- Bolivian Chincilla Rat
- Ashy Chinchilla Rat
- Ecuadorian Sac-Winged Bat
- Thomas's Sac-Winged Bat
- Gray Sac-Winged Bat
- African Sheath-Tailed Bat
- Ecuadorian Sac-Winged Bat
- Thomas's Sac-Winged Bat
- Gray Sac-Winged Bat
- African Sheath-Tailed Bat
- Chestnut Sac-Winged Bat
- Small Asian Sheath-Tailed Bat
- Peters's Sheath-Tailed Bat
- Beccari's Sheath-Tailed Bat
- Large-Eared Sheath-Tailed Bat
- Greater Sheath-Tailed Bat
- Lesser Sheath-Tailed Bat
- Raffray's Sheath-Tailed Bat
- Pacific Sheath-Tailed Bat
- Seri's Sheathtail-Bat
- Dark Sheath-Tailed Bat
- Troughton's Pouched Bat
- Pel's Pouched Bat
- Taphozous achates
- Coastal Tomb Bat
- Hamilton's Tomb Bat
- Hildegarde's Tomb Bat
- Hill's Tomb Bat
- Arnham Tomb Bat
- Mauritian Tomb Bat
- Egyptian Tomb Bat
- Theobald's Tomb Bat
- Taphozous troughtoni
- Collared Pipistrelle
- Coppery Pipistrelle
- Social Pipistrelle
- Necklace Pipistrelle
- Van Gelder's Bat
- Chocolate Wattled Bat
- Chalinolobus neocaledonicus
- Hoary Wattled Bat
- Little Pied Bat
- Long-Tailed Wattled Bat
- Eptesicus andinus
- Surat Serotine
- Gobi Big Brown Bat
- Guadeloupe Big Brown Bat
- Harmles Serotine
- Eptesicus matroka
- Sind Bat
- Lagos Serotine
- Sombre Bat
- Chocolate Pipistrelle
- Mackenzie's False Pipistelle
- Pungent Pipistrelle
- Peters's Pipistrelle
- Eastern False Pipistrelle
- Silvered Bat
- Curry's Bat
- Glen's Wattled Bat
- Kenyan Wattled Bat
- Machado's Butterfly Bat
- Pied Bat
- Butterfly Bat
- False Serotine Bat
- Gaskell's False Serotine
- Large False Serotine
- Histiotus humboldti
- Desert Pipistrelle
- Cadorna's Pipistrelle
- Broad-Headed Pipistrelle
- Eisentraut's Pipistrelle
- Brown Pipistrelle
- Joffre's Pipistrelle
- Red-Brown Pipistrelle
- Burma Pipistrelle
- Mouselike Pipistrelle
- Chinese Pipistrelle
- Tanzanian Woolly Bat
- St. Aignan's Trumpet-Eared Bat
- Damara Woolly Bat
- Copper Woolly Bat
- Ethiopian Woolly Bat
- Flores Woolly Bat
- Hardwicke's Woolly Bat
- Small Woolly Bat
- Lesser Woolly Bat
- Least Woolly Bat
- Fly River Trumpet-Eared Bat
- Papillose Woolly Bat
- Clear-Winged Woolly Bat
- Spurrell's Woolly Bat
- Painted Bat
- Smith's Woolly Bat
- Whitehead's Woolly Bat
- Silver-Haired Bat
- Lasiurus atratus
- Tacarcuna Bat
- Seminole Bat
- Western Yellow Bat
- Little Long-Fingered Bat
- Lesser Long-Fingered Bat
- Southeast Asian Long-Fingered Bat
- Miniopterus gleni
- Greater Long-Fingered Bat
- Miniopterus majori
- Murina ryukyuana
- Sakhalin Myotis
- Southern Myotis
- Szechwan Myotis
- Peters's Myotis
- Southwestern Myotis
- Ustrailian Myotis
- Southeastern Myotis
- California Myotis
- Chilean Myotis
- Large Myotis
- Guatemalan Myotis
- Pond Bat
- Dominican Myotis
- Elegant Myotis
- Myotis fimbriatus
- Findley's Myotis
- Cinnamon Myotis
- Gomantong Myotis
- Herman's Myotis
- Horsfield's Bat
- Hosono's Myotis
- Insular Myotis
- Keen's Myotis
- Kashmir Cave Bat
- Schwartz's Myotis
- Miller's Myotis
- Burmese Whiskered Bat
- Morris's Bat
- Whiskered Myotis
- Curacao Myotis
- Singapore Whiskered Bat
- Montane Myotis
- Honshu Myotis
- Peninsular Myotis
- Peking Myotis
- Frosted Myotis
- Felten's Myotis
- Ridley's Bat
- Schaub's Myotis
- Himalayan Whiskered Bat
- Kei Myotis
- Fringed Myotis
- Cape Hairy Bat
- Cave Myotis
- Welwitch's Bat
- Myotis yanbarensis
- Yoshiyuki's Myotis
- Yuma Myotis
- Cape Serotine
- Yellow Serotine
- Tiny Serotine
- Heller's Pipistrelle
- Melck's House Bat
- Rendall's Serotine
- Somali Serotine
- Neoromicia zuluensis
- Schlieffen's Bat
- Western Broad-Nosed Bat
- Little Broad-Nosed Bat
- Nyctophilus bifax
- Rohu's Bat
- Egyptian Pipistrelle
- Mount Popa Pipistrelle
- Pegu Pipistrelle
- Dar-Es-Salaam Pipistrelle
- Rusty Pipistrelle
- Least Pipistrelle
- Watt's Pipistrelle
- Koopman's Pipistrelle
- Plecotus christiei
- Genoways's Yellow Bat
- Slender Yellow Bat
- Tiny Yellow Bat
- Least Yellow Bat
- Little Yellow Bat
- Hinde's Lesser House Bat
- Desert Yellow Bat
- Emarginate Harlequin Bat
- Harlequin Bat
- Sulawesi Yellow Bat
- Greater Asiatic Yellow Bat
- Lesser Asiatic Yellow Bat
- Schreber's Yellow Bat
- Robbins's Yellow Bat
- Robust Yellow Bat
- Greenish Yellow Bat
- Scotorepens orion
- Dormer's Bat
- Lesser Bamboo Bat
- Greater Bamboo Bat
- Vespadelus caurinus
- Large Forest Bat
- Yellow-Lipped Bat
- Finlayson's Cave Bat
- Eastern Forest Bat
- Southern Forest Bat
- Troughton's Forest Bat
- Little Forest Bat
- Mt. Apo Forest Mouse
- Mindanao Montane Forest Mouse
- Olrog's Chaco Mouse
- Pearson's Chaco Mouse
- Mindoro Climbing Rat
- Himalayan Field Mouse
- Mt Hermon Field Mouse
- Sichuan Field Mouse
- Kashmir Field Mouse
- Taiwan Field Mouse
- Large Japanese Field Mouse
- Ward's Field Mouse
- Luzon Cordillera Forest Mouse
- Luzon Montane Forest Mouse
- Large Mindoro Forest Mouse
- Mt. Apo Forest Mouse
- Mindanao Montane Forest Mouse
- Mindanao Lowland Forest Mouse
- Small Luzon Forest Mouse
- Least Forest Mouse
- Long-Nosed Luzon Forest Mouse
- White-Footed Vole
- Mt Isarog Shrew-Mouse
- Sudanian Arvicanthis
- Nairobi Grass Rat
- Guinean Arvicanthis
- Somali Grass Rat
- Southern Pygmy Mouse
- Northern Pygmy Mouse
- Greater Bandicoot Rat
- Savile's Bandicoot Rat
- Lesser Hamster-Rat
- Greater Hamster-Rat
- Pleasant Bolo Mouse
- Rufous-Bellied Bolo Mouse
- Hairy-Tailed Bolo Mouse
- Spotted Bolo Mouse
- Temchuk's Bolo Mouse
- Przewalski's Gerbil
- White-Tailed Rat
- Gregarious Short-Tailed Rat
- Yellow-Haired Hill Rat
- Heavenly Hill Rat
- Fraternal Hill Rat
- Heinrich's Hill Rat
- Inland Hill Rat
- Long-Headed Hill Rat
- Hummelinck's Vesper Mouse
- Peruvian Vesper Mouse
- Gansu Hamster
- Large Long-Clawed Mouse
- Greater Tree Mouse
- Lesser Tree Mouse
- Jelski's Altiplano Mouse
- Isarog Striped Shrew-Rat
- Mindoro Striped Rat
- Western Red-Backed Vole
- Tien Shan Red-Backed Vole
- Shikotan Vole
- White-Toothed Brush Mouse
- RÜMmler's Brush Mouse
- Giant Bushy-Tailed Cloud Rat
- Kam Dwarf Hamster
- Gray Dwarf Hamster
- Sokolov's Dwarf Hamster
- Mindanao Shrew Rat
- Millard's Rat
- Fox's Shaggy Rat
- Montane Shaggy Rat
- West African Shaggy Rat
- Remarkable Climbing Mouse
- Kivu Climbing Mouse
- Lovat's Climbing Mouse
- Gray Glimbing Mouse
- Nyika Climbing Mouse
- Vernay's Climbing Mouse
- Velvet Climbing Mouse
- Congo Forest Mouse
- Defua Rat
- Pouched Gerbil
- Cape Short-Eared Gerbil
- Harrington's Rat
- Yalden's Desmomys
- St. Lawrence Island Collared Lemming
- Victoria Collared Lemming
- Nelson's Collred Lemming
- Ogilvie Mountains Collared Lemming
- Bering Collared Lemming
- Arctic Lemming
- Unalaska Collared Lemming
- Wrangel Lemming
- Crump's Mouse
- Ryukyu Long-Tailed Giant Rat
- North African Gerbil
- Sulawesi Spiny Rat
- Monte Gerbil Mouse
- Morgan's Gerbil Mouse
- Andean Gerbil Mouse
- Highland Gerbil Mouse
- Major's Tufted-Tailed Rat
- Lesser Tufted-Tailed Rat
- Tanala Tufted-Tailed Rat
- Webb's Tufted-Tailed Rat
- Southern Mole Vole
- Northern Mole Vole
- Zaisan Mole Vole
- Yellow Steppe Lemming
- Przewalski's Steppe Lemming
- Pratt's Vole
- Southwest China Vole
- Ganzu Vole
- Kolan Vole
- PÉRe David's Vole
- Yulungshan Vole
- Shansei Vole
- Sulawesi Soft-Furred Rat
- Patagonian Chincilla Mouse
- Patagonian Chincilla Mouse
- Peterson's Chincilla Mouse
- Gerlepp's Mouse
- Long-Clawed Mole Mouse
- Hairy-Footed Gerbil
- Namib Brush-Tailed Gerbil
- Bushy-Tailed Hairy-Footed Gerbil
- Cosens's Gerbil
- Mackillingin's Gerbil
- Large Aden Gerbil
- Rupicolous Gerbil
- Indian Bush Rat
- Arid Thicket Rat
- Bunting's Thicket Rat
- Gray-Headed Thicket Rat
- Mozambique Thicket Rat
- Woodland Thicket Rat
- Forest Thicket Rat
- Giant Thicket Rat
- Ruwenzori Thicket Rat
- Macmillan's Thicket Rat
- Shining Thicket Rat
- Pale Leaf-Eared Mouse
- Voalavoanala
- Slender-Tailed Deer Mouse
- Crested-Tailed Deer Mouse
- Jico Deer Mouse
- Manipur Bush Rat
- Ranee Mouse
- Minahassa Ranee Mouse
- Lesser Ranee Mouse
- Delacour's Marmoset Rat
- Marmoset Rat
- Allen's Wood Rat
- Chaco Marsh Rat
- Greater Marsh Rat
- Bioko Hybomys
- Eisentraut's Hybomys
- Moon Striped Mouse
- Liberian Forest Hybomys
- Temminck's Striped Mouse
- Peters' Hybomys
- Mountain Water Rat
- Western Water Rat
- New Britain Water Rat
- Shaw Mayer's Water Rat
- Beaded Hylomyscus
- Allen's Hylomyscus
- Baer's Hylomyscus
- Angolan Hylomyscus
- Montane Hylomyscus
- Mt Oku Hylomyscus
- Lesser Hylomyscus
- Stella Hylomyscus
- True's Vole
- Murree Vole
- Chilean Climbing Mouse
- Yellow Isthmus Rat
- Mt. Pirri Isthmus Rat
- Sody's Tree Rat
- Komodo Rat
- Fossorial Giant Rat
- Mt. Oku Rat
- Brandt's Vole
- Plateau Vole
- Forrest's Mouse
- Lakeland Downs Mouse
- Bellier's Lemniscomys
- Griselda's Lemniscomys
- Hoogstral's Lemniscomys
- Senegal Lemniscomys
- Buffoon Lemniscomys
- Mittendorf's Lemniscomys
- Single-Striped Grass Mouse
- Rosevear's Lemniscomys
- Heuglin's Lemniscomys
- Trefoil-Toothed Giant Rat
- Gray Tree Rat
- Greater Stick-Nest Rat
- Ernst Mayr's Water Rat
- Fly River Water Rat
- Mindanao Mountain Rat
- New Guinean Jumping Mouse
- Bastard Big-Footed Mouse
- Cansdale's Swamp Rat
- Edward's Swamp Rat
- Gerbil Mouse
- De Vis's Woolly Rat
- Alpine Woolly Rat
- Subalpine Woolly Rat
- Rothschild's Woolly Rat
- Mammelomys lanosus
- Mammelomys rattoides
- Beccari's Margareta Rat
- Elegant Margareta Rat
- Elegant Margareta Rat
- Little Margareta Rat
- Awash Mastomys
- Southern Multimammate Mouse
- Guinea Multimammate Mouse
- Hubert's Mastomys
- Verhayen's Multimammate Mouse
- Dwarf Multimammate Mouse
- Shortridge's Multimammate Mouse
- Mountain Spiny Rat
- Small Spiny Rat
- Bartels's Spiny Rat
- Dollman's Spiny Rat
- Hellwald's Spiny Rat
- Sumatran Spiny Rat
- Malayan Mountain Spiny Rat
- Fat-Nosed Spiny Rat
- Mo's Spiny Rat
- Musschenbroek's Spiny Rat
- Chestnut-Bellied Spiny Rat
- Pagai Spiny Rat
- Palawan Spiny Rat
- Rajah Spiny Rat
- Red Spiny Rat
- Watts's Spiny Rat
- Whitehead's Spiny Rat
- Nikolaus's Mouse
- Oaxaca Giant Deer Mouse
- Nelson's Giant Deer Mouse
- Thomas's Giant Deer Mouse
- Dusky Rice Rat
- Robust Dark Rice Rat
- Zuniga's Dark Rice Rat
- Sulawesian Shrew Rat
- Arabian Jird
- Cheng's Jird
- Sundevall's Jird
- Dahl's Jird
- Libyan Jird
- Mid-Day Jird
- Persian Jird
- King Jird
- Buxton's Jird
- Shaw's Jird
- Tamarisk Jird
- Tristram's Jird
- Vinogradov's Jird
- Zarundny's Jird
- Golden-Backed Tree Rat
- Romanian Hamster
- Ciscaucasian Hamster
- Somali Pygmy Gerbil
- Musser's Shrew Mouse
- Highland Small Rice Rat
- Forest Small Rice Rat
- Insular Vole
- Beach Vole
- Cabrera's Vole
- Daghestan Pine Vole
- Mediterranean Pine Vole
- Evorsk Vole
- Felten's Vole
- Gerbe's Vole
- Narrow-Headed Vole
- Guatemalan Vole
- North Siberian Vole
- Persian Vole
- Chinese Scrub Vole
- Juniper Vole
- Baluchistan Vole
- Tien Shan Vole
- Blyth's Vole
- Lacustrine Vole
- Lusitanian Pine Vole
- Maximowicz's Vole
- Mexican Vole
- Middendorf's Vole
- Mogollon Vole
- Mongolian Vole
- Montane Vole
- Muisk Vole
- Alpine Pine Vole
- Microtus mustersi
- Nasarov's Vole
- Tarabundi Vole
- Creeping Vole
- Jalapan Pine Vole
- Southern Vole
- Sakhalin Vole
- Savi's Pine Vole
- Schelkovnikov's Pine Vole
- Sikkim Vole
- Social Vole
- European Pine Vole
- Tatra Vole
- Thomas's Pine Vole
- Townsend's Vole
- Transcaspian Vole
- Zempoaltepec Vole
- Ethiopian Striped Mouse
- Baoule's Mouse
- Little Indian Field Mouse
- Toad Mouse
- Callewaert's Mouse
- Ryukyu Mouse
- Cook's Mouse
- Sumatran Shrewlike Mouse
- Servant Mouse
- Ceylon Spiny Mouse
- Gounda Mouse
- Hausa Mouse
- Desert Pygmy Mouse
- Macedonian Mouse
- Mahomet Mouse
- Matthey's Mouse
- Mayor's Mouse
- Neave's Mouse
- Free State Pygmy Mouse
- Oubangui Mouse
- Gairdner's Shrewmouse
- Phillips's Mouse
- Flat-Haired Mouse
- Peter's Mouse
- Setzer's Pygmy Mouse
- Shortridge's Mouse
- Thomas's Pygmy Mouse
- Mound-Building Mouse
- Algerian Mouse
- Delicate Mouse
- Gray-Bellied Pygmy Mouse
- Volcano Mouse
- Ethiopian Mylomys
- Yemeni Mouse
- Angolan Multimammate Mouse
- Brockman's Myomyscus
- Verreaux's Mouse
- Painted Bristly Mouse
- Small-Footed Bristly Mouse
- Nelson And Coldman's Woodrat
- Diminutive Woodrat
- Round-Tailed Muskrat
- Tamaulipan Woodrat
- Anthony's Woodrat
- Bryant's Woodrat
- Bunker's Woodrat
- Goldman's Woodrat
- San Martin Island Woodrat
- Southern Plains Woodrat
- Nelson's Woodrat
- BolaÑOs Woodrat
- Sonoran Woodrat
- Stephen's Woodrat
- Turner Island Woodrat
- Mexican Volcano Mouse
- Andean Swamp Rat
- Island Mouse
- Fernandina Galapagos Mouse
- Nesoryzomys narboroughi
- Santiago Galapagos Mouse
- Ethiopian Amphibious Rat
- Limestone Rat
- Northern Hopping Mouse
- Long-Tailed Hopping Mouse
- Darling Downs Hopping Mouse
- Yellow Arboreal Rice Rat
- Dusky Arboreal Rice Rat
- Red Arboreal Rice Rat
- Foothill Arboreal Rice Rat
- Andean Pygmy Rice Rat
- Sandy Pygmy Rice Rat
- Destructive Pygmy Rice Rat
- Grayish Pygmy Rice Rat
- Long-Tailed Pygmy Rice Rat
- Magellanic Pygmy Rice Rat
- Sprightly Pygmy Rice Rat
- St. Vincent Pygmy Rice Rat
- Tomes's Rice Rat
- Alfaro's Rice Rat
- Ecuadorean Rice Rat
- Peruvian Rice Rat
- Bolivar Rice Rat
- Chapman's Rice Rat
- Boquete Rice Rat
- Thomas's Rice Rat
- Galapagos Rice Rat
- Gorgas's Rice Rat
- Hammond's Rice Rat
- Colombian Rice Rat
- Keays's Rice Rat
- Kellogg's Rice Rat
- Monster Rice Rat
- Big-Headed Rice Rat
- Light-Footed Rice Rat
- Oryzomys megacephalus
- Black-Eared Rice Rat
- Sowbug Rice Rat
- Gray Rice Rat
- Rat-Headed Rice Rat
- Striped Rice Rat
- Cloud Forest Rice Rat
- Talamancan Rice Rat
- Yellowish Rice Rat
- Michoacan Deer Mouse
- Angolan Vlei Rat
- Angoni Vlei Rat
- Barbour's Vlei Rat
- Burton's Vlei Rat
- Cuanza Vlei Rat
- Ruwenzori Vlei Rat
- Dent's Vlei Rat
- Dollman's Vlei Rat
- Vlei Rat
- Mount Elgon Vlei Rat
- Tanzanian Vlei Rat
- Laminate Vlei Rat
- Large Vlei Rat
- Western Vlei Rat
- Saunder's Vlei Rat
- Sloggett's Vlei Rat
- Tropical Vlei Rat
- Typical Vlei Rat
- Bush Vlei Rat
- Uzungwe Vlei Rat
- Hatt's Vesper Rat
- Big-Eared Climbing Rat
- Argentine Hocicudo
- Spy Hocicudo
- Small Hocicudo
- Quechuan Hocicudo
- Incan Hocicudo
- Paramo Hocicudo
- Palawan Soft-Furred Mountain Rat
- Northern Water Rat
- Brants's Whistling Rat
- Littledale's Whistling Rat
- Sulawesi Giant Rat
- Sulawesi Bear Rat
- Pearsonomys annectens
- Bell Groove-Toothed Swamp Rat
- Creek Groove-Toothed Swamp Rat
- Hopkins's Groove-Toothed Swamp Rat
- Issel's Groove-Toothed Swamp Rat
- Least Groove-Toothed Swamp Rat
- Texas Mouse
- Aztec Mouse
- Brush Mouse
- Perote Mouse
- California Mouse
- Burt's Deer Mouse
- Dickey's Deer Mouse
- Zacatecan Deer Mouse
- Cactus Mouse
- Eva's Desert Mouse
- Blackish Deer Mouse
- Cotton Mouse
- Big Deer Mouse
- Osgood's Mouse
- Angel Island Mouse
- Guatemalan Deer Mouse
- Naked-Eared Deer Mouse
- Hooper's Mouse
- San Lorenzo Mouse
- Nimble-Footed Mouse
- Tres Marias Island Mouse
- Maya Mouse
- Brown Deer Mouse
- Puebla Deer Mouse
- Zempoaltepec
- Plateau Mouse
- Black-Eared Mouse
- Black-Tailed Mouse
- Mesquite Mouse
- Mexican Deer Mouse
- Northern Rock Mouse
- El Carrizo Deer Mouse
- Columbian Mouse
- White-Ankled Mouse
- Marsh Mouse
- Oldfield Mouse
- Chihuahuan Mouse
- False Canyon Mouse
- Santa Cruz Mouse
- Nayarit Mouse
- Sitka Mouse
- Slevins's Mouse
- Gleaning Mouse
- San Esteban Island Mouse
- Stirton's Deer Mouse
- Winkelmann's Mouse
- Yucatan Deer Mouse
- Chiapan Deer Mouse
- Barbour's Rock Mouse
- Pygmy Rock Mouse
- Brukkaros Pygmy Rock Mouse
- Shortridge's Rock Mouse
- Japanese Red-Backed Vole
- Smith's Vole
- Southern Giant Slender-Tailed Cloud Rat
- Northern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat
- Red Tree Rat
- Malayan Tree Rat
- Florida Mouse
- Roraima Mouse
- Lowland Brush Mouse
- Shaw Mayer's Brush Mouse
- Highland Brush Mouse
- Champion's Tree Mouse
- Large Tree Mouse
- Chestnut Tree Mouse
- Dalton's Mouse
- Praomys degraaffi
- Deroo's Mouse
- Hartwig's Praomys
- Jackson's Praomys
- Lukolela Swamp Rat
- Least Praomys
- Misonne's Praomys
- Cameroon Praomys
- Praomys obscurus
- Petter's Praomys
- Tullberg's Praomys
- Verschuren's Swamp Rat
- Duke Of Bedford's Vole
- Thin Sand Rat
- Eastern Shrew Mouse
- Western Shrew Mouse
- Ash-Gray Mouse
- Silky Mouse
- Bolam's Mouse
- Western Pebble-Mound Mouse
- Little Native Mouse
- Brown Desert Mouse
- Smoky Mouse
- Broad-Toothed Mouse
- Blue-Gray Mouse
- Eastern Chestnut Mouse
- Sandy Inland Mouse
- Central Pepple-Mound Mouse
- Kimberly Mouse
- Western Chestnut Mouse
- Western Mouse
- Hastings River Mouse
- Country Mouse
- Pilliga Mouse
- Puna Mouse
- Annandale's Rat
- Summit Rat
- Bonthain Rat
- Dusky Rat
- Sula Rat
- Enggano Rat
- Philippine Forest Rat
- Spiny Ceram Rat
- Hole Rat
- Giluwe Rat
- Hainald's Rat
- Hoffmann's Rat
- Hoogerwerf's Rat
- Japen Rat
- Koopman's Rat
- Korinch's Rat
- Cape York Rat
- Mentawai Rat
- Opossum Rat
- Mindoro Black Rat
- Little Soft-Furred Rat
- Nillu Rat
- Eastern Rat
- Molaccan Prehensile-Tailed Rat
- Himalayan Field Rat
- New Guinean Rat
- New Guinean Rat
- Osgood's Rat
- Palm Rat
- Peleng Rat
- Spiny Rat
- Kerala Rat
- Sikkim Rat
- Simalur Rat
- Dusky Field Rat
- Stein's Rat
- Andaman Rat
- Tanezumi Rat
- Tawi-Tawi Forest Rat
- Timor Rat
- Malayan Field Rat
- Turkestan Rat
- Long-Haired Rat
- Yellow-Tailed Rat
- Bunny Rat
- Short-Nosed Harvest Mouse
- Sonoran Harvest Mouse
- Volcano Harvest Mouse
- Chiriqui Harvest Mouse
- Darien Harvest Mouse
- Fulvous Harvest Mouse
- Slender Harvest Mouse
- Hairy Harvest Mouse
- Eastern Harvest Mouse
- Mexican Harvest Mouse
- Small-Toothed Harvest Mouse
- Plains Harvest Mouse
- Nicaraguan Harvest Mouse
- Rodriguez's Harvest Mouse
- Cozumel Harvest Mouse
- Sumichrast's Harvest Mouse
- Narrow-Nosed Harvest Mouse
- Zacatecas Harvest Mouse
- Four-Striped Grass Mouse
- Mexican Water Mouse
- Goldman's Water Mouse
- Thomas's Water Mouse
- Underwood's Water Mouse
- Southern Climbing Mouse
- Cauca Climbing Mouse
- Coues's Climbing Mouse
- Buff-Bellied Climbing Mouse
- Broad-Footed Climbing Mouse
- Yellow-Bellied Climbing Mouse
- Mt. Pirri Climbing Mouse
- Venezuelan Climbing Mouse
- Charming Climbing Mouse
- Wetzel's Climbing Mouse
- Isarog Shrew Rat
- Mearns's Pouched Mouse
- South American Spiny Mouse
- Alston's Brown Mouse
- Chiriqui Brown Mouse
- Allen's Cotton Rat
- Arizona Cotton Rat
- Tawny-Bellied Cotton Rat
- Unexpected Cotton Rat
- White-Eared Cotton Rat
- Jaliscan Cotton Rat
- Yellow-Nosed Cotton Rat
- Peruvian Cotton Rat
- Alfaro's Rice Water Rat
- Harris's Rice Water Rat
- Poncelet's Giant Rat
- Ohiya Rat
- Northwestern Fat Mouse
- Dainty Fat Mouse
- Jackson's Fat Mouse
- Kreb's Fat Mouse
- Tiny Fat Mouse
- Fat Mouse
- Rupp's Mouse
- Ceram Rat
- Glacier Rat
- Van Deusen's Rat
- Slender Rat
- Target Rat
- Bartels's Rat
- MÜLler's Giant Sunda Rat
- Salokko Rat
- Lovely-Haired Rat
- Celebes Rat
- Sulawesi Montane Rat
- Sulawesi Forest Rat
- Tondano Rat
- Long-Tailed Shrew Rat
- Tate's Shrew Rat
- Cape Gerbil
- Boehm's Gerbil
- Highveld Gerbil
- Tatera gambiana
- Guinea Gerbil
- Gorongoza Gerbil
- Indian Gerbil
- Kemp's Gerbil
- Bushveld Gerbil
- Phillip's Gerbil
- Savanna Gerbil
- Robbins's Tateril
- Congo Gerbil
- Emin's Gerbil
- Gracile Tateril
- Harrington's Gerbil
- Lake Chad Gerbil
- Petter's Gerbil
- Senegal Gerbil
- Tranieri's Tateril
- Loring's Rat
- Black-Tailed Tree Rat
- Shortridge's Rat
- Kemp's Thicket Rat
- Thamnomys schoutedeni
- Charming Thicket Rat
- Golden Oldfield Mouse
- Silky Oldfield Mouse
- Daphne's Oldfield Mouse
- Peruvian Oldfield Mouse
- Slender Oldfield Mouse
- Woodland Oldfield Mouse
- Inca Oldfield Mouse
- Kalinowski's Oldfield Mouse
- Ladew's Oldfield Mouse
- Butcher, Oldfield Mouse
- Unicolored Oldfield Mouse
- Distinguished Oldfield Mouse
- Montane Oldfield Mouse
- Paramo Oldfield Mouse
- Thomas's Oldfield Mouse
- Rhoads's Oldfield Mouse
- Rosalinda's Oldfield Mouse
- Forest Oldfield Mouse
- Taczanowski's Oldfield Mouse
- Dressy Oldfield Mouse
- Muennink's Spiny Rat
- Ryukyu Spiny Rat
- Chiapan Climbing Rat
- Mira Climbing Rat
- Peters's Climbing Rat
- Panamanian Climbing Rat
- Tumbala Climbing Rat
- Watson's Climbing Rat
- Chinese Pygmy Dormouse
- Emperor Rat
- Bismarck Giant Rat
- Guadalcanal Rat
- Red Climbing Mouse
- Clarke's Vole
- Taiwan Vole
- Szechuan Vole
- Marie's Vole
- Magdalena Rat
- Mimic Tree-Rat
- False Swamp Rat
- Hildegarde's Broad-Headed Mouse
- Woosnam's Broad-Headed Mouse
- Brown Cane Mouse
- Silver-Tailed Rock Rat
- Arnham Land Rock Rat
- Carpentarian Rock Rat
- Central Rock Rat
- Kimberly Rock Rat
- Central American Woolly Opossum
- Aceramarca Gracile Mouse Opossum
- Wood Sprite Gracile Mouse Opossum
- Long-tailed Gracile Mouse Opossum
- Northern Gracile Mouse Opossum
- Columbian Gracile Mouse Opossum
- Kalinowski's Mouse Opossumn
- Anderson's Mouse Opossum
- Grayish Mouse Opossum
- Mexican Mouse Opossum
- Robinson's Mouse Opossum
- Dryland Mouse Opossum
- Slim-faced Slender Mouse Opossum
- Dorothy's Slender Mouse Opossum
- Gray-bellied Slender Mouse Opossum
- Handley's Slender Mouse Opossum
- Slaty Slender Mouse Opossum
- Sepia Short-tailed Opossum
- Osgood's Short-tailed Opossum
- Elegant Fat-tailed Opossum
- Long-tailed Fat-tailed Opossum
- Pallid Fat-tailed Opossum
- Small Fat-tailed Opossum
- Gray-bellied Shrew Opossum
- Blackish Shrew Opossum
- Incan Shrew Opossum
- Northern Marsupial Mole
- Habbema Antechinus
- Black-tailed Antechinus
- Long-nosed Antechinus
- Antechinus sp. nov.
- Lesser Antechinus
- Hillier's Mulgara
- Broad-striped Dasyure
- Red-bellied Dasyure
- Narrow-striped Dasyure
- Clara Bandicoot
- David's Echymipera
- Fly River Bandicoot
- Long-nosed Echymipera
- Striped Bandicoot
- Mouse Bandicoot
- Papuan Bandicoot
- Giant Bandicoot
- Raffray's Bandicoot
- Bear Cuscus
- Great-tailed Triok