// <nowiki>
// === Compiled with Novem Linguae's publish.php script ======================
$(async function() {
// === main.js ======================================================
/* THIS SCRIPT IS BUGGY ABOUT 10% OF THE TIME. Be sure to check the diff that pops up before submitting.
- Adds "Run DraftCleaner" link to the left sidebar
- Top uses:
- remove extra line breaks (for example, 3 enters in a row)
- in the first sentence, bold the title
- convert curly quotes to regular quotes
- put <ref>s after periods
- clean external links out of the main article area (turn them into references)
- add ==References== section
- remove bold from headings
- Other uses:
- converts [inline external links] to <ref>s
- removes spaces in front of <ref>s
- get rid of any level 2 heading that contains the article's title
- converts =TitleHeading= to ==H2Heading==
- replaces Covid-19 with COVID-19
- removes enter characters between <ref>s
- trims whitespace at beginning and end
- remove self wikilinks to the article title
- convert ==Reference== to ==References==
- turn bare URLs into references
- fix errant spaces at beginning of lines, which makes a blockquote looking thing
- delete whitespace at the end of lines
- convert double spaces to single spaces
- remove blank heading
- in refs, turn short links into long links, so you can see the domain
- change year range dash to ndash
- if in draftspace, and draft in categories, disable the categories
- delete <br>. in drafts, these are usually poorly placed
- fix empty references section
- right align images
- remove whitespace if that is the only character on a line
- correct capitalization of see also, references, further reading, external links
- if article has headings but no lead, remove first heading
- replace unicode bullets with asterisks
Add one of the following to your User:yourName/common.js (at the top) to change the position where DraftCleaner puts its link:
window.draftCleanerPutInToolsMenu = true;
window.draftCleanerPutInMoreMenu = true;
This page was assembled from 3 files using my publish.php script. I have an offline test suite with around 100 unit tests for the DraftCleaner and StringFilter classes.
( function () {
async function getWikicode( title ) {
const pageIsDeleted = !mw.config.get( 'wgCurRevisionId' );
if ( pageIsDeleted ) {
return '';
let wikicode = '';
title = encodeURIComponent( title );
await $.ajax( {
url: 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=parse&page=' + title + '&prop=wikitext&formatversion=2&format=json',
success: function ( result ) {
wikicode = result.parse.wikitext;
dataType: 'json'
} );
return wikicode;
function goToShowChangesScreen( titleWithNamespaceAndUnderscores, wikicode, editSummary ) {
const titleEncoded = encodeURIComponent( titleWithNamespaceAndUnderscores );
const wgServer = mw.config.get( 'wgServer' );
const wgScriptPath = mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' );
const baseURL = wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/';
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/12464290/3480193
$( `<form action="${ baseURL }index.php?title=${ titleEncoded }&action=submit" method="POST"/>` )
.append( $( '<input type="hidden" name="wpTextbox1">' ).val( wikicode ) )
.append( $( '<input type="hidden" name="wpSummary">' ).val( editSummary ) )
.append( $( '<input type="hidden" name="mode">' ).val( 'preview' ) )
.append( $( '<input type="hidden" name="wpDiff">' ).val( 'Show changes' ) )
.append( $( '<input type="hidden" name="wpUltimateParam">' ).val( '1' ) )
.appendTo( $( document.body ) ) // it has to be added somewhere into the <body>
.trigger( 'submit' );
/** returns the pagename, including the namespace name, but with spaces replaced by underscores */
function getArticleName() {
return mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' );
// don't run when not viewing articles
const action = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' );
const isNotViewing = action != 'view';
if ( isNotViewing ) {
// don't run when viewing diffs
const isDiff = mw.config.get( 'wgDiffNewId' );
if ( isDiff ) {
// Don't run in virtual namespaces
const isVirtualNamespace = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) < 0;
if ( isVirtualNamespace ) {
let menuID = 'p-navigation';
// @ts-ignore
if ( window.draftCleanerPutInToolsMenu ) {
menuID = 'p-tb';
// @ts-ignore
} else if ( window.draftCleanerPutInMoreMenu ) {
menuID = 'p-cactions';
const titleWithNamespaceAndUnderscores = getArticleName();
const namespaceNumber = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );
let running = false;
// Add DraftCleaner to the toolbar
mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.util' ], () => {
mw.util.addPortletLink( menuID, '#', 'Run DraftCleaner', 'DraftCleanerLink' );
$( '#DraftCleanerLink' ).on( 'click', async () => {
// prevent running the script while script is already in progress
if ( running ) {
running = true;
mw.notify( 'Parsing page content...' );
// get page wikicode
const titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces = titleWithNamespaceAndUnderscores.replace( /_/g, ' ' );
const originalWikicode = await getWikicode( titleWithNamespaceAndUnderscores );
let wikicode = originalWikicode;
const dc = new DraftCleaner();
wikicode = dc.cleanDraft( wikicode, namespaceNumber, titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces );
const needsChanges = wikicode != originalWikicode;
if ( needsChanges ) {
const summary = 'clean up ([[User:Novem Linguae/Scripts/DraftCleaner.js|DraftCleaner]])';
await goToShowChangesScreen( titleWithNamespaceAndUnderscores, wikicode, summary );
} else {
mw.notify( 'No changes needed!' );
} );
} );
}() );
// === modules/DraftCleaner.js ======================================================
class DraftCleaner {
cleanDraft( wikicode, namespaceNumber, titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces ) {
// run before other stuff
wikicode = this.deleteSomeHTMLTags( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteNonAFCDraftTags( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteAFCDraftTagsIfMainspace( wikicode, mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) );
wikicode = this.fixWikilinksContainingURL( wikicode );
wikicode = this.fixExternalLinksToWikipediaArticles( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteWeirdUnicodeCharacters( wikicode );
wikicode = this.trimEveryLine( wikicode );
wikicode = this.convertH1ToH2( wikicode );
wikicode = this.convertVeryLongHeadingToParagraph( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteHeadingsWithTitle( wikicode, titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces );
wikicode = this.unlinkWikilinksToThisTitle( wikicode, titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces );
wikicode = this.capitalizeCOVID19( wikicode );
wikicode = this.removeBoldFromHeadings( wikicode );
wikicode = this.convertReferenceToReferences( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteMultipleReferenceTags( wikicode );
wikicode = this.addReferencesSectionIfMissing( wikicode );
wikicode = this.fixEmptyReferencesSection( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteWhitespaceAtEndOfLines( wikicode );
wikicode = this.convertSmartQuotesToRegularQuotes( wikicode );
// wikicode = this.fixWordEmphasizedWithSingleQuotes(wikicode); // most of these appear in citations as names of newspaper articles, arguably should keep these single quotes
wikicode = this.convertDoubleSpacesToSingleSpaces( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteBlankHeadings( wikicode );
wikicode = this.changeYearRangeDashToNDash( wikicode );
wikicode = this.disableCategoriesInDraftspace( wikicode, namespaceNumber );
// wikicode = this.deleteBRTagsOutsideInfoboxes(wikicode, namespaceNumber); // edge case in image captions, and probably other places
// wikicode = this.rightAlignImages(wikicode); // commenting out, too many false positives in featured articles
wikicode = this.correctCapitalizationOfEndMatterHeaders( wikicode );
wikicode = this.ifNoLeadSectionDeleteFirstHeading( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteCopyPastedEditAndEditSource( wikicode );
wikicode = this.replaceUnicodeBulletsWithAsterisks( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteEmptySections( wikicode );
wikicode = this.fixHeadingsInAllCaps( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteDuplicateReferencesSection( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteBlankLinesBetweenBullets( wikicode );
wikicode = this.removeUnderscoresFromWikilinks( wikicode );
wikicode = this.fixPipedWikilinksWithIdenticalParameters( wikicode );
wikicode = this.removeBorderFromImagesInInfoboxes( wikicode );
wikicode = this.removeExtraAFCSubmissionTemplates( wikicode );
wikicode = this.moveAFCSubmissionTemplatesToTop( wikicode );
// all ==sections== should start with a capital letter
// after swap, if citation has no spaces on either side, and is not touching two other citations, add a space on the right
// strip [[File: from infobox's image field
// example 1: | image = [[File:SAMIR 1626.png|thumb|Samir Mohanty]]
// example 2: | image = [[File:SAMIR 1626.png]]
// trim whitespace inside refs, e.g. <ref> abc </ref>
// replace unreliable sources with {{cn}}.
// if adjacent to other sources, just delete
// if ref is used multiple times, account for that
// duplicate citation fixer
// move refs that are below {{Reflist}}, to above {{Reflist}}
// move refs out of headings
// delete AFC submission templates located mid-article, they end up self-hiding then appear as inexplicable whitespace. example: {{AfC submission|t||ts=20211212134609|u=Doezdemir|ns=118|demo=}}<!-- Important, do not remove this line before article has been created. -->
// fix redundant wikilinks, e.g. [[Spotify|Spotify]]
// change youtu.be to youtube.com, to avoid the blacklist. test: https://youtu.be/bnWHeRNIPiA
// delete ©®™
// convert all <references /> to {{Reflist}}. <references /> doesn't use two column format and looks weird with a large # of references
// remove px from images, should use default
// convert refs toward the end. we want deleteSomeHTMLTags() to run first, to get rid of tags around URLs
wikicode = this.bareURLToRef( wikicode );
wikicode = this.refShortLinkToLongLink( wikicode );
wikicode = this.inlineExternalLinksToRefs( wikicode );
wikicode = this.moveRefsOutsideOfItalics( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteSpacesInFrontOfRefs( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteNewLinesBetweenRefs( wikicode );
wikicode = this.swapRefPeriodWithPeriodRef( wikicode );
wikicode = this.swapRefCommaWithCommaRef( wikicode );
// stuff we want to run at the end
wikicode = this.fixDoublePeriod( wikicode ); // need test cases. I've seen this one not work.
wikicode = this.boldArticleTitle( wikicode, titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces );
wikicode = this.trimEmptyLines( wikicode );
wikicode = this.deleteMoreThanTwoEntersInARow( wikicode );
return wikicode;
// surround bare URL's with <ref></ref>
// Useful for seeing all URL's in the reflist section, and for CiteHighlighter ref quality highlighting
bareURLToRef( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /^(http[^\n ]*) {0,}$/gm, '<ref>$1</ref>' );
// in refs, turn [short links] into long links, so you can see the domain
// also fixes <ref> link </ref> issues with extra spaces in the ref
refShortLinkToLongLink( wikicode ) {
// <ref>[https://test.com''Test'']</ref>
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /(<ref[^>]*>) {0,}\[ {0,}([^'\]]*)(''[^\]]*)\] {0,}(<\/ref>)/gm, '$1$2 $3$4' );
// <ref>[https://test.com Test]</ref>
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /(<ref[^>]*>) {0,}\[ {0,}([^\]]*) {0,}\] {0,}(<\/ref>)/gm, '$1$2$3' );
return wikicode;
// convert inline external links to references
inlineExternalLinksToRefs( wikicode ) {
const sectionsToSkip = [ 'External link', 'Further reading', 'Links' ];
let regExString = '== ?(?:';
for ( const sectionToSkip of sectionsToSkip ) {
regExString += sectionToSkip + '|';
regExString = regExString.slice( 0, -1 ) + ')';
const hasSectionToSkip = wikicode.match( new RegExp( regExString, 'i' ) );
const sf = new StringFilter();
if ( hasSectionToSkip ) {
const regExToSplitArticle = new RegExp( '((' + regExString + ').*$)', 'is' );
const topHalf = wikicode.replace( regExToSplitArticle, '' );
const bottomHalf = wikicode.match( regExToSplitArticle )[ 1 ];
const buffer = sf.surgicalReplaceOutsideTags(
/(?<!>|> )\[(http[^ \]]+) ?(.*?)\](?!<\/ref>| <\/ref>)/gm,
[ '<ref', '{{' ],
[ '</ref>', '/>', '}}' ]
wikicode = buffer + bottomHalf;
} else {
wikicode = sf.surgicalReplaceOutsideTags(
/(?<!>|> )\[(http[^ \]]+) ?(.*?)\](?!<\/ref>| <\/ref>)/gm,
[ '<ref', '{{' ],
[ '</ref>', '/>', '}}' ]
return wikicode;
* ''Test<ref></ref>'' => ''Test''<ref></ref>
moveRefsOutsideOfItalics( wikicode ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /''([^']+)(<ref>[^<]+<\/ref>)''/gm, '\'\'$1\'\'$2' );
return wikicode;
// get rid of spaces in front of <refs>
deleteSpacesInFrontOfRefs( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /(?<!(?:\||=)) {1,}<ref/gm, '<ref' );
// get rid of any level 2 heading that contains the article's title
// this takes care of 2 common cases: heading at the bottom next to the {{AFC Submission}} template, and heading at the top above the lead
deleteHeadingsWithTitle( wikicode, titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces ) {
let headingNameToLookFor = titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces;
headingNameToLookFor = headingNameToLookFor.replace( /^Draft:/, '' );
headingNameToLookFor = this._escapeRegEx( headingNameToLookFor );
let regEx = new RegExp( '^== ?' + headingNameToLookFor + ' ?==\n', 'gmi' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( regEx, '' );
// now look for titles that contain Draft: at the beginning, too
headingNameToLookFor = titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces;
headingNameToLookFor = this._escapeRegEx( headingNameToLookFor );
regEx = new RegExp( '^== ?' + headingNameToLookFor + ' ?==\n', 'gmi' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( regEx, '' );
return wikicode;
// remove wikilinks to article name
// Example: if title is Draft:Menna Shahin, change [[Menna Shahin]] to Menna Shahin
unlinkWikilinksToThisTitle( wikicode, titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces ) {
let wikilinkToLookFor = titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces;
wikilinkToLookFor = wikilinkToLookFor.replace( /^Draft:/, '' );
wikilinkToLookFor = this._escapeRegEx( wikilinkToLookFor );
const regEx = new RegExp( '\\[\\[(' + wikilinkToLookFor + ')\\]\\]', 'gm' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( regEx, '$1' );
return wikicode;
// if located in the first paragraph, bold the article title
boldArticleTitle( wikicode, titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces ) {
let titleToLookFor = titleWithNamespaceAndSpaces;
titleToLookFor = titleToLookFor.replace( /^Draft:/, '' );
titleToLookFor = titleToLookFor.replace( / \(.*?\)$/, '' );
titleToLookFor = this._escapeRegEx( titleToLookFor );
// Don't bold the title if it's already bolded. Fixes a "bold twice" bug.
const hasBoldedTitle = wikicode.match( new RegExp( `'''${ titleToLookFor }'''`, 'i' ) );
if ( hasBoldedTitle ) {
return wikicode;
// Be pretty strict, to avoid adding ''' to image paths and infoboxes, which messes up the image. Also, only replace first match.
const regEx = new RegExp( '^(The )?(' + titleToLookFor + ')([ <,])', 'mi' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( regEx, "$1'''$2'''$3" );
return wikicode;
// /covid-19/i -> COVID-19
// Careful of this string in URLs.
capitalizeCOVID19( wikicode ) {
const sf = new StringFilter();
wikicode = sf.surgicalReplaceOutsideTags( / covid-19/gmi, ' COVID-19', wikicode, [ '{{', '[[' ], [ '}}', ']]' ] );
wikicode = sf.surgicalReplaceOutsideTags( /\ncovid-19/gmi, '\nCOVID-19', wikicode, [ '{{', '[[' ], [ '}}', ']]' ] );
return wikicode;
// remove bold from headings
removeBoldFromHeadings( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /^(=.*)'''(.*)'''(.*=)$/gm, '$1$2$3' );
// remove enter characters between <ref>s
deleteNewLinesBetweenRefs( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /<\/ref>\n{1,}<ref>/gm, '</ref><ref>' );
// convert ==Reference== to ==References==
convertReferenceToReferences( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /^== ?Reference ?==$/gmi, '== References ==' );
// TOOL - swap ref period with period ref
swapRefPeriodWithPeriodRef( wikicode ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /((?:<ref[^>]*?>[^>]*?<\/ref>){1,})\. /gm, '.$1 ' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /((?:<ref[^>]*?>[^>]*?<\/ref>){1,})\.\n/gm, '.$1\n' );
return wikicode;
swapRefCommaWithCommaRef( wikicode ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /((?:<ref[^>]*?>[^>]*?<\/ref>){1,}), /gm, ',$1 ' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /((?:<ref[^>]*?>[^>]*?<\/ref>){1,}),\n/gm, ',$1\n' );
return wikicode;
// fix errant spaces at beginning of lines, which makes a blockquote looking thing (AFCH does it)
trimEveryLine( wikicode ) {
let output = '';
const lines = wikicode.split( '\n' );
const lineCount = lines.length;
let i = 0;
for ( const line of lines ) {
const trimmed = line.trim();
if ( trimmed.startsWith( '|' ) || trimmed.startsWith( '}' ) ) { // don't trim lines that start with | or }. It is common in FAs to indent these a bit.
output += line;
} else {
output += line.trim();
if ( i !== lineCount ) {
output += '\n';
return output;
// add references section if missing
addReferencesSectionIfMissing( wikicode ) {
const hasRefSection = wikicode.match( /^== ?References ?==$/mi );
const hasReflist = wikicode.match( /(?:{{Reflist|<references)/mi );
if ( !hasRefSection && !hasReflist ) {
const hasBottomAFCTemplate = wikicode.match( /(\n{{AfC submission[^}]*}}\s*)$/ );
if ( hasBottomAFCTemplate ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /(\n{{AfC submission[^}]*}}\s*)$/, '\n\n== References ==\n{{Reflist}}$1' );
} else {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /$/, '\n\n== References ==\n{{Reflist}}' );
return wikicode;
// fix empty references section
fixEmptyReferencesSection( wikicode ) {
const hasRefSection = wikicode.match( /^== ?References ?==$/mi );
const hasReflist = wikicode.match( /(?:{{Reflist|<references)/mi );
if ( !hasReflist && hasRefSection ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /(?<=== ?References ?==)/gmi, '\n{{Reflist}}' );
return wikicode;
// delete whitespace at the end of lines
// (?!\|)(?!\}\}) is to stop this from deleting spaces after = in infoboxes
deleteWhitespaceAtEndOfLines( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /[ \t]+\n(?!\|)(?!\}\})/g, '\n' );
// convert smart quotes to regular quotes
convertSmartQuotesToRegularQuotes( wikicode ) {
const sf = new StringFilter();
wikicode = sf.surgicalReplaceOutsideTags( /”/g, '"', wikicode, [ '[[File:' ], [ ']]' ] );
wikicode = sf.surgicalReplaceOutsideTags( /“/g, '"', wikicode, [ '[[File:' ], [ ']]' ] );
wikicode = sf.surgicalReplaceOutsideTags( /‘/g, "'", wikicode, [ '[[File:' ], [ ']]' ] );
wikicode = sf.surgicalReplaceOutsideTags( /’/g, "'", wikicode, [ '[[File:' ], [ ']]' ] );
wikicode = sf.surgicalReplaceOutsideTags( /…/g, '...', wikicode, [ '[[File:' ], [ ']]' ] );
return wikicode;
// convert double spaces to single spaces
convertDoubleSpacesToSingleSpaces( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /\. {2,}/g, '. ' );
// remove blank heading
deleteBlankHeadings( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /\n={2,} {0,}={2,}\n/g, '\n' );
// Change year range dash to ndash. Skip text inside of [[File:
changeYearRangeDashToNDash( wikicode ) {
const sf = new StringFilter();
// (1111-1111)
wikicode = sf.surgicalReplaceOutsideTags( /(\(\d{4}) ?- ?(\d{4}\))/gm, '$1–$2', wikicode, [ '[[File:' ], [ ']]' ] );
// 1839 - 1926)
wikicode = sf.surgicalReplaceOutsideTags( /( \d{4}) ?- ?(\d{4}\))/gm, '$1–$2', wikicode, [ '[[File:' ], [ ']]' ] );
return wikicode;
// if in draftspace, and draft has categories, disable the categories
disableCategoriesInDraftspace( wikicode, namespace ) {
const draft = ( namespace == 118 );
if ( draft ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /:?(\[\[)(Category:[^\]]*\]\])/gm, '$1:$2' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /\[\[:Category:Created via preloaddraft\]\]/gi, '[[Category:Created via preloaddraft]]' );
return wikicode;
// delete <br> in drafts, these are usually poorly placed
deleteBRTagsOutsideInfoboxes( wikicode ) {
let output = '';
const lines = wikicode.split( '\n' );
const lineCount = lines.length;
let i = 0;
for ( const line of lines ) {
// Skip lines that start with { or |. This is the easiest way to detect infoboxes
if ( line.startsWith( '{' ) || line.startsWith( '|' ) ) {
output += line;
} else {
output += line.replace( /<br ?\/?>/gm, '' );
if ( i !== lineCount ) {
output += '\n';
return output;
// right align images
rightAlignImages( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /(\[\[File:[^\]]*\|)left(\|[^\]]*\]\])/gm, '$1right$2' );
// correct capitalization of see also, references, further reading, external links
correctCapitalizationOfEndMatterHeaders( wikicode ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /^(== ?)References( ?==)$/gmi, '$1References$2' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /^(== ?)External links( ?==)$/gmi, '$1External links$2' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /^(== ?)Further reading( ?==)$/gmi, '$1Further reading$2' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /^(== ?)See also( ?==)$/gmi, '$1See also$2' );
return wikicode;
// if article has headings but no lead, remove first heading
ifNoLeadSectionDeleteFirstHeading( wikicode ) {
let output = '';
const lines = wikicode.split( '\n' );
const lineCount = lines.length;
let i = 0;
let textCount = 0;
for ( const line of lines ) {
// scan for first heading.
// empty lines, lines with templates, or lines with images do not count.
if ( line.startsWith( '{' ) || line.length === 0 || line.startsWith( '[[File:' ) ) {
output += line;
} else if ( line.startsWith( '==' ) && !textCount ) {
continue; // delete this line by not putting it in the output string
} else {
output += line;
if ( i !== lineCount ) {
output += '\n';
return output;
// delete [edit], [edit source], and [editar] from headings
deleteCopyPastedEditAndEditSource( wikicode ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /\[edit\]( ?={2,})$/gm, '$1' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /\[edit source\]( ?={2,})$/gm, '$1' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /\[editar\]( ?={2,})$/gm, '$1' );
return wikicode;
// at beginning of lines, replace unicode bullets with asterisks
replaceUnicodeBulletsWithAsterisks( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /^\s{0,}[·•●]\s{0,}/gm, '* ' );
// remove whitespace if that is the only character on a line
trimEmptyLines( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /^\s*$/gm, '' );
// no more than 2 newlines (1 blank line) in a row. except stubs, which get 3 newlines (2 blank lines)
// Note: AFCH does this too
deleteMoreThanTwoEntersInARow( wikicode ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /\n{3,}/gm, '\n\n' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /\n{2}(\{\{[^}]*stub\}\})/gi, '\n\n\n$1' );
return wikicode;
// convert =TitleHeading= to ==H2Heading==
convertH1ToH2( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /^= ?([^=]*?) ?=$/gm, '== $1 ==' );
convertVeryLongHeadingToParagraph( wikicode ) {
let output = '';
const lines = wikicode.split( '\n' );
const lineCount = lines.length;
let i = 0;
for ( const line of lines ) {
if ( line.length > 150 && line.match( /^==.*==$/gm ) && !line.match( /<ref/ ) ) {
output += line.replace( /^={1,}\s*(.*?)\s*={1,}$/m, '$1' );
} else {
output += line;
if ( i !== lineCount ) {
output += '\n';
return output;
fixWordEmphasizedWithSingleQuotes( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( / '(\w+)' /g, ' "$1" ' );
fixDoublePeriod( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /(?<=[A-Za-z\]])\.\.(?=<ref| |\n)/g, '.' );
fixWikilinksContainingURL( wikicode ) {
// non-piped wikilink
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /\[\[https?:\/\/en\.(?:m\.)?wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/([^|]*)\]\]/g, '[[$1]]' );
// piped wikilink
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /\[\[https?:\/\/en\.(?:m\.)?wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/([^|]*)\|([^\]]*)\]\]/g, '[[$1|$2]]' );
// non-piped external link
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /\[\[(http[^|]*)\]\]/g, '[$1]' );
// piped external link
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /\[\[(http[^|]*)\|([^\]]*)\]\]/g, '[$1 $2]' );
return wikicode;
fixExternalLinksToWikipediaArticles( wikicode ) {
// [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article] and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article Article name]
return wikicode.replace( /(?<!\[)\[https?:\/\/en\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/([^ \]]*)( [^\]]*)?\]/gs, ( match, p1 ) => {
p1 = decodeURIComponent( p1 );
p1 = p1.replace( /_/g, ' ' );
return `[[${ p1 }]]`;
} );
deleteBlankLinesBetweenBullets( wikicode ) {
const lines = wikicode.split( '\n' );
const buffer = [];
const length = lines.length;
for ( let i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
const previous = lines[ i - 1 ];
const current = lines[ i ];
const next = lines[ i + 1 ];
if (
typeof previous !== 'undefined' &&
typeof next !== 'undefined' &&
previous.startsWith( '*' ) &&
current === '' &&
next.startsWith( '*' )
) {
buffer.push( current );
return buffer.join( '\n' );
deleteWeirdUnicodeCharacters( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /[]/g, '' );
deleteSomeHTMLTags( wikicode ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /<\/?p( [^>]*)?\/?>/g, '' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /<\/?strong( [^>]*)?\/?>/g, '' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /<\/?em( [^>]*)?\/?>/g, '' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /<\/?nowiki( [^>]*)?\/?>/g, '' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /<\/?u( [^>]*)?\/?>/g, '' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /(?:<big>|<\/big>)/g, '' );
return wikicode;
deleteNonAFCDraftTags( wikicode ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /{{Preloaddraft submit}}\n{0,2}/gi, '' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /<!-- When you move this draft into article space, please link it to the Wikidata entry and remove the QID in the infobox code\. -->\n{0,2}/gi, '' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /{{Draft}}\n{0,2}/gi, '' );
return wikicode;
deleteAFCDraftTagsIfMainspace( wikicode, namespaceNumber ) {
const isMainspace = namespaceNumber == 0;
if ( isMainspace ) {
// {{AfC submission}}, {{AfC topic}}, {{AfC comment}}, etc.
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /{{AfC [^}]*}}\n?/g, '' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /{{Draft topics[^}]*}}\n?/g, '' );
return wikicode;
fixHeadingsInAllCaps( wikicode ) {
// create a concatenated string with the text from every heading
const matches = wikicode.matchAll( /== {0,}(.+) {0,}==/g );
let headingString = '';
for ( const match of matches ) {
headingString += match[ 1 ];
// if string only contains caps
if ( this._isUpperCase( headingString ) ) {
// convert all headings to sentence case
const matches = wikicode.matchAll( /== {0,}(.+) {0,}==/g );
for ( const match of matches ) {
let matchRegex = this._escapeRegEx( match[ 1 ].trim() );
matchRegex = new RegExp( '== {0,}' + matchRegex + ' {0,}==', 'g' );
const sentenceCase = this._toSentenceCase( match[ 1 ].trim() );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( matchRegex, '== ' + sentenceCase + ' ==' );
return wikicode;
deleteEmptySections( wikicode ) {
return wikicode.replace( /\n*== ?(?:See also|External links) ?==\n*$/, '' );
deleteDuplicateReferencesSection( wikicode ) {
const matches = wikicode.match( /==\s*References\s*==/gi );
if ( matches !== null && matches.length > 1 ) {
// run regexes that are likely to delete the extra section
const attempt = wikicode.replace(
`== References ==
<!-- Inline citations added to your article will automatically display here. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:REFB for instructions on how to add citations. -->
, '' );
const matches2 = attempt.match( /==\s*References\s*==/gi );
if ( matches2.length === 1 ) {
wikicode = attempt.trim();
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /==\s*References\s*==/gi, '== References ==' );
return wikicode;
removeUnderscoresFromWikilinks( wikicode ) {
const sf = new StringFilter();
wikicode = sf.surgicalReplaceInsideTags( /_/g, ' ', wikicode, [ '[[' ], [ ']]' ] );
return wikicode;
fixPipedWikilinksWithIdenticalParameters( wikicode ) {
const matches = wikicode.matchAll( /\[\[([^|\]]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]/g );
for ( const match of matches ) {
if ( match[ 1 ] === match[ 2 ] ) {
wikicode = this._replaceAll( wikicode, `[[${ match[ 1 ] }|${ match[ 1 ] }]]`, `[[${ match[ 1 ] }]]` );
return wikicode;
removeBorderFromImagesInInfoboxes( wikicode ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /(\|\s*logo\s*=\s*)\[\[File:([^\]|]*)[^\]\]]*\]\]/g, '$1$2' );
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /(\|\s*cover\s*=\s*)\[\[File:([^\]|]*)[^\]\]]*\]\]/g, '$1$2' );
return wikicode;
/** These often hide towards the bottom of a draft. When the draft is submitted, unsubmitted templates (t) detect this and show up as blank, creating a weird extra line break. So this basically fixes the line break. */
removeExtraAFCSubmissionTemplates( wikicode ) {
const hasSubmittedTemplate = wikicode.match( /{{AfC submission\|\|/ );
const hasUnsubmittedTemplate = wikicode.match( /{{AfC submission\|t\|/ );
if ( hasSubmittedTemplate && hasUnsubmittedTemplate ) {
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /{{AfC submission\|t\|[^}}]*\}\}\n?/gm, '' );
return wikicode;
moveAFCSubmissionTemplatesToTop( wikicode ) {
const hasTemplateAtBottom = wikicode.match( /\n[^\n]+\n*({{AfC submission[^}]*}})\s*$/i );
if ( hasTemplateAtBottom ) {
// delete all submission templates
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /{{AfC submission[^}}]*\}\}\n?/gm, '' );
// insert template at top
wikicode = hasTemplateAtBottom[ 1 ] + '\n----\n\n' + wikicode;
return wikicode;
deleteMultipleReferenceTags( wikicode ) {
const hasReflist = wikicode.match( /{{Reflist}}/i );
const hasReferencesTag = wikicode.match( /<references ?\/>/i );
if ( hasReflist && hasReferencesTag ) {
// delete all references tags
wikicode = wikicode.replace( /<references ?\/>\n?/gi, '' );
return wikicode;
_isUpperCase( str ) {
return str === str.toUpperCase();
_toSentenceCase( string ) {
return string.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + string.slice( 1 ).toLowerCase();
_replaceAll( haystack, needle, replacement ) {
const regex = new RegExp( this._escapeRegEx( needle ), 'g' );
haystack = haystack.replace( regex, replacement );
return haystack;
_escapeRegEx( string ) {
return string.replace( /[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&' ); // $& means the whole matched string
// === modules/StringFilter.js ======================================================
* Lets you use regex to specify what parts of a very long string you want to specify as "off limits", then you can do additional regex's and search/replace to the remaining parts of the string.
class StringFilter {
* Does a replace, but specifies areas of the file that should NOT be replaced. Those areas are specified by providing an openingTag and a closingTag, and those areas are marked as off limits.
surgicalReplaceOutsideTags( regex, replacement, haystack, openingTags, closingTags ) {
const allTags = [ ...openingTags, ...closingTags ];
const parts = this._splitStringUsingMultiplePatterns( haystack, allTags );
const resultArray = [];
for ( let part of parts ) {
let openingTagMatch = false;
for ( const tag of openingTags ) {
if ( part.startsWith( tag ) ) {
openingTagMatch = true;
if ( !openingTagMatch ) {
part = part.replace( regex, replacement );
resultArray.push( part );
return resultArray.join( '' );
* Does a replace, but specifies areas of the file that SHOULD be replaced, then skips the rest of the file. The area that should be replaced is specified by providing an openingTag and a closingTag.
surgicalReplaceInsideTags( regex, replacement, haystack, openingTags, closingTags ) {
const allTags = [ ...openingTags, ...closingTags ];
const parts = this._splitStringUsingMultiplePatterns( haystack, allTags );
const resultArray = [];
for ( let part of parts ) {
for ( const tag of openingTags ) {
if ( part.startsWith( tag ) ) {
part = part.replace( regex, replacement );
resultArray.push( part );
return resultArray.join( '' );
* Also keeps the pattern in the result, unlike string.prototype.split. Algorithm isn't perfect, will fail with this pattern: <ref>Test/>Test</ref>. But should be good enough for DraftCleaner stuff.
* @param {string} string
* @param {string[]} patterns
* @return {string[]}
_splitStringUsingMultiplePatterns( string, patterns ) {
const length = string.length;
const result = [];
let positionOfLastMatch = 0;
for ( let i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
const lookAhead = string.substring( i ); // the rest of the string after current position
let patternMatch = false;
for ( const pattern of patterns ) {
if ( lookAhead.startsWith( pattern ) ) {
patternMatch = true;
if ( patternMatch ) {
const chunk = string.slice( positionOfLastMatch, i );
// if blank (happens if i=0 matches), continue instead of putting an empty "" into the array
if ( !chunk ) {
result.push( chunk );
positionOfLastMatch = i;
// Don't forget the last chunk.
result.push( string.substring( positionOfLastMatch ) );
return result;
// </nowiki>