes 58 0.07%
Utility revenue 0 0%
Liquor store revenue 0 0%
Total 80,658 100%
Expenditure $ millions Percent of expenditure
Public welfare 17,808 23.85%
Intergovernmental expenditure 15,711 21.04%
Education 7,389 9.90%
Libraries 4,662 6.24%
Highways 4,318 5.78%
Police protection 401 5.37%
Judicial and legal 360 4.82%
Interest on general debt 3,257 4.36%
Other and unallocable 3,456 4.53%
Health 2,089 2.80%
Correction 1,513 2.03%
Hospitals 1,183 1.58%
Financial administration 663 0.89%
Housing and community development 397 0.53%
Natural resources 209 0.27%
Employment security administration 150 0.20%
Protective inspection and regulation 150 0.20%
General public buildings 128 0.17%
Other governmental administration 101 0.14%
Parks and recreation 78 0.10%
Veterans' services 66 0.09%
Sewerage 23 0.03%
Solid waste management 25 0.03%
Air transport 23 0.03%
Parking facilities 0 0%
Miscellaneous commercial activities 0 0%
Fire protection 0 0%
Sea and inland port facilities 0 0%
Utility expenditure 0 0%
Liquor store expenditure 0 0%
Total 74,655 100%

Financial Institutions

Top ten banks by assets in Illinois

Rank Bank Assets $ millions 3/31/13 Profit $ millions _____ Headquarters Employees
1 Northern Trust Corporation 93,157 Chicago
2 Discover Financial Services 76,139 Riverwoods
