
meen ... meen is one of the two witnesses talked about in the Book of Revelation chapter 11. He is also mentioned in Zacharia chapter 3-5 referred to by the prophet as Joshua the High Priest and also as one of the two olive Branches (or two olive trees) that stand before the Lord of the Earth. He is also Cyrus, talked about in the book of Isaiah chapter 45-52. Meen was born in San Francisco General Hospital CA. (USA) on September 17, 1990. Thus his astrological sign is Virgo, the same sign as the other Witness is, MUSTARD. Both his mother and his dad were born in El Salvador, also known to the ancient Mayans (who still live on to this day) as Cuscatlan, which interpreted meens, "Land of the precious things". Both witnesses can also be seen vividly in the Izapa Stela 5, on either side of the Ceibatree also known in pre-colombian meso-america as the tree of Life. The tree in the center of the Izapan Stela 5 also directly relates back to the SAME tree written of in the book of Genesis chapter 2, and the tree of Life is The Lord himself. On September 10, 2011, meen was baptized in the name of The Son, The Father, and the Holy Spirit at a public beach in or near Santa Cruz, CA. (USA), and was lead for many days to be tested and accused by Satan; nevertheless he was guided by the right hand of The LORD of Hosts himself.
