
MJIIT (Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology) MJIIT is an engineering school or faculty under Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). It has been established in August 2010 at UTM's Kuala Lumpur campus. Just a stone throw away from the famous twin tower of Kuala Lumpur, MJIIT is the initiative of the Malaysian and Japanese governments to offer Japanese style engineering education in Malaysia. Financially it is supported by the Malaysian Government. The Japanese ODA loan of MYR250 million, given over a period of 7 years, is meant for the procurement of scientific equipment. MJIIT is housed in a 10-storey building that was completed in February 2011. The MJIIT building was officially launched on 1 June 2012 by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Abdul Razak with the presence of the special envoy of the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr Hatoyama (former Prime Minister of Japan)

MJIIT offers programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In September 2011 the first batch of 66 undergraduate students in Mechanical Precision Engineering and Electronic Systems Engineering were taken in. By the end of 2012 MJIIT has a student enrollment of nearly 300 comprising BEng, MPhil and PhD students.

The founding dean of MJIIT is Prof Megat Johari Megat Mohd Noor, who was formerly from Universiti Putra Malaysia.

By the end of 2012 a total of 25 Japanese universities are collaborating with the MJIIT under the name of Japanese University Consortium (JUC). Collaboration with the JUC includes joint supervision, academic attachment and visits, students attachment and joint research. Japanese style kozha system is implemented at the MJIIT.


  • [1] MJIIT, Malaysia japan international Institute of Technology