
Qbugbot source, updated October 14, 2019.


' frmMain.vb, by Robert Webster (CC BY-SA 3.0 US)
' simple form, with 5 buttons:
' - cmdList: Read a list of taxa from a text file and make pages for them.
' - cmdRandom: Make a set of pages for random taxa.
' - cmdUpdate: Update a set of pages for random taxa (qbugbot 3).
' - cmdRedir: Fix recursive redircets (qbugbot 4).
' - cmdEtc: page for various utility functions.

' mysql  nuget console> Install-Package MySql.Data -Version 8.0.13
' database is MariaDB.

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Http
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Math
Imports System.IO

Imports System.Data
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

Public Class frmMain

  Dim pagesMade As New List(Of String)
  Dim nPagesSent, maxPagesSent As Integer

  Dim clock As New Stopwatch

  Dim madePage As New StringBuilder ' pages most recently created, same format as tmp file.

  Sub qlogout(url As String)
    ' logout of a wiki

    Dim parms As Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim r1 As HttpResponseMessage
    Dim qcontent As FormUrlEncodedContent

    Dim s As String

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    parms.Add("action", "logout")
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

    r1 = qClient.PostAsync(url, qcontent).Result
    s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result

  End Sub

  Function qlogin(url As String) As String

    Dim parms As Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim r1 As HttpResponseMessage
    Dim qcontent As FormUrlEncodedContent

    Dim json As JObject
    Dim token As String

    Dim s As String
    Dim s1 As String

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    parms.Add("action", "query")
    parms.Add("meta", "tokens")
    parms.Add("type", "login")
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

    r1 = qClient.PostAsync(url, qcontent).Result
    s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result

    json = JObject.Parse(s)
    token = json.SelectToken("query").SelectToken("tokens").SelectToken("logintoken")

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    parms.Add("action", "login")

    If url = urlWikiPedia Then
      parms.Add("lgname", My.Settings.qlgname)
      parms.Add("lgpassword", My.Settings.qlgpassword)
    End If
    parms.Add("lgtoken", token)
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

    r1 = qClient.PostAsync(url, qcontent).Result
    s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
    json = JObject.Parse(s)
    s1 = json("login").SelectToken("result").ToString
    If s1 = "Success" Then
      Return s1
      Return s
    End If

  End Function

  Private Sub frmMain_Shown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown

    ' necessary to handle cookies

    cookies = New CookieContainer
    handler = New HttpClientHandler
    handler.CookieContainer = cookies
    qClient = New HttpClient(handler) ' need this for cookies

  End Sub

  Function gettoken(url) As String
    ' get a token, required for upload or edit
    ' uses httpClient

    Dim parms As Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim r1 As HttpResponseMessage
    Dim qcontent As FormUrlEncodedContent
    Dim json As JObject

    Dim s As String

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    parms.Add("action", "query")
    parms.Add("meta", "tokens")
    parms.Add("type", "csrf")
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

    r1 = qClient.PostAsync(url, qcontent).Result
    s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
    json = JObject.Parse(s)

    sToken = json.SelectToken("query.tokens.csrftoken")

    Return sToken

  End Function

  Function fixHodges(descr As String) As String

    ' change "common name - Hodges #2453" to "common name (Hodges 2453)
    ' returns original if no "Hodges"

    Dim s1 As String
    Dim rMatch As RegularExpressions.Match

    If Not LCase(descr).Contains("hodges") Then Return descr

    If LCase(descr).StartsWith("hodges") Then
      Return ""
      rMatch = Regex.Match(descr, "(.+) - Hodges (#\d+)")
      If rMatch.Groups.Count = 3 Then
        s1 = rMatch.Groups(1).ToString & " (Hodges " & rMatch.Groups(2).ToString & ")"
        Return s1
        Return descr
      End If

    End If

  End Function

  Function wikiCaption(tMatch As taxrec, shortForm As Boolean) As String

    ' get a caption for a photo

    Dim descr As String
    Dim tax As String

    tax = tMatch.taxon

    descr = ""
    If tMatch.commonNames.Count > 0 Then descr = tMatch.commonNames(0)
    descr = fixHodges(descr)

    If eqstr(tMatch.rank, "genus") Or eqstr(tMatch.rank, "species") Or
       eqstr(tMatch.rank, "subspecies") Then tax = "''" & tax & "''"

    If descr <> "" Then
      descr = descr & ", " & tax
      descr = UCase(descr.Substring(0, 1)) & descr.Substring(1)
    End If

    Return descr

  End Function

  Function sendWikiPage(pageTitle As String, content As String, url As String, editSummary As String,
                        sendingMode As Integer) As String

    ' transmit a page to a wiki. 
    ' sendingmode 2 = update, 1 = create, 0 = don't send

    Dim k As Integer
    Dim s As String
    Dim s1 As String = ""
    Dim pageID As Integer
    Dim sandBox As Boolean
    Dim valid As Boolean

    Dim r1 As HttpResponseMessage
    Dim qcontent As FormUrlEncodedContent
    Dim parms As Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim minInterval As Integer = 10000 ' 10 seconds between edits

    Dim jq As New JObject
    Dim jt As JToken = Nothing

    sandBox = True
    If sendingMode = 0 Then Return "0"

    For i As Integer = 1 To 10
      k = clock.ElapsedMilliseconds
      If k > 0 And k < minInterval Then Threading.Thread.Sleep(minInterval - k)

      pageID = getPageID(pageTitle, url)
      If pageID > 0 And (sendingMode = 1 And Not sandBox) Then
        outLog(pageTitle & " exists. Not sent.")
        Return ""
      End If

      parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
      parms.Add("action", "edit")
      If sandBox Then
        parms.Add("title", "User:Edibobb/sandbox")
        parms.Add("title", pageTitle)
      End If
      parms.Add("text", content)
      parms.Add("bot", "true")
      parms.Add("maxlag", "5")
      parms.Add("format", "json")
      parms.Add("summary", editSummary)
      parms.Add("token", sToken)

        qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)
        r1 = qClient.PostAsync(url, qcontent).Result

        s = ""
        s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
        jq = JObject.Parse(s)
        valid = jq.TryGetValue("edit", jt)
        If valid Then Exit For
      Catch ex As Exception
        s1 = ex.Message
        outLog("send error 1, " & pageTitle & ", " & s1 & ".")
        Exit For
      End Try

      If jq.TryGetValue("error", jt) Then
        s1 = jt("code").ToString
        If Not eqstr(s1, "maxlag") Then
          outLog("send error 2, " & pageTitle & ", " & s1 & ".")
        End If
      End If

    Next i

    If valid Then
      If Not eqstr(jt("result").ToString, "success") Then Stop
      s1 = jt("result").ToString
      If jt("nochange") IsNot Nothing Then
        outLog("Identical Page Exists, " & pageTitle & ".")
        Return ""
          s1 = jt("result").ToString & ", " & jt("pageid").ToString & ", " &
            jt("newtimestamp").ToString & ", " & jt("title").ToString
        Catch ex As Exception
          s1 = "Send error 3, " & ex.Message & " " & s1
        End Try
        outLog("sent " & pageTitle & ", " & s1 & ".")
      End If
      outLog("send failed, " & pageTitle & ", " & s1 & ".")
      Return ""
    End If

    s = jt("pageid").ToString

    Return s
  End Function

  Function extinctRange(tmatch As taxrec) As String

    Dim prec As paleorec
    Dim s1 As String = ""

    ' get paleo record
    prec = getPaleo(tmatch)

    If prec.earlyinterval <> "" Then s1 = "| oldest_fossil = " & prec.earlyinterval
    If prec.lateinterval <> "" Then s1 &= "| youngest_fossil = " & prec.lateinterval

    Return s1

  End Function

  Sub getDescr(tMatch As taxrec, ancestor As List(Of taxrec),
               ByRef descr As String, ByRef upperRank As String, ByRef upperTax As String, ByRef commonWikiLink As String)

    ' returns descr, something like "beetles", and upperRank and upperTax, something like "Order", "Coleoptera".
    ' ancestors must have addons

    Dim k As Integer

    descr = ""
    commonWikiLink = ""
    upperRank = ""
    upperTax = ""

    If itisRankID(tMatch.rank) <= 180 Then k = 0 Else k = 2
    For i1 As Integer = k To ancestor.Count - 1 ' skip current and next rank except for genus and above
      If ancestor(i1).commonNames.Count > 0 Then
        If itisRankID(tMatch.rank) < 220 OrElse (Not ancestor(i1).commonNames(0).Contains(" and ")) Then
          descr = ancestor(i1).commonNames(0)  ' common name for higher rank
          commonWikiLink = ancestor(i1).commonWikiLink
          Exit For
        End If
      End If
    Next i1

    ' special cases

    'If descr = "insects" AndAlso isAncestor(ancestor, "lepidoptera", 0) AndAlso
    If itisRankID(tMatch.rank) <= 130 AndAlso isAncestor(ancestor, "lepidoptera", 0) AndAlso
      descr.Contains(" and ") AndAlso
      Not isAncestor(ancestor, "Papilionoidea", 0) Then descr = "moth" ' no superfamily or family name for some moths.
    If isAncestor(ancestor, "Blattodea", 0) Then
      If isAncestor(ancestor, "Termitoidae", 0) Then descr = "termites" Else descr = "cockroach"
    End If

    ' select family, order, or class
    For i1 As Integer = 1 To ancestor.Count - 1
      Select Case LCase(ancestor(i1).rank)
        Case "family"
          upperRank = "family"
          upperTax = ancestor(i1).taxon
          Exit For
        Case "order"
          upperRank = "order"
          upperTax = ancestor(i1).taxon
          Exit For
        Case "class"
          upperRank = "class"
          upperTax = ancestor(i1).taxon
          Exit For
      End Select

    Next i1

  End Sub

  Function formatAncestors(tMatch As taxrec, ancestor As List(Of taxrec), dbAllowed As Integer) As String
    ' returns name and rank of a popular common ancestor, or generic "species" name.
    ' for example:
    ' "Psammodiini is a tribe of aphodiine dung beetles in the family Scarabaeidae.  
    ' There are about 12 genera and at least 50 described species in Psammodiini."

    Dim ss As List(Of String)
    Dim sq As List(Of String)
    Dim s As String
    Dim s1, s2 As String
    Dim descr As String = ""
    Dim upperTax As String = ""
    Dim upperRank As String = ""
    Dim commonWikiLink As String = ""
    Dim children As New List(Of taxrec)
    Dim species As New List(Of taxrec)
    Dim rmatch As RegularExpressions.Match
    Dim sTaxon As String
    Dim qualifier As String
    Dim childCount, speciesCount As Integer
    Dim sChildCount, sSpeciesCount As String
    Dim verb As String
    Dim firstChild As String
    Dim genCommon As String
    Dim m As taxrec

    getDescr(tMatch, ancestor, descr, upperRank, upperTax, commonWikiLink)

    If upperRank <> "" Then ' OK to use good english

      ' gencommon is a general common name: Argia is a genus of dancers in the DAMSELFLY family [[Coenagrionidae]]

      s2 = ""
      genCommon = ""
      m = Nothing

      If tMatch.commonNames IsNot Nothing AndAlso tMatch.commonNames.Count > 0 Then s2 = LCase(tMatch.commonNames(0))

      If isAncestor(ancestor, "Zygoptera", 0) AndAlso
        Not s2.Contains("damselfl") AndAlso Not descr.Contains("damselfl") Then
        genCommon = "damselfly"
        m = getAncestor(ancestor, "Zygoptera", 0)
      ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Anisoptera", 0) AndAlso
        Not s2.Contains("dragonfl") AndAlso Not descr.Contains("dragonfl") Then
        genCommon = "dragonfly"
        m = getAncestor(ancestor, "Anisoptera", 0)
      ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Coleoptera", 0) AndAlso
        Not s2.Contains("beetle") AndAlso Not descr.Contains("beetle") Then
        genCommon = "beetle"
        m = getAncestor(ancestor, "Coleoptera", 0)
      ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Papilionoidea", 0) AndAlso
        Not s2.Contains("butterfl") AndAlso Not descr.Contains("butterfl") Then
        genCommon = "butterfly"
        m = getAncestor(ancestor, "Papilionoidea", 0)
      ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Lepidoptera", 0) AndAlso Not isAncestor(ancestor, "Papilionoidea", 0) AndAlso
        Not s2.Contains("moth") AndAlso Not descr.Contains("moth") Then
        genCommon = "moth"
        m = getAncestor(ancestor, "Lepidoptera", 0)
      ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Araneae", 0) AndAlso
        Not s2.Contains("spider") AndAlso Not descr.Contains("spider") Then
        genCommon = "spider"
        m = getAncestor(ancestor, "Araneae", 0)
      End If
      If m IsNot Nothing Then
        If m.rank <> upperRank Then genCommon = "[[" & genCommon & "]]"
        genCommon &= " "
      End If
      '  If s1 <> "" Then genCommon = " of " & s1 & " known as"

      ' bold common names
      ss = New List(Of String)
      If tMatch.commonNames IsNot Nothing Then ss.AddRange(tMatch.commonNames)
      For i As Integer = ss.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
        ss(i) = "'''" & ss(i) & "'''"
      Next i

      If "aeiou".Contains(LCase(tMatch.rank).Substring(0, 1)) Then verb = " is an " Else verb = " is a "
      If tMatch.extinct Then verb = " is an extinct "

      If eqstr(tMatch.rank, "species") Or eqstr(tMatch.rank, "subspecies") Then
        ' make description list singular, if necessary
        ' 2/3/18 - only change a list of two or a single item to be singular
        If Not descr.Contains(",") Then
          descr = descr.Replace(" and ", ",")
          sq = descr.Split(",").ToList
          For i1 As Integer = 0 To sq.Count - 1
            sq(i1) = singular(sq(i1).Trim)
          Next i1
          descr = formatList(sq, "or")
          descr = descr.Replace(" or the ", " or ")
        End If

        If commonWikiLink <> "" Then
          If descr = commonWikiLink Then
            descr = "[[" & descr & "]]"
            descr = "[[" & commonWikiLink & "|" & descr & "]]"
          End If
        End If

        If ss.Count = 0 Then
          If descr <> "" Then
            s = verb & LCase(tMatch.rank) & " of " & descr & " in the " & genCommon & upperRank & " [[" & upperTax & "]]."
            s = verb & LCase(tMatch.rank) & " in the " & genCommon & upperRank & " [[" & upperTax & "]]."
          End If

        ElseIf ss.Count = 1 Then
          rmatch = Regex.Match(ss(0), "[a-z]\'s")
          If rmatch.Value = "" Then rmatch = Regex.Match(ss(0), "^[A-Za-z -]+?s\' ")
          If rmatch.Value <> "" OrElse ss(0).StartsWith("'''the") Then
            s1 = ", or "
            s1 = ", the " ' use "or" for possessive names, or if there's a "the" in descr
          End If
          s = s1 & ss(0) & "," & verb & LCase(tMatch.rank) & " of " & descr & " in the " & genCommon & upperRank & " [[" & upperTax & "]]."
        ElseIf ss.Count = 2 Then
          s1 = formatList(ss, "or")
          If Not s1.StartsWith("'''the") Then s1 = "the " & s1
          s = ", known generally as " & s1 & "," & verb & LCase(tMatch.rank) & " of " & descr & " in the " & genCommon & upperRank & " [[" & upperTax & "]]."
          s = ", known generally as " & ss(0) & "," & verb & LCase(tMatch.rank) & " of " & descr & " in the " & genCommon & upperRank & " [[" & upperTax & "]]."
          s1 = formatList(ss, "and")
          If Not s1.StartsWith("'''the") Then s1 = "the " & s1
          s &= " Other common names include " & s1 & "."
        End If

        Return s ' species and subspecies

      Else ' genus or higher
        descr = descr.Replace(" and the ", " and ")
        If Not descr.Contains(",") And Not descr.Contains(" and ") And Not descr.Contains(" or ") Then
          ' check for wikilink
          If commonWikiLink <> "" Then
            If descr.StartsWith(commonWikiLink) AndAlso descr.Length - commonWikiLink.Length <= 3 Then
              descr = "[[" & commonWikiLink & "]]" & descr.Substring(commonWikiLink.Length)
              descr = "[[" & commonWikiLink & "|" & descr & "]]"
            End If
          End If
        End If

        s = verb & LCase(tMatch.rank) & " of " & descr & " in the " & genCommon & upperRank & " [[" & upperTax & "]]."

        ' count and round descendants, 2 significant digits
        sTaxon = tMatch.taxon

        If itisRankID(tMatch.rank) < itisRankID("genus") Then
          ' rank is higher than genus
          s1 = getLowerRank(tMatch.rank)
          children = allDescendants(tMatch, s1, dbAllowed)
          childCount = children.Count
          If children.Count > 0 Then
            s2 = getDisambig(children(0))
            If s2 = "" Then
              s2 = children(0).taxon
              If (eqstr(children(0).rank, "species") Or eqstr(children(0).rank, "subspecies")) And children.Count = 1 Then s2 = abbreviate(s2)
              s2 = s2 & "|" & children(0).taxon ' should not happen for species or subspecies, so abbreviation won't matter
            End If

            firstChild = "[[" & s2 & "]]"
            If itisRankID(s1) >= 180 Then firstChild = "''" & firstChild & "''"
            firstChild = ""
          End If
          species = allDescendants(tMatch, "species", dbAllowed)
          speciesCount = species.Count
          If speciesCount < 10 And childCount < 10 Then
            sChildCount = numeral(childCount)
            sSpeciesCount = numeral(speciesCount)
            sChildCount = Format(roundoff(childCount), "#,#")
            sSpeciesCount = Format(roundoff(speciesCount), "#,#")
          End If

          qualifier = ""
          If childCount >= 1 Then
            If childCount = 1 Then
              If speciesCount < 10 Or childCount = 1 Then
                s &= " There is at least one " & s1 & ", " & firstChild & ","
                s &= " There is at least 1 " & s1 & ", " & firstChild & ","
              End If

            ElseIf childCount >= 20 Or childCount <= 4 Then
              If roundoff(childCount) < childCount Then
                s &= " There are more than " & sChildCount & " " & pluralRank(s1)
                qualifier = "more than"
                s &= " There are at least " & sChildCount & " " & pluralRank(s1)
                qualifier = "at least"
              End If
              s &= " There are about " & sChildCount & " " & pluralRank(s1)
              qualifier = "about"
            End If

            If speciesCount = 0 Or childCount = 1 Then
              s &= " in " & sTaxon & "."
              If speciesCount = 1 Then
                s2 = species(0).taxon
                If s2 <> "" Then
                  s2 = s2.Replace(" ", "&nbsp;")
                  s &= " and at least one described species, ''" & s2 & "'', in " & sTaxon & "." ' monotypic genus does not link to species?
                End If

              ElseIf speciesCount >= 20 Or speciesCount <= 4 Then
                If roundoff(speciesCount) < speciesCount Then
                  If qualifier = "more than" Then s &= " and " Else s &= " and more than "
                  If qualifier = "at least" Then s &= " and " Else s &= " and at least "
                End If
                s &= sSpeciesCount & " described species in " & sTaxon & "."

                If qualifier = "about" Then s &= " and " Else s &= " and about "
                s &= sSpeciesCount & " described species in " & sTaxon & "."
              End If
            End If
          End If

        Else '  rank is genus or lower
          If eqstr(tMatch.rank, "genus") Then sTaxon = "''" & sTaxon & "''"

          s1 = getLowerRank(tMatch.rank)
          children = allDescendants(tMatch, s1, dbAllowed)
          childCount = children.Count
          If childCount < 10 Then
            sChildCount = numeral(childCount)
            sChildCount = Format(roundoff(childCount), "#,#")
          End If

          If childCount >= 1 Then
            If childCount = 1 Then
              s2 = children(0).taxon
              If s2 <> "" Then s &= " There is one described species in " & sTaxon & ", ''" & abbreviate(s2) & "''" & "." ' monotypic genus doesn't link to species (used to be "at least one")

            ElseIf childCount >= 20 Or childCount <= 4 Then
              If roundoff(childCount) < childCount Then
                s &= " There are more than " & sChildCount & " described species in " & sTaxon & "."
                s &= " There are at least " & sChildCount & " described species in " & sTaxon & "."
              End If
              s &= " There are about " & sChildCount & " described species in " & sTaxon & "."
            End If
          End If
        End If

        Return s

      End If
      Return "Oops!"
    End If

  End Function

  Function roundoff(ByVal k2 As Integer) As Integer

    ' round to leave two significant digits on the left, used for "number of species is at least..."

    Dim k1 As Integer

    If k2 < 100 And k2 >= 20 Then
      k2 = (k2 \ 10) * 10
      k1 = 10 ^ Floor(Log10(k2) - 1)
      If k1 > 0 Then k2 = (k2 \ k1) * k1
    End If

    Return k2

  End Function

  Function WikiPedialist(tMatch As taxrec, children As List(Of taxrec), ancestor As List(Of taxrec),
                         showSource As Boolean, dbAllowed As Integer, sendingMode As Integer) As String

    ' makes a wikipedia list page, for a bunch of children of a taxon.

    Dim s, s1, bugname As String
    Dim childCount As Integer
    Dim sChildcount As String
    Dim species As New List(Of taxrec)
    Dim sb As StringBuilder
    Dim wikibug As String
    Dim refs As New references
    Dim wrefs As New List(Of refrec)
    Dim source As String
    Dim sourceUsed As Boolean = False
    Dim uh As String
    Dim spiderflag As Boolean

    Dim rm As RegularExpressions.Match
    Dim s2 As String

    Dim descr As String = ""
    Dim upperrank As String = ""
    Dim uppertax As String = ""
    Dim commonwikilink As String = ""
    Dim ss As List(Of String)
    Dim sq As List(Of String)

    If children.Count <= 0 Then Return ""
    sb = New StringBuilder

    bugname = tMatch.taxon
    s1 = getDisambig(tMatch)
    If s1 = "" Then
      wikibug = "[[" & tMatch.taxon & "]]"
      wikibug = "[[" & s1 & "|" & tMatch.taxon & "]]"
    End If
    If eqstr(tMatch.rank, "species") OrElse eqstr(tMatch.rank, "genus") OrElse eqstr(tMatch.rank, "subspecies") Then
      bugname = "''" & bugname & "''"
      wikibug = "''" & wikibug & "''"
    End If

    'ancestor = getancestors(tMatch, dbAllowed, True, "phylum", False)
    defineRefs(tMatch, ancestor, bugname, refs, showSource)

    wrefs = getWikiRefs(ancestor)

    ' if there's a taxlink species file and reference, use taxlink for a specific link in the reference
    For Each wref As refrec In wrefs
      If wref.url.ToLower.Contains("") AndAlso tMatch.taxlink.ToLower.StartsWith(wref.url.ToLower) And
          tMatch.taxlink.ToLower.Contains("taxonnameid") Then
        ' use it as a more specific species file link
        rm = Regex.Match(tMatch.taxlink, ":\/\/(.+?)\.")
        If rm.Groups.Count = 2 Then s1 = rm.Groups(1).Value Else s1 = ""
        s1 = StrConv(s1, VbStrConv.ProperCase)
        If s1 <> "" Then
          s2 = tMatch.rank & " " & tMatch.taxon & " " & tMatch.authority
          wref.url = tMatch.taxlink
          wref.etc &= "|website = " & wref.title
          wref.title = s2
        End If
        refs.addref("speciesfile", citation(wref))
        Exit For
      End If
    Next wref

    getDescr(tMatch, ancestor, descr, upperrank, uppertax, commonwikilink)

    sb.AppendLine("{{DISPLAYTITLE:List of " & bugname & " " & pluralRank(children(0).rank) & "}}")

    s = "These " & children.Count & " " & pluralRank(children(0).rank)

    If tMatch.commonNames Is Nothing Then tMatch.commonNames = New List(Of String)
    If tMatch.commonNames.Count > 0 OrElse (descr = "" Or upperrank = "" Or uppertax = "") Then
      s &= " belong to the " & LCase(tMatch.rank) & " " & wikibug
      If tMatch.commonNames.Count > 0 Then
        s &= ", " & tMatch.commonNames(0) & "."
        s &= "."
      End If
      If "aeiou".Contains(LCase(tMatch.rank).Substring(0, 1)) Then uh = ", an " Else uh = ", a "
      s &= " belong to " & wikibug & uh & LCase(tMatch.rank) & " of " & descr & " in the " & upperrank & " [[" & uppertax & "]]."
    End If
    If s.EndsWith("..") Then s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1) ' etc..

    If itisRankID(tMatch.rank) < 180 Then
      species = allDescendants(tMatch, "species", dbAllowed)
      childCount = species.Count
      If childCount < 10 Then
        sChildcount = numeral(childCount)
        sChildcount = Format(roundoff(childCount), "#,#")
      End If

      If childCount > 1 Then
        If childCount >= 20 Or childCount <= 4 Then
          s &= " There are at least " & sChildcount & " described species in " & bugname & "."
          s &= " There are about " & sChildcount & " described species in " & bugname & "."
        End If
      End If
    End If

    ' these could be blank

    If tMatch.itistsn <> 0 OrElse showSource Then s &= refs.Ref("itis")
    If tMatch.gbifID <> "" OrElse showSource Then s &= refs.Ref("gbif")
    If showSource Then s &= refs.Ref("catlife") ' catlife is only for showsource
    s &= refs.Ref("spidercat")
    If refs.refExists("bugguide", "") > 0 Then
      s &= refs.Ref("bugguide") ' generic
      s &= refs.Ref("buglink") ' specific
    End If
    s &= refs.Ref("speciesfile") ' if it's there
    s &= refs.Ref("paleo") ' if it's there

    sb.AppendLine("==" & bugname & " " & LCase(pluralRank(children(0).rank)) & "==")
    If children.Count >= maxColumn Then
      If itisRankID(children(0).rank) >= 220 Then
        sb.AppendLine("{{col div|colwidth=29em}}") ' species or subspecies
        sb.AppendLine("{{col div|colwidth=22em}}") ' single word taxon
      End If
    End If

    ss = New List(Of String)
    spiderflag = False
    For i1 As Integer = 0 To children.Count - 1
      s1 = getDisambig(children(i1))
      If s1 = "" Then
        s1 = children(i1).taxon
        If eqstr(tMatch.rank, "genus") AndAlso tMatch.extinct AndAlso (Not children(i1).taxon.StartsWith(tMatch.taxon)) Then
          sq = s1.Split({ChrW(32)}, 2).ToList
          If sq.Count = 2 AndAlso Not eqstr(sq(0), tMatch.taxon) Then
            s1 = tMatch.taxon & " " & sq(1)
          End If
        End If
        s1 = s1 & "|" & children(i1).taxon
      End If

      If Not eqstr(children(i1).rank, "subspecies") Then s1 = "[[" & s1 & "]]" ' wikilink

      If tMatch.spiderID > 0 And children(i1).spiderID <= 0 Then
        s1 = "(" & s1 & ")"
        spiderflag = True
      End If

      If eqstr(children(i1).rank, "species") OrElse eqstr(children(i1).rank, "genus") OrElse
          eqstr(children(i1).rank, "subspecies") Then
        s1 = "''" & s1 & "'' "
        s1 = s1 & " "
      End If

      If children(i1).extinct Then s1 = "† " & s1

      s1 = "* " & s1

      If children(i1).authority <> "" Then s1 &= "<small>" & children(i1).authority & "</small>"

      source = ""
      If showSource Then
        If children(i1).itistsn > 0 Then source &= " i"
        If children(i1).catLifeID IsNot Nothing AndAlso children(i1).catLifeID <> "" Then source &= " c"
        If children(i1).gbifID <> "" Then source &= " g"
        If LCase(children(i1).link).Contains("bugguide") Then source &= " b"
        If children(i1).spiderID > 0 Then source &= " s"

        If source <> "" Then
          s1 &= "<span style=""color:gray""><sup>" & source & "</sup></span>"
          sourceUsed = True
        End If
      End If

      If children(i1).taxid <> "" Then
        s = firstCommon(children(i1).taxid)
        If s <> "" Then s1 &= "  (" & s & ")"
      End If

    Next i1

    For i As Integer = 0 To ss.Count - 1
    Next i

    If children.Count >= maxColumn Then sb.AppendLine("{{Col div end}}") ' close column template

    If sourceUsed Then
      If isAncestor(ancestor, "Araneae", 0) Then
        s1 = "<small>Data sources: i = ITIS," & refs.Ref("itis") & " c = Catalogue of Life," & refs.Ref("catlife") &
          " g = GBIF," & refs.Ref("gbif") & " b =," & refs.Ref("bugguide") &
          " s = World Spider Catalog" & refs.Ref("spider") & "</small>"
        If spiderflag Then
          s1 = vbCrLf & "<small>" & StrConv(tMatch.rank, VbStrConv.ProperCase) & "names in parentheses may no longer be valid.</small>"
        End If
        s1 = "<small>Data sources: i = ITIS," & refs.Ref("itis") & " c = Catalogue of Life," & refs.Ref("catlife") &
          " g = GBIF," & refs.Ref("gbif") & " b =" & refs.Ref("bugguide") & "</small>"
      End If
    End If

    sb.AppendLine(refs.allRefs & "}}")

    s = getCategoryRank(ancestor, 0)
    If s <> "" Then sb.AppendLine("[[Category:" & s & "|*]]")
    If isAncestor(ancestor, "insecta", 0) And eqstr(children(0).rank, "species") Then sb.AppendLine("[[Category:Lists of insect species]]")

    If sendingMode = 1 Then sb.AppendLine(botCreateCategory)
    Return sb.ToString

  End Function

  Function getListPageName(m As taxrec, children As List(Of taxrec)) As String
    ' for consistency
    Return "List of " & m.taxon & " " & pluralRank(children(0).rank)
  End Function

  Function WikiPediaEntry(tMatch As taxrec, images As List(Of String), captions As List(Of String),
                  uprights As List(Of String), children As List(Of taxrec), ancestor As List(Of taxrec),
                  showSource As Boolean, dbAllowed As Integer, sendingMode As Integer) As String
    ' makes the text for a new wikipedia entry 

    Dim sb As New StringBuilder

    Dim s, s1, s2 As String
    Dim fName As String
    Dim ss As List(Of String)
    Dim nref As Integer = 0
    Dim maxPics As Integer = 2
    Dim reflist As New List(Of String)
    Dim ix As New List(Of Integer)
    Dim keys As New List(Of String)
    Dim nextLetter = "a"
    Dim refName, ref As String
    Dim idup As Integer
    Dim monoGenus As Boolean = False
    Dim monoFamily As Boolean = False ' for anything above genus
    Dim sq() As String

    Dim kids As List(Of taxrec)

    Dim m As New taxrec
    Dim irec As New imagerec
    Dim wrefs As New List(Of refrec)

    Dim refs As New references
    Dim bugName As String
    Dim i2, k, pageid As Integer
    Dim rm As RegularExpressions.Match

    If tMatch.taxon = "" Then Return ""

    If Not eqstr(ancestor(ancestor.Count - 1).rank, "phylum") Then
      Return ""
    End If

    wrefs = getWikiRefs(ancestor)

    ' if there's a taxlink species file and reference, use taxlink for a specific link in the reference
    For Each wref As refrec In wrefs
      If wref.url.ToLower.Contains("") AndAlso tMatch.taxlink.ToLower.StartsWith(wref.url.ToLower) And
          tMatch.taxlink.ToLower.Contains("taxonnameid") Then
        ' use it as a more specific species file link
        rm = Regex.Match(tMatch.taxlink, ":\/\/(.+?)\.")
        If rm.Groups.Count = 2 Then s1 = rm.Groups(1).Value Else s1 = ""
        s1 = StrConv(s1, VbStrConv.ProperCase)
        If s1 <> "" Then
          s2 = tMatch.rank & " " & tMatch.taxon & " " & tMatch.authority
          wref.url = tMatch.taxlink
          wref.etc &= "|website = " & wref.title
          wref.title = s2
        End If
      End If
    Next wref

    If eqstr(tMatch.rank, "genus") OrElse eqstr(tMatch.rank, "species") OrElse
         eqstr(tMatch.rank, "subspecies") Then
      bugName = "''" & tMatch.taxon & "''"
      bugName = tMatch.taxon
    End If

    defineRefs(tMatch, ancestor, bugName, refs, showSource)

    For i1 As Integer = 0 To images.Count - 1
      images(i1) = images(i1).Replace("=", "%3D")
    Next i1

    If children.Count = 1 Then
      If eqstr(children(0).rank, "species") AndAlso eqstr(tMatch.rank, "genus") Then monoGenus = True
      If eqstr(children(0).rank, "genus") Then monoFamily = True
    End If

    If eqstr(tMatch.rank, "species") Or monoGenus Then
      sb.AppendLine("{{Automatic taxobox")
    End If

    If images.Count >= 1 Then
      ss = images(0).Split(" ").ToList
      fName = ss(ss.Count - 1) ' last word is filename
      irec = getImageRec(fName)

      s1 = images(0)
      If s1.StartsWith("File:") Then s1 = s1.Substring(5)
      sb.AppendLine("| image = " & s1)
      If captions.Count > 0 Then
        sb.AppendLine("| image_caption = " & captions(0))
      End If
      If uprights(0) <> "" Then sb.AppendLine("| image_upright = " & uprights(0))
    End If

    ' ----------- species box ----------------------
    If monoGenus Then ' genus page, but show species also
      sb.AppendLine("| genus = " & getTaxAmbig(tMatch.taxon))
      sq = children(0).taxon.Split(" ")
      sb.AppendLine("| species = " & sq(1))
      If tMatch.authority <> "" Then sb.AppendLine("| parent_authority = " & tMatch.authority)
      If children(0).authority <> "" Then sb.AppendLine("| authority = " & children(0).authority)

    ElseIf monoFamily Then ' redirect to genus page, exit
      s = "#REDIRECT [[" & children(0).taxon & "]]" & vbCrLf & "{{R from monotypic taxon}}" & vbCrLf
      outLog("Redirect from " & tMatch.taxon & " to " & children(0).taxon)
      Return s

    Else ' normal, not monotypic from or to genus
      If eqstr(tMatch.rank, "species") Then
        sq = ancestor(0).taxon.Split(" ")
        sb.AppendLine("| genus = " & getTaxAmbig(sq(0)))
        sb.AppendLine("| species = " & sq(1))
      Else ' not species, one word
        sb.AppendLine("| taxon = " & getTaxAmbig(tMatch.taxon))
      End If

      If tMatch.authority <> "" Then sb.AppendLine("| authority = " & tMatch.authority)
    End If

    If tMatch.extinct Then
      s1 = extinctRange(tMatch)
      If s1 <> "" Then sb.AppendLine(s1)
    End If

    ' display_parents = k
    If tMatch.rank = "species" Then
      s1 = getHigherRank("genus")
      i2 = 2 ' skip genus when looking for higherrank.
      k = 1 ' show an extra parent, for genus
      s1 = getHigherRank(tMatch.rank)
      i2 = 1
      k = 0
    End If

    For i As Integer = i2 To ancestor.Count - 1
      If eqstr(ancestor(i).rank, s1) Then Exit For
      k += 1
    Next i

    If k > 1 Then sb.AppendLine("| display_parents = " & k)

    If tMatch.iucnStatus <> "" AndAlso Not eqstr(tMatch.iucnStatus, "dd") Then ' add endangered status
      sb.AppendLine("| status = " & tMatch.iucnStatus)
      sb.AppendLine("| status_system = iucn" & tMatch.iucnVersion)
      If tMatch.iucnID <> "" Then sb.AppendLine("| status_ref = " & refs.Ref("iucn")) '
    End If

    If children.Count >= maxlist Then
      sb.AppendLine("| diversity_link = " & getListPageName(tMatch, children))
      sb.AppendLine("| diversity = at least " & roundoff(children.Count) & " " & pluralRank(children(0).rank))
    End If

    ' show children?
    kids = getChildren(tMatch, False, dbAllowed) ' get immediate children
    For i As Integer = kids.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
      If Not itisRankID.ContainsKey(kids(i).rank) OrElse
        itisRankID(kids(i).rank) >= 220 OrElse mainRank.IndexOf(kids(i).rank) >= 0 Then kids.RemoveAt(i)
    Next i

    If kids.Count > 1 Then ' minor ranks only
      sb.AppendLine("| subdivision_ranks = " & StrConv(pluralRank(kids(0).rank), VbStrConv.ProperCase))
      sb.AppendLine("| subdivision =")
      ss = New List(Of String)
      For Each kid As taxrec In kids
        If kid.extinct Then s = "* † [[" & kid.taxon & "]]" Else s = "* [[" & kid.taxon & "]]"
        If kid.authority <> "" Then s &= " <small>" & kid.authority & "</small>"
      Next kid
      For Each s3 As String In ss
      Next s3
    End If

    If tMatch.synonyms IsNot Nothing AndAlso tMatch.synonyms.Count > 0 Then
      sb.Append("| synonyms = ")
      If eqstr(tMatch.rank, "species") Then
        sb.AppendLine("{{Species list")
        sb.AppendLine("{{Taxon list")
      End If
      For j As Integer = 0 To tMatch.synonyms.Count - 1
        If tMatch.synauth.Count > j Then
          sb.AppendLine("|  " & tMatch.synonyms(j) & " | " & tMatch.synauth(j))
          sb.AppendLine("|  " & tMatch.synonyms(j) & " |")
        End If
      Next j
      sb.AppendLine("}}")  ' synonyms
      If tMatch.itistsn > 0 Then sb.AppendLine("| synonyms_ref = " & refs.Ref("itis"))
    End If


    s = "'''" & bugName & "'''"

    s &= formatAncestors(tMatch, ancestor, dbAllowed)

    '---------common names------------------
    If 1 = 0 Then
      ss = New List(Of String)
      For i As Integer = 0 To ss.Count - 1
        ss(i) = """" & ss(i) & """"
      Next i

      If tMatch.commonNames.Count > 0 Then
        If eqstr(tMatch.rank, "species") Or eqstr(tMatch.rank, "subspecies") Then
          s &= " The " & LCase(tMatch.rank) & " is known generally as " ' """ & tmatch.commonNames(0) & """."
          s1 = formatList(ss, "or")
          If Not s1.StartsWith("the") Then s1 = "the " & s1
          s &= s1 & "."
          s &= "Members of the " & LCase(tMatch.rank) & " " & bugName & " include " ' & tmatch.commonNames(0) & "."
          s1 = formatList(ss, "and")
          If Not s1.StartsWith("the") Then s1 = "the " & s1
          s &= s1 & "."
        End If
      End If

    End If

    s1 = getRange(tMatch)
    If s1 <> "" Then s &= " " & s1

    '---------primary references----------------------
    ' some of these may be blank
    ' refs.ref sets the used flag (if not blank) -- required.
    If tMatch.itistsn <> 0 OrElse showSource Then s &= refs.Ref("itis")
    If tMatch.gbifID <> "" OrElse showSource Then s &= refs.Ref("gbif")
    s &= refs.Ref("spidercat")
    s &= refs.Ref("iucn")
    s &= refs.Ref("buglink")
    s &= refs.Ref("paleo") ' if it's there


    '---------conservation status------------------
    If tMatch.iucnStatus <> "" AndAlso Not eqstr(tMatch.iucnStatus, "dd") Then ' add endangered status
      s = "The IUCN conservation status of " & bugName & " is " & iucnstatus(tMatch.iucnStatus, tMatch.iucnTrend, tMatch.iucnYear)
      s &= refs.Ref("iucn")
    End If

    '-----------Hodges number-----------------
    If tMatch.hodges <> "" Then
      s = "The MONA or Hodges number for " & bugName & " is "
      If isAncestor(ancestor, "Papilionoidea", 0) Then ' butterfly, don't link to moths
        s &= tMatch.hodges & "." & refs.Ref("mpg")
        s &= "[[List of moths of North America|" & tMatch.hodges & "]]." & refs.Ref("mpg")
      End If
    End If

    '---------additional references on page. These are at the end of the text, so use <ref>
    s = "" : nextLetter = "a"
    For i As Integer = 0 To wrefs.Count - 1
      If LCase(wrefs(i).reftype).StartsWith("ref") Then ' reftype is refpub, refweb, refbook, etc. to go in the text.
        refName = "ref" & Format(i, "00")
        ref = citation(wrefs(i))
        If wrefs(i).alast.Count > 0 Then ' use author name, year for ref name
          refName = wrefs(i).alast
          idup = refName.IndexOf("|")
          If idup >= 0 Then refName = refName.Substring(0, idup)
          refName &= wrefs(i).year
        End If

        idup = refs.refExists(refName, ref)
        If idup = 1 Then ' name exists
          refName &= nextLetter
          nextLetter = ChrW(Asc(nextLetter) + 1)
        End If
        idup = refs.refExists(refName, ref)
        If idup = 1 Then refs.Ref("ref" & i) ' duplicate name (should never happen)
        If idup <= 1 Then ' 2 is duplicate reference content -- don't add it.
          refs.addref(refName, ref)
          s &= refs.Ref(refName)
        End If
      End If
    Next i
    If s <> "" Then sb.AppendLine(s)

    k = 1
    For i As Integer = 1 To maxPics ' first one's been used.
      Do While k <= images.Count - 1
        pageid = getPageID(images(k), urlWikiMedia)
        If pageid > 0 Then Exit Do
        k += 1

      If k >= images.Count Then Exit For
      ss = images(k).Split(" ").ToList
      fName = ss(ss.Count - 1)
      s = "[[" & images(k) & "| thumb"
      If uprights(k) <> "" Then s &= "| upright"
      irec = getImageRec(fName)
      If captions.Count > i AndAlso captions(k) <> "" Then
        s &= "|" & captions(k) & "]]"
        s1 = wikiCaption(tMatch, True)
        If s1 = "" Then
          s &= "]]"
          If irec.taxonid = "" Then
            s &= "|" & s1 & "]]"
            s &= "|" & s1 & "]]"  's &= "|" & s1 & xpref & "]]"
          End If
        End If
      End If

      k += 1
    Next i

    If (children.Count > 1 And children.Count < maxlist) Then
      s = formatchildren(tMatch, children, refs, ancestor, showSource)
      If s <> "" Then
      End If
    End If

    '---------see also (list page)---------------------
    If children.Count >= maxlist Then
      sb.AppendLine("==See also==")
      sb.AppendLine("* [[" & getListPageName(tMatch, children) & "]]") ' function is for consistency
    End If

    sb.Replace("/>" & vbCrLf & "<ref", "/><ref") ' careful!

    '---------inline references------------------------
    sb.AppendLine(refs.allRefs & "}}")

    '---------further reading---------------------
    reflist = New List(Of String)
    For Each wref As refrec In wrefs
      If Not LCase(wref.reftype).StartsWith("ref") Then ' no external links   And Not LCase(wref.reftype).EndsWith("web") Then
        reflist.Add(citation(wref)) ' paper reference
        ix.Add(ix.Count) ' for sort
        s1 = wref.alast
        If s1 = "" Then s1 = wref.elast
        'If s1 = "" Then s1 = wref.authors
        If s1 = "" Then
          s1 = wref.title
          If s1.StartsWith("A ") Then s1 = s1.Substring(2)
          If s1.StartsWith("An ") Then s1 = s1.Substring(3)
          If s1.StartsWith("The ") Then s1 = s1.Substring(4)
        End If
        keys.Add(s1) ' for sort
      End If
    Next wref

    If reflist.Count > 0 And Not tMatch.extinct Then ' no further reading for extinct bugs
      sb.AppendLine("==Further reading==")
      MergeSort(keys, ix, 0, reflist.Count - 1)
      For i1 As Integer = 0 To reflist.Count - 1
        sb.AppendLine("* " & reflist(ix(i1)))
      Next i1
    End If


    If images.Count > 0 Then
      sb.AppendLine("==External links==")
      'sb.AppendLine("* {{Commons category-inline|" & tMatch.taxon & "}}")
      sb.AppendLine("* {{Commons-inline}}")
    End If

    s1 = tMatch.wikidataid
    If s1 = "" Then s1 = getQnumber(tMatch, ancestor)

    If s1 <> "" Then
      sb.AppendLine("{{Taxonbar|from=" & s1 & "}}")
    End If

    s = "[[Category:" & getCategoryRank(ancestor, 1) & "]]"
    If isAncestor(ancestor, "diplopoda", 0) Then sb.AppendLine("[[Category:Millipedes of North America]]")
    If sendingMode = 1 Then sb.AppendLine(botCreateCategory)
    sb.AppendLine(getStubs(ancestor, images.Count))

    Return sb.ToString

  End Function

  Function getStubs(ancestor As List(Of taxrec), nImages As Integer) As String
    ' return the appropriate stub tag

    Dim tax As String
    Dim stub As String = ""

    If ancestor(0).extinct And (isAncestor(ancestor, "arthropoda", 0) Or isAncestor(ancestor, "euarthropoda", 0)) Then Return "{{Paleo-arthropod-stub}}"

    For i1 As Integer = 0 To ancestor.Count - 1
      tax = LCase(ancestor(i1).taxon)
      If stubs.ContainsKey(tax) Then Return stubs(tax)
    Next i1

    If isAncestor(ancestor, "insecta", 0) Then Return "{{Insect-stub}}"
    If isAncestor(ancestor, "arthropoda", 0) Then Return "{{Arthropod-stub}}"
    If isAncestor(ancestor, "animalia", 0) Then Return "{{Animal-stub}}"

    Return stub

  End Function

  Function getWikiUsers(titleParm As String, url As String, rvlimit As String) As List(Of String)

    ' loads pages from wiki, 1 or more (rvlimit) revisions
    ' 0 is the latest iteration, spages.count-1 is the original creator

    Dim parms As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim r1 As HttpResponseMessage
    Dim qcontent As FormUrlEncodedContent
    Dim s As String
    Dim jq As JObject
    Dim sPages As New List(Of String)

    Dim pageID As String

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    parms.Add("action", "query")
    parms.Add("titles", titleParm)
    parms.Add("prop", "revisions")
    parms.Add("rvprop", "user")
    If rvlimit <> "1" And rvlimit <> "" Then
      parms.Add("rvlimit", rvlimit) ' number of revisions to return
    End If
    parms.Add("rvslots", "*") ' format?
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

    r1 = qClient.PostAsync(url, qcontent).Result
    s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
    jq = JObject.Parse(s)

      pageID = jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*").SelectToken("pageid")
      If pageID IsNot Nothing Then
        For i As Integer = 0 To jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*.revisions").Count - 1
          sPages.Add(jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*.revisions(" & i & ").user").ToString)
        Next i
      End If
    Catch ex As Exception
      MsgBox("json error: " & ex.Message)
      Return New List(Of String)
    End Try

    Return sPages

  End Function

  Function getWikiPages(titleParm As String, url As String, rvlimit As String) As List(Of String)
    ' loads pages from wiki, 1 or more (rvlimit) revisions
    ' 0 is the latest iteration

    Dim parms As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim r1 As HttpResponseMessage
    Dim qcontent As FormUrlEncodedContent
    Dim s As String
    Dim ssk As List(Of JToken)
    Dim jq As JObject
    Dim sPages As New List(Of String)
    Dim page As String

    Dim pageID As String

    If titleParm = "" Then Return New List(Of String)

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    parms.Add("action", "query")
    parms.Add("titles", titleParm)
    parms.Add("prop", "revisions")
    parms.Add("rvprop", "content")
    If rvlimit <> "1" And rvlimit <> "" Then
      parms.Add("rvlimit", rvlimit) ' number of revisions to return
    End If
    parms.Add("rvslots", "*") ' format?
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

    r1 = qClient.PostAsync(url, qcontent).Result
    s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
    jq = JObject.Parse(s)

      pageID = jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*").SelectToken("pageid")
      If pageID IsNot Nothing Then
        For i As Integer = 0 To jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*.revisions").Count - 1
            ssk = jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*.revisions(" & i & ").slots.main").ToList
            If ssk.Count >= 3 Then
              page = ssk(2)
            End If
          Catch ex As Exception
            outLog("error reading " & titleParm & ", page " & i + 1 & ", " & ex.Message)
          End Try
        Next i
      End If
    Catch ex As Exception
      MsgBox("json error: " & ex.Message)
      Return New List(Of String)
    End Try

    Return sPages

  End Function

  Sub updatePageID(m As taxrec, pageID As String)

    ' save the wikipediapageid to the database. The ID is not used at the moment, just non-zero shows a wikipage exists

    Dim k As Integer

    If Not IsNumeric(pageID) OrElse m.taxid = "" Then Exit Sub
    k = getScalar("select count(*) from oddinfo where taxid = @parm1", m.taxid)
    If k = 0 Then
      k = nonQuery("insert into oddinfo (taxid, name, wikipediapageid) values (@parm1, @parm2, @parm3);",
                   m.taxid, m.taxon, pageID)
      If k <> 1 Then Stop
      k = nonQuery("update oddinfo set wikipediapageid = @parm1 where taxid = @parm2", pageID, m.taxid)
      If k <> 1 Then Stop
    End If
  End Sub
  Sub updatePagesMade(m As taxrec, pageTitle As String)
    Dim s1 As String
    Dim k As Integer

    s1 = Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
    k = getScalar("select count(*) from pagesmade where taxon = @parm1", m.taxon)
    If k = 0 Then
      k = nonQuery("insert into pagesmade (time, pagetitle, taxon, madeby) values (@parm1, @parm2, @parm3, 'qbugbot')",
                   s1, pageTitle, m.taxon)
      k = nonQuery("update pagesmade set time=@parm1, madeby='qbugbot' where taxon = @parm2", s1, m.taxon)
    End If
    If k <> 1 Then outLog("Database error, inserting into pagesmade")
  End Sub

  Sub getwikipics(m As taxrec, ByRef images As List(Of String), ByRef captions As List(Of String),
              ByRef uprights As List(Of String), dbAllowed As Integer)
    ' returns a list of images for a single taxon
    Dim ds As New DataSet

    ds = getDS("select * from wikipics where wikipics.taxon = @parm1", m.taxon)

    For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
      If (dr("taxon") <> m.taxon) AndAlso dr("taxon") <> "" AndAlso m.taxon <> "" Then ' Stop
      End If
      If eqstr(m.rank, "species") OrElse eqstr(m.rank, "genus") OrElse eqstr(m.rank, "subspecies") Then
        captions.Add("''" & m.taxon & "''")
      End If
      uprights.Add(dr("upright")) ' upright parameter for aspect ratio
    Next dr

  End Sub

  Function checktaxtemplate(ancestor As List(Of taxrec), pagesmade As List(Of String), pageTitle As String) As List(Of String)
    ' generate taxonomy templates for the ancestors that are missing.
    ' returns a string of all generated templates

    Dim pageID As Integer
    Dim template As String
    Dim s As String
    Dim k As Integer
    Dim topEmpty As Integer
    Dim lastTaxon As String
    Dim pages As List(Of String)
    Dim s1 As String
    Dim m As taxrec
    Dim upperRank As String = ""
    Dim upperTax As String = ""

    pages = New List(Of String)

    topEmpty = ancestor.Count - 2
    lastTaxon = ancestor(topEmpty + 1).taxon
    ' start at the bottom and find the last missing rank
    For i1 As Integer = 0 To ancestor.Count - 2 ' skip topmost rank
      lastTaxon = ancestor(i1).taxon
      If itisRankID(ancestor(i1).rank) > 60 AndAlso itisRankID(ancestor(i1).rank) < 220 Then
        ' rank is lower than class and >= genus.
        If ancestor(i1).taxid <> "" Then
          s = getScalar("select taxtemplateid from oddinfo where taxid = @parm1;", ancestor(i1).taxid)
          s = ""
        End If
        If IsNumeric(s) Then pageID = s Else pageID = 0
        s1 = getTaxAmbig(ancestor(i1).taxon)
        If pageID = 0 Then pageID = getPageID("Template:Taxonomy/" & s1, urlWikiPedia)
        'If itisRankID(ancestor(i1).rank) >= 100 Then pageID = 0  ' for debugging!
        If pageID > 0 Then
          topEmpty = i1 - 1
          lastTaxon = ancestor(i1).taxon
          Exit For
        End If
      End If
    Next i1

    k = getTaxFam(ancestor, topEmpty + 1, upperRank, upperTax)
    If k = 0 Then outLog("Ancestor not in tax template for " & lastTaxon & ", " & upperRank & " " & upperTax)

    For i1 As Integer = topEmpty To 0 Step -1
      If itisRankID(ancestor(i1).rank) > 60 AndAlso itisRankID(ancestor(i1).rank) < 220 Then
        ' rank is lower than class and >= genus.
        If ancestor(i1).taxid <> "" Then
          s = getScalar("select taxtemplateid from oddinfo where taxid = @parm1;", ancestor(i1).taxid)
          s = ""
        End If
        If IsNumeric(s) Then pageID = s Else pageID = 0
        'If itisRankID(ancestor(i1).rank) >= 100 Then pageID = 0  ' for debugging!
        If pageID <= 0 Then
          s1 = getTaxAmbig(ancestor(i1).taxon)
          template = "template:Taxonomy/" & s1
          If pagesmade.IndexOf(template) < 0 Then
            pageID = getPageID(template, urlWikiPedia)
            'If itisRankID(ancestor(i1).rank) >= 100 Then pageID = 0 ' for debugging!

            If pageID = 0 Then
              m = ancestor(i1)
              If i1 = 0 AndAlso m.ambigLink = "" And pageTitle.Contains("(") Then m.ambigLink = pageTitle ' read from taxlist.txt

              If ancestor(i1).itistsn > 0 OrElse ancestor(i1).catLifeID <> "" OrElse (ancestor(i1).gbifID <> "" And ancestor(i1).gbifID <> "0") OrElse
                  ancestor(i1).spiderlink <> "" OrElse (ancestor(i1).taxid <> "") Then

                s = createTaxTemplate(m, lastTaxon)
                If s <> "" Then
                End If

                outLog("created " & template)
              End If

            Else ' save an internet call next time
              If ancestor(i1).taxid <> "" Then
                k = getScalar("select count(*) from oddinfo where taxid = @parm1", ancestor(i1).taxid)
                If k > 0 Then ' update oddinfo record
                  k = nonQuery("update oddinfo set taxtemplateid = @parm1 where taxid = @parm2;",
                               pageID, ancestor(i1).taxid)
                  If k <> 1 Then Stop
                Else ' insert record into oddinfo
                  k = nonQuery("insert into oddinfo (taxid, name, taxtemplateid) values (@parm1, @parm2, @parm3)",
                               ancestor(i1).taxid, ancestor(i1).taxon, pageID)
                  If k <> 1 Then Stop
                End If
              End If
            End If
          End If
        End If
      End If
      lastTaxon = ancestor(i1).taxon
    Next i1

    Return pages

  End Function

  Function getTaxFam(anc As List(Of taxrec), taxStart As Integer, ByRef taxRank As String, ByRef taxTaxon As String) As Boolean

    ' determines whether the taxobox will conflict with article text in " in the family 'taxTaxon' " (formatancestor)

    Dim ancTax As String
    Dim taxPage As String = ""
    Dim taxTitle As String = ""
    Dim rank As String = ""
    Dim parent As String = ""
    Dim rm As RegularExpressions.Match
    Dim iCount As Integer

    ' get family, order, or class of the taxonomy templates in ancestor
    ancTax = ""
    taxTaxon = ""
    taxRank = ""
    parent = anc(taxStart).taxon

    ' select family, order, or class
    For i1 As Integer = 1 To anc.Count - 1
      Select Case LCase(anc(i1).rank)
        Case "family"
          taxRank = "family"
          ancTax = anc(i1).taxon
          Exit For
        Case "order"
          taxRank = "order"
          ancTax = anc(i1).taxon
          Exit For
        Case "class"
          taxRank = "class"
          ancTax = anc(i1).taxon
          Exit For
      End Select
    Next i1

    If ancTax = "" Then Return False

    iCount = 0

    Do While iCount = 0 Or
      (parent <> "" AndAlso (Not itisRankID.ContainsKey(rank) OrElse itisRankID(taxRank) < itisRankID(rank)) And iCount < 50)
      taxTitle = parent
      taxPage = getWikiPage("Template:taxonomy/" & taxTitle, urlWikiPedia)
      rm = Regex.Match(taxPage, "\| *?rank *?= *?([a-zA-Z]+?)[^a-zA-Z]")
      If rm.Groups.Count = 2 Then rank = rm.Groups(1).Value
      rm = Regex.Match(taxPage, "\| *?parent *?= *?([a-zA-Z]+?)[^a-zA-Z]")
      If rm.Groups.Count = 2 Then parent = rm.Groups(1).Value
      iCount += 1

    If itisRankID.ContainsKey(rank) AndAlso itisRankID(taxRank) > itisRankID(rank) Then
      Return True ' skipped taxRank, let it go
    End If

    If eqstr(rank, latinRank(taxRank)) Then
      taxTaxon = taxTitle
      Return eqstr(taxTaxon, ancTax)
      taxTaxon = ""
      Return False
    End If

  End Function

  Sub makePage(m As taxrec, dbRequired As Integer, dbAllowed As Integer, pageTitle As String,
               templateOnly As Boolean, sendingMode As Integer, alteration As String)

    ' makes a wikipedia page, and ancestor pages as needed.
    ' handles overhead and calls wikipiaentry and wikipedialist.
    ' sendingmode 2 = update, 1 = create, 0 = don't send

    Dim s, s1, s2 As String
    Dim k As Integer
    Dim ancestor As List(Of taxrec) = Nothing
    Dim taxAncestor As List(Of taxrec) = Nothing
    Dim images As New List(Of String)
    Dim captions As New List(Of String)
    Dim uprights As New List(Of String)
    Dim children As New List(Of taxrec)
    Dim sp As New List(Of String)
    Dim sTalk As String
    Dim inPages As List(Of String)
    Dim bugname As String
    Dim monoType As Boolean
    Dim mp As taxrec
    Dim showSource As Boolean = False

    getwikipics(m, images, captions, uprights, dbAllowed)

    s = validTaxon(m, dbRequired)
    If s <> "" Then
      If LCase(s).Contains("itis") AndAlso images.Count > 0 Then
        outLog("No itis, but imagecount = " & images.Count & ". " & m.taxon)
        Exit Sub ' remove to relax itis restriction for pages with images
        outLog("invalid taxon: " & m.taxon & ", " & s)
        Exit Sub
      End If
    End If

    ancestor = getancestors(m, dbAllowed, True, "phylum")
    children = allDescendants(m, getLowerRank(m.rank), dbAllowed) ' get children

    bugname = m.taxon ' for edit summary
    If eqstr(m.rank, "species") OrElse eqstr(m.rank, "genus") OrElse eqstr(m.rank, "subspecies") Then
      bugname = "''" & bugname & "''"
    End If

    If itisRankID(m.rank) >= 100 Then ' get pics if rank is order through but not including species
      ' get descendant images for upper taxons
      For Each m3 As taxrec In children
        getwikipics(m3, images, captions, uprights, dbAllowed)
      Next m3

      If images.Count > 2 Then
        images = {images(0), images(images.Count - 1)}.ToList ' get first and last image if there are several
        captions = {captions(0), captions(captions.Count - 1)}.ToList ' get first and last image if there are several
        uprights = {uprights(0), uprights(uprights.Count - 1)}.ToList ' get first and last image if there are several
      End If
    End If

    ' sTalk is the project name for the stub notice on the talk page.
    If isAncestor(ancestor, "lepidoptera", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Lepidoptera"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "coleoptera", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Beetles"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "formicidae", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Insects|ants=yes"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "hymenoptera", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Insects|Hymenoptera=yes|Hymenoptera-importance=low"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "insecta", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Insects"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Araneae", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Spiders"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Arthropoda", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Arthropods"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Amphibia", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Amphibians and Reptiles"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Reptilia", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Amphibians and Reptiles"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Animalia", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Animals"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Aves", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Birds"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Bivalvia", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Bivalves"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Felidae", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Cats"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Cephalopoda", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Cephalopods"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Cetacea", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Cetaceans"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Dinosauria", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Dinosaurs"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Canis", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Dogs"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Agnatha", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Fishes"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Chondrichthyes", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Fishes"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Osteichthyes", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Fishes"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Gastropoda", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Gastropods"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Mammalia", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Mammals"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Plantae", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Plants"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Primates", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Primates"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Rodentia", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Rodents"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Selachimorpha", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Sharks"
    ElseIf isAncestor(ancestor, "Testudines", 0) Then
      sTalk = "Turtles"
      sTalk = "Animals"
    End If
    sTalk = "{{WikiProject " & sTalk & "|class=stub|importance=low}}" & vbCrLf
    If m.extinct Then sTalk &= "{{WikiProject Palaeontology|class=stub|importance=low}}" & vbCrLf
    If sendingMode = 1 Then
      sTalk &= vbCrLf & botCreateMessage & vbCrLf ' create page
      k = getPageID(pageTitle, urlWikiPedia)
      If k > 0 Then outLog("page exists: " & m.taxon) Else Stop
    End If

    If k <= 0 Or sendingMode <> 1 Then ' make the pages sendingmode 2 = update, 1 = create, 0 = don't send

      taxAncestor = getancestors(ancestor(0), 27, True, "phylum") ' allow itis, catlife, etc. for the templates

      sp = checktaxtemplate(taxAncestor, pagesMade, pageTitle)
      For i1 As Integer = 0 To sp.Count - 1 Step 2
        madePage.Append("=================" & sp(i1) & "======================" & vbCrLf) ' title
        madePage.Append(sp(i1 + 1) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf) ' content
        If sendingMode <> 0 And nPagesSent < maxPagesSent Then ' update or create
          s2 = "Created " & sp(i1)
          sendWikiPage(sp(i1), sp(i1 + 1), urlWikiPedia, s2, 1) ' sendingmode: create only for templates
        End If
      Next i1

      If Not templateOnly Then

        madePage.Append("=================" & pageTitle & "======================" & vbCrLf)
        s = WikiPediaEntry(m, images, captions, uprights, children, ancestor, showSource, dbAllowed, sendingMode)

        'If images.Count = 0 Then sTalk = sTalk.Replace("}}", "|needs-photo=yes}}")
        If s <> "" Then
          If sendingMode <> 0 And nPagesSent < maxPagesSent Then
            If sendingMode = 2 Then s2 = alteration Else s2 = "Created page for the " & LCase(m.rank) & " " & bugname
            s = sendWikiPage(pageTitle, s, urlWikiPedia, s2, sendingMode)
            If IsNumeric(s) Then
              updatePageID(m, s) ' mark as "page exists" in database
              updatePagesMade(m, pageTitle) ' update pagesmade database
            End If
            addTalkPage(sendingMode, pageTitle, sTalk, "Created talk page: stub class, low importance")
            nPagesSent += 1
            If nPagesSent >= maxPagesSent Then outLog("Pages sent: " & nPagesSent & ", max: " & maxPagesSent)
          End If
        End If

        madePage.Append(vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sTalk)
        outLog("saved page: " & m.taxon)

        If children.Count >= maxlist And sendingMode <> 2 Then ' create a list page
          s = WikiPedialist(m, children, ancestor, showSource, dbAllowed, sendingMode) ' make a list page for the children
          sTalk = sTalk.Replace("|class=stub", "|class=list")
          'sTalk = sTalk.Replace("|needs-photo=yes}}", "}}")

          madePage.Append("=======================================" & vbCrLf)
          madePage.Append(vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sTalk)
          outLog("saved page: " & m.taxon & " list page")

          s2 = getListPageName(m, children) ' to be consistent with link in main page

          If sendingMode <> 0 And nPagesSent < maxPagesSent Then
            s1 = sendWikiPage(s2, s, urlWikiPedia, "Created list page for the " & LCase(m.rank) & " " & bugname, sendingMode)
            If IsNumeric(s1) Then
              updatePagesMade(m, s2)
              addTalkPage(sendingMode, s2, sTalk, "Created talk page: list class, low importance")
            End If
            nPagesSent += 1
            If nPagesSent >= maxPagesSent Then outLog("Pages sent: " & nPagesSent & ", max: " & maxPagesSent)
          End If
        End If

      End If
    End If
    'End If

    If Not templateOnly Then
      ' crawl up the ancestors and make missing pages, (creation only)
      If sendingMode = 1 Then
        For i1 As Integer = 1 To ancestor.Count - 1
          mp = ancestor(i1)
          If mp.unimportant = 0 AndAlso pagesMade.IndexOf(mp.taxon) < 0 Then
            If mp.taxid <> "" Then
              k = getScalar("select count(*) from oddinfo where wikipediapageid > 0 and taxid = @parm1", mp.taxid)
              k = 0
            End If

            If k <= 0 Then ' no wikipedia id in database
              s1 = getDisambig(mp)
              If s1 = "" Then s1 = mp.taxon
              k = getPageID(s1, urlWikiPedia) ' not on wikipedia
              If k = 0 Then
                makePage(mp, dbRequired, dbAllowed, s1, templateOnly, sendingMode, "") ' make an ancestor page
              End If
            End If
          End If
        Next i1
      End If

      If Not monoType Then
        'If sendingMode Then ' check for orphans
        inPages = orphanCheck(pageTitle)
        If inPages.Count = 0 Then
          outLog("orphan: " & pageTitle)
          If sendingMode <> 0 Then appendPageTitle("orphan" & vbTab & ancestor(1).taxon)
          ' see if it's an orphan except for child's link
          k = 0
          For i1 As Integer = 0 To children.Count - 1
            If inPages.IndexOf(children(i1).taxon) >= 0 Then k += 1
          Next i1
          If k >= inPages.Count Then
            outLog("orphan almost: " & pageTitle)
            If sendingMode <> 0 Then appendPageTitle("orphan" & vbTab & ancestor(1).taxon & vbTab & ancestor(2).taxon)
          End If
        End If

      End If

    End If
  End Sub

  Sub addTalkPage(sendingMode As Integer, pageTitle As String, sTalk As String, logMessage As String)

    Dim s As String

    If sendingMode = 1 Then ' create
      s = sendWikiPage("Talk:" & pageTitle, sTalk, urlWikiPedia, logMessage, sendingMode)
    ElseIf sendingMode = 2 Then ' update
      s = getWikiPage("Talk:" & pageTitle, urlWikiPedia)
      If Not s.ToLower.Contains("{{wikiproject") Then
        If s = "" Then
          s = sTalk
          s = s.Trim & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sTalk
        End If
        s = sendWikiPage("Talk:" & pageTitle, s, urlWikiPedia, logMessage, sendingMode)
      End If
    End If

  End Sub

  Sub loadTaxList()

    ' reads a list of titles from taxlist file and makes pages for all the items, even if they've been done before.

    Dim i1 As Integer
    Dim s1 As String
    Dim ds As DataSet
    Dim m, m2 As New taxrec
    Dim ss As List(Of String)
    Dim pageTitle As String
    Dim dbRequired, dbAllowed As Integer
    Dim templateOnly As Boolean
    Dim result As MsgBoxResult
    Dim sendingMode As Integer

    File.WriteAllText(outFile, "")
    madePage = New StringBuilder

    ss = New List(Of String)
    ss = File.ReadAllLines(My.Settings.taxlist).ToList
    dbRequired = 0 ' 1 = taxa, 2 = itis, 4 = catlife, 8 = gbif, 16 = spidercat(andable)
    'dbAllowed = 31 ' allowed: all (taxa=1, itis=2, catlife = 4, gbif = 8, 16 = spidercat) for ancestors and children
    'dbAllowed = 29 ' allowed: not itis (taxa=1, itis=2, catlife = 4, gbif = 8, 16 = spidercat) for ancestors and children
    'dbAllowed = 27 ' allowed: not catlife (taxa=1, itis=2, catlife = 4, gbif = 8, 16 = spidercat) for ancestors and children
    dbAllowed = 27 ' allowed: (taxa=1, itis=2, catlife = 4, gbif = 8, 16 = spidercat) for ancestors and children

    templateOnly = False
    sendingMode = 0

    nPagesSent = 0
    maxPagesSent = 20

    If sendingMode <> 0 Then
      result = MsgBox("Send Pages?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel)
      If result <> MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
        Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
        Exit Sub
      End If
      s1 = qlogin(urlWikiPedia)
      sToken = gettoken(urlWikiPedia)
    End If

    pagesMade = New List(Of String)
    'pagesToMake = New List(Of String)
    For Each rec As String In ss
      rec = rec.Trim
      rec = rec.Replace(Chr(&HE2) & Chr(&H80) & Chr(&H8E), "")
      rec = rec.Replace(Chr(&HE2), "")
      rec = rec.Replace(Chr(&H80), "")
      rec = rec.Replace(Chr(&H8E), "")

      ' get disambig pagetitle if it's in the file.
      i1 = rec.IndexOf("(")
      If i1 >= 0 Then
        pageTitle = rec
        rec = rec.Substring(0, i1)
        pageTitle = ""
      End If

      If rec.Trim <> "" Then
        If rec.StartsWith("---") Then Exit For
        m = loadMatch(rec, True)
        If eqstr(m.taxon, rec) Then ' leaves out species single words
          If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = getDisambig(m)
          If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = m.taxon
          makePage(m, dbRequired, dbAllowed, pageTitle, templateOnly, sendingMode, "") ' change to true to make a page that has a wikipediapageid, true to require itis
          outLog("not in taxa database: " & rec)
          ds = getDS("select * from itis.taxonomic_units where complete_name = @parm1 and name_usage = 'valid';", rec)
          If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
            For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
              m = getItisTaxrec(dr, True)
              If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = getDisambig(m)
              If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = m.taxon
              makePage(m, dbRequired, dbAllowed, pageTitle, templateOnly, sendingMode, "") ' change to true to make a page that has a wikipediapageid, true to require itis
            Next dr
            ds = getDS("select * from where name = @parm1 and usable <> ''", rec)
            If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
              For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
                m = getTaxrecg(dr, True)
                If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = getDisambig(m)
                If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = m.taxon
                makePage(m, dbRequired, dbAllowed, pageTitle, templateOnly, sendingMode, "") ' change to true to make a page that has a wikipediapageid, true to require itis
              Next dr
              ds = getDS("select * from where name = @parm1 and namestatus = 'accepted name';", rec)
              If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
                For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
                  m = getCatLifeTaxrec(dr, True)
                  If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = getDisambig(m)
                  If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = m.taxon
                  makePage(m, dbRequired, dbAllowed, pageTitle, templateOnly, sendingMode, "") ' change to true to make a page that has a wikipediapageid, true to require itis
                Next dr
                ds = getDS("select * from spidercat where name = @parm1;", rec)
                If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
                  For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
                    m = getspiderTaxrec(dr, True)
                    If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = getDisambig(m)
                    If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = m.taxon
                    makePage(m, dbRequired, dbAllowed, pageTitle, templateOnly, sendingMode, "") ' change to true to make a page that has a wikipediapageid, true to require itis
                  Next dr
                End If
              End If
            End If
          End If
        End If
      End If
      File.AppendAllText(outFile, madePage.ToString)
      madePage = New StringBuilder
    Next rec

    madePage.Append("=======================================" & vbCrLf)
    File.AppendAllText(outFile, madePage.ToString)
    madePage = New StringBuilder

  End Sub

  Private Sub cmdList_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdList.Click
    ' make wikipedia pages from a list of taxa.
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default

  End Sub

  Private Sub cmdRandom_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdRandom.Click

    ' generate a set of pages selected over the database randomly.
    ' it doesn't seem very random, but that's not important.

    Dim ds As DataSet
    Dim dr As DataRow
    Dim m, m2 As New taxrec
    Dim s As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim nPages As Integer
    Dim dbRequired, dbAllowed As Integer
    Dim templateOnly As Boolean
    Dim result As MsgBoxResult
    Dim sendingMode As Integer

    Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor

    File.WriteAllText(outFile, "")
    madePage = New StringBuilder
    pagesMade = New List(Of String)

    dbRequired = 3 ' requires itis and taxa for initial page
    dbAllowed = 27 ' allows taxa, itis, and catlife (taxa=1, itis=2, catlife = 4, gbif = 8, spidercat = 16) for ancestors and children

    templateOnly = False
    sendingMode = 0

    Rnd(-1) : Randomize(1) ' repeatable sequence of randoms. Increment randomize parameter for new set
    nPagesSent = 0
    maxPagesSent = 3
    nPages = maxPagesSent * 1.5 ' number from database (some will be excluded)

    If sendingMode <> 0 Then
      result = MsgBox("Send Pages?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel)
      If result <> MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
        Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
        Exit Sub
      End If
      s = qlogin(urlWikiPedia)
      If s <> "Success" Then
        MsgBox("login failure")
        Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
        Exit Sub
      End If
      sToken = gettoken(urlWikiPedia)
    End If

    ds = getDS("select * from taxatable where rank = 'species';")

    For i1 As Integer = 0 To ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
      ' i = i1 for finish
      i = Rnd() * ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
      dr = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i)
      m = getTaxrec(dr, True)
      makePage(m, dbRequired, dbAllowed, m.taxon, templateOnly, sendingMode, "") ' m, make existing pages, itis required
      File.AppendAllText(outFile, madePage.ToString)
      madePage = New StringBuilder
      If nPagesSent >= maxPagesSent Then Exit For
    Next i1

    madePage.Append("=======================================" & vbCrLf)
    File.AppendAllText(outFile, madePage.ToString)
    madePage = New StringBuilder

    Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default

  End Sub

  Function readrefs(rec As String) As List(Of refrec)

    ' gets the {{cite...}} references from the string rec and returns a list of refrecs

    Dim rm As RegularExpressions.MatchCollection
    Dim s As String
    Dim sq() As String
    Dim sv() As String
    Dim ref As New refrec
    Dim refs As New List(Of refrec)

    rm = Regex.Matches(rec, "\{\{(.+?)\}\}", RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

    For Each r As RegularExpressions.Match In rm
      If r.Groups.Count > 1 Then
        s = r.Groups(1).ToString
        s = Regex.Replace(s, "(\[\[[^\]]+?)\|(.+?\]\])", "$1~~$2") ' change | inside wikilinks to ~~ temporarily
        sq = s.Split("|")
        If sq.Count >= 2 AndAlso s.Contains("=") Then
          ref = New refrec

          ref.pubtype = sq(0).Trim.Split(" ")(1)

          For i As Integer = 1 To sq.Count - 1 ' skip first

            sq(i) = sq(i).Replace("~~", "|")
            sv = sq(i).Split("=")

            sv(0) = LCase(sv(0).Trim)
            sv(1) = sv(1).Trim
            Select Case sv(0)
              Case "title"
                ref.title = sv(1)
              Case "year"
                ref.year = sv(1)
              Case "date"
                ref.year = sv(1)
              Case "url"
                ref.url = sv(1)
              Case "series"
                ref.series = sv(1)
              Case "journal"
                ref.journal = sv(1)
              Case "volume"
                ref.volume = sv(1)
              Case "issue"
                ref.issue = sv(1)
              Case "chapter"
                ref.chapter = sv(1)
              Case "publisher"
                ref.publisher = sv(1)
              Case "pages", "page"
                ref.pages = sv(1)
              Case "isbn"
                ref.isbn = sv(1)
              Case "issn"
                ref.issn = sv(1)
              Case "doi"
                ref.doi = sv(1)
              Case "doi-access"
                ref.doiaccess = sv(1)
              Case "etc"
                ref.etc = sv(1)
              Case "comment"
                ref.comment = sv(1)

              Case "accessdate"
              Case "displayauthors"
            End Select

            If sv(0).StartsWith("first") Then
              If ref.afirst = "" Then ref.afirst = sv(1) Else ref.afirst &= "|" & sv(1)
            End If
            If sv(0).StartsWith("last") Then
              If ref.alast = "" Then ref.alast = sv(1) Else ref.alast &= "|" & sv(1)
            End If
            If sv(0).StartsWith("editor") AndAlso sv(0).EndsWith("first") Then
              If ref.efirst = "" Then ref.efirst = sv(1) Else ref.efirst &= "|" & sv(1)
            End If
            If sv(0).StartsWith("editor") AndAlso sv(0).EndsWith("last") Then
              If ref.elast = "" Then ref.elast = sv(1) Else ref.elast &= "|" & sv(1)
            End If

          Next i

        End If
      End If
    Next r

    Return refs

  End Function

  Function crlf(source) As String
    ' convert lf to crlf

    Dim page As String
    page = source
    page = page.Replace(vbCrLf, "~^~")
    page = page.Replace(vbLf, "~^~")
    page = page.Replace(vbCr, vbCrLf)
    page = page.Replace("~^~", vbCrLf)
    Return page

  End Function

  Function updatePage(tax As String, title As String, ByRef alteration As String) As String

    ' updates a page previously made by this bot
    ' alteration tells what changes were made for the wikipedia watchlist

    Dim sPages As List(Of String)
    Dim sUsers As List(Of String)
    Dim original, current, page As String
    Dim s, pageTitle As String

    If title <> "" Then pageTitle = title Else pageTitle = tax
    madePage = New StringBuilder
    sPages = getWikiPages(title, urlWikiPedia, "max")

    If sPages.Count > 0 Then
      sUsers = getWikiUsers(title, urlWikiPedia, "max")
      If sUsers.Count > 0 AndAlso eqstr(sUsers(sUsers.Count - 1), "qbugbot") Then ' only update pages created by qbugbot

        original = crlf(sPages(sPages.Count - 1))
        current = crlf(sPages(0))
        page = current

        s = botban(page, "qbugbot")
        If s <> "" Then
          outLog(tax & " - bot ban: " & s)
          Return ""
        End If

        alteration = ""
        s = current

        page = checkTaxobox(tax, original, s)

        If s <> page Then
          If s.Contains("Speciesbox") Then alteration &= "speciesbox, " Else alteration &= "taxobox, "
          s = page
        End If
        page = checkText(tax, original, s)
        If s <> page Then
          alteration &= "introduction/references, "
          s = page
        End If
        page = refReplace(tax, original, s, "Further reading", "External links")
        If s <> page Then
          alteration &= "further reading, "
          s = page
        End If
        page = addPhotos(tax, original, s)
        If s <> page Then
          alteration &= "photos, "
          s = page
        End If
        page = removeTags(tax, s)
        If s <> page Then
          alteration &= "removed tags, "
          s = page
        End If
        page = addcommons(tax, s)
        If s <> page Then alteration &= "external links, "
        If alteration.EndsWith(", ") Then alteration = alteration.Substring(0, alteration.Length - 2)

        ' fix faulty line spacing
        page = Regex.Replace(page, "(\r\n)*\{\{Taxonbar", vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "{{Taxonbar")
        page = Regex.Replace(page, "(\r\n)+==", vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "==")
        page = page.Trim

        If page = current.Trim Then
          outLog(tax & " - no change: " & pageTitle)
          alteration = ""
          Return ""
          If alteration = "" Then Return ""
          Return page
        End If
      End If

      outLog(tax & " - missing page or creator: " & pageTitle)
      Return ""
    End If

    Return ""

  End Function

  Function addcommons(tax As String, page As String) As String

    ' add a commons-inline in external links

    Dim i As Integer

    If Regex.Match(page, "\{\{ *commons", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).ToString = "" Then ' commons not already there

      If Regex.Match(page, "\| *image *=", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).ToString <> "" Or
         Regex.Match(page, "\[\[ *file:", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).ToString <> "" Then
        i = LCase(page).IndexOf(vbCrLf & "{{taxonbar")
        If i < 0 Then i = LCase(page).IndexOf(vbLf & "{{taxonbar")

        If i >= 0 Then page = page.Substring(0, i) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
            "==External links==" & vbCrLf &
            "{{refbegin}}" & vbCrLf &
            "* {{Commons category-inline|" & tax & "}}" & vbCrLf &
            "{{refend}}" & vbCrLf &
      End If
    End If

    Return page

  End Function

  Function botban(page As String, botname As String) As String

    ' check and see if the bot is banned, return "" if it's OK.

    '{{nobots}}                Ban all compliant bots (shortcut)
    '{{bots}}                  Allow all bots (shortcut)
    '{{bots|allow=<botlist>}}  Ban all compliant bots not in the list
    '{{bots|deny=<botlist>}}   Ban all compliant bots in the list
    '{{bots|allow=all}}      Allow all bots
    '{{bots|allow=none}}     Ban all compliant bots
    '{{bots|deny=all}}       Ban all compliant bots

    Dim rbot As RegularExpressions.Match
    Dim sq As New List(Of String)
    Dim s As String

    If Regex.Match(page, "\{\{ *nobots *\}\}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value <> "" Then Return "nobots"

    rbot = Regex.Match(page, "(\{\{bots[ " & vbCrLf & "]*\|[ " & vbCrLf & "]*([a-z]+?)[ " &
                       vbCrLf & "]*=(([ " & vbCrLf & "]*,?[ " & vbCrLf & "]*[a-z]+?)*)[ " & vbCrLf & "]*\}\})",
            RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
    If rbot.Groups.Count >= 4 Then
      s = rbot.Groups(3).Value ' comma separated botlist
      sq = s.Split(",".ToCharArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList
      For i1 As Integer = 0 To sq.Count - 1 : sq(i1) = LCase(sq(i1)).Trim : Next i1

      If eqstr(rbot.Groups(2).Value.Trim, "deny") AndAlso
        (sq.IndexOf(botname) >= 0 Or sq.IndexOf("all") >= 0) Then Return "denied"

      If eqstr(rbot.Groups(2).Value.Trim, "allow") AndAlso
        (sq.IndexOf(botname) < 0 Or sq.IndexOf("none") >= 0) Then Return "not allowed"

    End If

    Return ""

  End Function

  Function checkTaxobox(tax As String, original As String, current As String) As String

    ' update taxobox if it hasn't changed, but leave the original image

    Dim s, s1 As String
    Dim rMatch As RegularExpressions.Match
    Dim m As taxrec
    Dim page As String
    Dim tx, oldtx, newtx As String
    Dim search As String
    Dim pageTitle As String
    Dim dbAllowed, dbRequired As Integer
    Dim newimage, tximage, imgsearch As String

    page = current

    search = "^(.+?\}\})[" & vbLf & vbCr & "]+?('{3,5}" & tax & ")" ' page start to end of taxobox
    'search = "(\}\}[" & vbLf & vbCr & "]+?('{3,5}" & tax & ".+?)==Further)"
    rMatch = Regex.Match(original, search, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get intro text through references in a string
    If rMatch.Groups.Count = 3 Then
      oldtx = rMatch.Groups(1).ToString
      Return current
    End If

    rMatch = Regex.Match(current, search, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get intro text through references in a string
    If rMatch.Groups.Count = 3 Then
      tx = rMatch.Groups(1).ToString
      Return current
    End If

    If tx.Replace(vbLf, "").Replace(" ", "") = oldtx.Replace(vbLf, "").Replace(" ", "") Then ' it has not been modified -- go ahead and update the text.
      dbRequired = 0 ' 1 = taxa, 2 = itis, 4 = catlife, 8 = gbif, 16 = spidercat(andable)
      dbAllowed = 27 ' allowed: itis and catlife (taxa=1, itis=2, catlife = 4, gbif = 8, 16 = spidercat) for ancestors and children

      m = loadMatch(tax, True)
      pageTitle = getDisambig(m)
      If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = tax

      If madePage.ToString = "" Then makePage(m, dbRequired, dbAllowed, pageTitle, False, 0, "")
      s = madePage.ToString

      rMatch = Regex.Match(s, "^===[=]+?" & tax & "[=]+?[" & vbCr & vbLf & "]{1}(.*)$", RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
      s1 = rMatch.Groups(1).ToString

      rMatch = Regex.Match(s1, search, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get citations in a string
      If rMatch.Groups.Count = 3 Then
        newtx = rMatch.Groups(1).ToString
        newtx = newtx.Replace("reflist", "Reflist")

        ' keep the old image in the taxobox if it's there.
        imgsearch = "^.+?((\| *image *=.+?)(\| *image.+?=.+?)?(\| *image.+?=.+?)?)\|"
        rMatch = Regex.Match(newtx, imgsearch, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get image in taxobox (if any)
        newimage = rMatch.Groups(1).Value
        rMatch = Regex.Match(tx, imgsearch, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get image in taxobox (if any)
        tximage = rMatch.Groups(1).Value
        If tximage <> "" And newimage <> "" Then newtx = newtx.Replace(newimage, tximage)

        If tx <> newtx Then page = current.Replace(tx, newtx)
      End If

    End If

    Return page.Trim

  End Function

  Function checkText(tax As String, original As String, current As String) As String

    Dim s, s1 As String
    Dim rMatch As RegularExpressions.Match
    Dim m As taxrec
    Dim page As String
    Dim tx, oldtx, newtx As String
    Dim search As String
    Dim pageTitle As String
    Dim dbAllowed, dbRequired As Integer

    page = current

    search = "(\}\}[" & vbLf & vbCr & "]+?('{3,5}" & tax & ".+?)(==Further|==External|\{\{Taxonbar))"
    'search = "(\}\}[" & vbLf & vbCr & "]+?('{3,5}" & tax & ".+?)==Further)"
    rMatch = Regex.Match(original, search, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get intro text through references in a string
    If rMatch.Groups.Count = 4 Then
      oldtx = rMatch.Groups(2).ToString
      oldtx = oldtx.Replace("reflist", "Reflist")
      Return current
    End If

    rMatch = Regex.Match(current, search, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get intro text through references in a string
    If rMatch.Groups.Count = 4 Then
      tx = rMatch.Groups(2).ToString
      tx = tx.Replace("reflist", "Reflist")
      Return current
    End If

    If tx.Replace(vbLf, "").Replace(" ", "") = oldtx.Replace(vbLf, "").Replace(" ", "") Then ' it has not been modified -- go ahead and update the text.
      dbRequired = 0 ' 1 = taxa, 2 = itis, 4 = catlife, 8 = gbif, 16 = spidercat(andable)
      dbAllowed = 27 ' allowed: itis and catlife (taxa=1, itis=2, catlife = 4, gbif = 8, 16 = spidercat) for ancestors and children

      m = loadMatch(tax, True)
      pageTitle = getDisambig(m)
      If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = tax

      If madePage.ToString = "" Then makePage(m, dbRequired, dbAllowed, pageTitle, False, 0, "")
      s = madePage.ToString

      rMatch = Regex.Match(s, "^===[=]+?" & tax & "[=]+?[" & vbCr & vbLf & "]{1}(.*)$",
          RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
      s1 = rMatch.Groups(1).ToString

      rMatch = Regex.Match(s1, search, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get citations in a string
      If rMatch.Groups.Count = 4 Then
        newtx = rMatch.Groups(2).ToString
        If tx <> newtx Then page = current.Replace("reflist", "Reflist").Replace(tx, newtx)
      End If

    End If

    Return page

  End Function

  Function addPhotos(tax As String, original As String, current As String) As String

    Dim page As String
    Dim ds As DataSet
    Dim pic, pictax, picUpright As String
    Dim dr As DataRow

    page = current

    If Regex.Match(page, "\| *image *=", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).ToString <> "" Or
       Regex.Match(page, "\[\[ *file:", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).ToString <> "" Then Return current

    '({{Automatic taxobox|{{Speciesbox|{{Taxobox.+?)
    '\1\r\n| Image = asdf.jpg

    ' first one in taxobox
    ds = getDS("select * from wikipics where taxon = @parm1", tax)
    If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then Return current
    pic = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("wikititle")
    pictax = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("taxon")
    pic = pic.Replace("File:", "")
    pic = "| image = " & pic
    picUpright = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("upright")

    If Not eqstr(tax, pictax) Then pic &= vbCrLf & "| caption = ''" & pictax & "''"

    If picUpright <> "" Then pic &= vbCrLf & "| upright = " & picUpright
    page = Regex.Replace(page, "({{Automatic taxobox|{{Speciesbox|{{Taxobox.+?)", "$1" & vbCrLf & pic,
                                 RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
    ' the rest underneath taxobox
    For i1 As Integer = 1 To ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
      dr = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i1)
      pic = dr("wikititle")
      If Not pic.StartsWith("File:") Then pic = "File:" & pic
      pictax = dr("taxon")
      If picUpright <> "" Then picUpright = "upright |"
      page = Regex.Replace(page, "((\{\{Automatic taxobox|\{\{Speciesbox|\{\{Taxobox.+?).+?(\{\{.+?\}\})+?.*\}\}" & vbCrLf & ")",
              "$1" & "[[" & pic & "| thumb |''" & picUpright & pictax & "'']]" & vbCrLf,
              RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
    Next i1

    Return page

  End Function

  Function removeTags(tax As String, current As String) As String

    ' remove orphan and underlink tags from current page
    Dim page As String
    Dim rm As RegularExpressions.Match
    Dim k As Integer
    Dim multi As String

    page = current
    page = Regex.Replace(page, "(\{\{Underlink.+?\}\})[\r\n]{0,2}", "", RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
    page = Regex.Replace(page, "(\{\{Orphan.+?\}\})[\r\n]{0,2}", "", RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
    multi = "(\{\{multiple issues.+?(\{\{.+?\}\})?[^\{\}]+?\}\})[\r\n]{0,2}"
    rm = Regex.Match(page, multi, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
    k = Regex.Matches(rm.Value, "(\{\{)", RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Count
    If k = 1 Then
      page = Regex.Replace(page, multi, "", RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
    ElseIf k = 2 Then
      page = Regex.Replace(page, multi, rm.Groups(2).Value, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
    End If

    Return page

  End Function

  Function refReplace(taxon As String, original As String, current As String, pubtype As String, pubtype2 As String) As String

    ' replace old references with new in a web page
    ' original is the original page as made by the bot at first
    ' current is the currently edited version of the page
    ' pubtype is "further reading", pubtype2 is "external links"
    ' external links gets merged with further reading and the external links section is deleted

    Dim s As String
    Dim refs As New List(Of refrec)
    Dim oldrefs As New List(Of refrec)
    Dim newrefs As New List(Of refrec)
    Dim rMatch As RegularExpressions.Match
    Dim ancestor As New List(Of taxrec)
    Dim m As taxrec
    Dim found As Integer
    Dim page As String
    Dim search, search2 As String

    search = "(==[ ]?" & pubtype & "[ ]?==.+?refbegin\}\}(.+?)\{\{refend\}\})"
    rMatch = Regex.Match(original, search, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get citations in a string
    If rMatch.Groups.Count = 3 Then
      oldrefs = readrefs(rMatch.Groups(2).ToString)
    End If

    ' get original references in oldrefs
    If pubtype2 <> "" Then ' count external links as further reading, add to oldrefs
      search2 = search.Replace(pubtype, pubtype2)
      rMatch = Regex.Match(original, search2, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get old citations in a string
      If rMatch.Groups.Count = 3 Then
      End If
    End If

    ' get current references in refs
    rMatch = Regex.Match(current, search, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get current citations in a string
    If rMatch.Groups.Count = 3 Then
      refs = readrefs(rMatch.Groups(2).ToString)
    End If

    ' add any current external links to refs
    If pubtype2 <> "" Then ' count external links as further reading, add to current refs
      search2 = search.Replace(pubtype, pubtype2)
      rMatch = Regex.Match(current, search2, RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' get citations in a string
      If rMatch IsNot Nothing AndAlso rMatch.Groups.Count = 3 Then
      End If
    End If

    m = loadMatch(taxon, True)
    ancestor = getancestors(m, 27, True, "phylum")
    newrefs = getWikiRefs(ancestor)
    ' remove all the inline citations "refpub", etc., this is for "further reading". Otherwise they're duplicated both places.
    For i As Integer = newrefs.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
      If LCase(newrefs(i).reftype).StartsWith("ref") Then
        found = -1
        ' these are in the inline citations, so remove them from current further reading
        For i1 As Integer = refs.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
          If newrefs(i).title = refs(i1).title OrElse
              (newrefs(i).alast <> "" And newrefs(i).alast = refs(i1).alast And newrefs(i).year = refs(i1).year) Then
            found = i ' newrefs(i) is found in refs. Remove it from refs
            Exit For
          End If
        Next i1

        If found >= 0 Then refs.RemoveAt(found) ' it was in the new inline citations.
        newrefs.RemoveAt(i) ' remove inline citation from new list of further reading
      End If
    Next i

    ' remove any current references (refs) that are in the original version (oldrefs), to be replaced by those in newrefs
    For i As Integer = refs.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
      found = -1
      For Each ref As refrec In oldrefs
        If refs(i).title = ref.title OrElse
            (refs(i).alast <> "" And refs(i).alast = ref.alast And refs(i).year = ref.year) Then
          found = i ' refs(i) is found in oldrefs. Remove it from refs
          Exit For
        End If
      Next ref
      If found >= 0 Then refs.RemoveAt(found) ' it was in the original version.
    Next i

    ' add any existing references not in the original revision
    For i As Integer = 0 To refs.Count - 1
      found = -1
      For Each ref As refrec In newrefs
        If refs(i).title = ref.title OrElse
            (refs(i).alast <> "" And refs(i).alast = ref.alast And refs(i).year = ref.year) Then
          found = i
          Exit For
        End If
      Next ref
      If found < 0 Then ' ref added by someone else, not already in newrefs
      End If
    Next i

    If newrefs.Count = 0 Then
      s = vbCrLf
      s = vbCrLf & "==" & pubtype & "==" & vbCrLf & "{{refbegin}}" & vbCrLf
      For i As Integer = 0 To newrefs.Count - 1
        s &= "* " & citation(newrefs(i)) & vbCrLf
      Next i
      s &= "{{refend}}" & vbCrLf
    End If

    page = current

    page = Regex.Replace(page, "\r\n(==" & pubtype2 & "==.+?refbegin\}\}(.+?)\{\{refend\}\})\r\n", vbCrLf,
                                 RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' remove external links
    page = Regex.Replace(page, "\r\n(==" & pubtype & "==.+? *\{\{refbegin.*?\}\}(.+?)\{\{refend\}\})\r\n", s,
                                 RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' replace further reading
    page = Regex.Replace(page, "\r\n\{\{(clear|-)\}\}", "",
                         RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' remove clear template
    page = Regex.Replace(page, "\r\n\<ref name=eol>.+?</ref>", "",
                         RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ' remove eol references
    page = Regex.Replace(page, "<ref name=eol/>", "",
                         RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
    Return page

  End Function

  Function taxFamily(mm As List(Of taxrec), toprank As String) As String
    ' returns "" if genus, family, and order taxonomy templates match mm.

    Dim mrank As New List(Of String) ' list of tax templates ranks up to toprank
    Dim mtax As New List(Of String) ' list of tax templates names to toprank
    Dim parent, rank, tax As String
    Dim pages As List(Of String)
    Dim rmatch As RegularExpressions.Match
    Dim i, k As Integer
    Dim msg As String = ""
    Dim s1 As String

    If eqstr(mm(0).rank, "species") Then k = 1 Else k = 0
    parent = mm(k).taxon
    rank = ""

    Do While rank = "" OrElse (Not itisRankID.ContainsKey(rank)) OrElse itisRankID(rank) >= itisRankID(toprank)
      tax = parent
      pages = getWikiPages("Template:Taxonomy/" & getTaxAmbig(tax), urlWikiPedia, 1)
      If pages.Count > 0 Then
        s1 = Regex.Match(pages(0), "(#REDIRECT .+?\]\])").ToString
        If s1 <> "" Then Return mm(0).taxon & vbTab & s1
        rmatch = Regex.Match(pages(0), "parent[ ]*=[ ]*(.+?)[\n\|\}]")
        If rmatch.Groups.Count = 2 Then parent = rmatch.Groups(1).ToString.Trim
        rmatch = Regex.Match(pages(0), "rank[ ]*=[ ]*(.+?)[\n|]")
        If rmatch.Groups.Count = 2 Then rank = rmatch.Groups(1).ToString.Trim
        If rank = "" Then Return mm(0).taxon & vbTab & "error - no rank" & vbTab & tax
        Return mm(0).taxon & vbTab & "missing template" & vbTab & tax
      End If

      rank = rank.Replace("familia", "family")
      rank = rank.Replace("ordo", "order")

      If mainRank.IndexOf(rank) >= 0 Then ' save the template name, rank
      End If

    For i1 As Integer = mainRank.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
      k = itisRankID(mainRank(i1))
      If k < itisRankID(toprank) Then Exit For
      If k <= 180 Then
        i = mrank.IndexOf(mainRank(i1))
        For i2 As Integer = 0 To mm.Count - 1
          If eqstr(mm(i2).rank, mainRank(i1)) Then
            If i < 0 Then
              Return mm(i2).taxon & vbTab & "no template" & vbTab & mainRank(i1)
              If Not eqstr(mm(i2).taxon, mtax(i)) Then ' different taxa
                Return mm(i2).taxon & vbTab & "different taxa" & vbTab & mtax(i) & vbTab & mainRank(i1)
              End If
            End If
          End If
        Next i2
      End If
    Next i1

    Return ""

  End Function

  Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdUpdate.Click
    ' update a page's references, etc.
    ' qbugbot 3

    Dim tax As String
    Dim pageTitle As String

    Dim m As New taxrec
    Dim s, s1 As String
    Dim page As String
    Dim k As Integer
    Dim nPages As Integer
    Dim nSent As Integer
    Dim result As MsgBoxResult
    Dim sendingMode As Integer
    Dim alteration As String = ""
    Dim dr As DataRow

    Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor

    File.WriteAllText(outFile, "")

    sendingMode = 2 ' 2 = update only (1 = create only, 0 = no sending)

    Rnd(-1) : Randomize(2) ' repeatable sequence of randoms. Increment randomize parameter for new set
    nSent = 0
    maxPagesSent = 20000
    'nPages = maxPagesSent * 1.5 ' number from database (some will be excluded)

    If sendingMode <> 0 Then
      result = MsgBox("Send Pages?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel)
      If result <> MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
        Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
        Exit Sub
      End If
      s = qlogin(urlWikiPedia)
      If s <> "Success" Then
        MsgBox("login failure")
        Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
        Exit Sub
      End If
      sToken = gettoken(urlWikiPedia)
    End If

    Using ds As DataSet = getDS("select * from pagesmade where updated = '' and madeby = 'qbugbot';")
      nPages = 20000
      If nPages > ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count Then nPages = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
      For i1 As Integer = 0 To nPages - 1
        dr = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i1)
        m = loadMatch(dr("taxon"), True)

        'ss = File.ReadAllLines("c:\taxlist.txt")
        'For i1 As Integer = 0 To ss.Count - 1
        'If ss(i1).StartsWith("---") Then Exit For
        'm = loadMatch(ss(i1), False)

        If m.taxon <> "" Then
          tax = m.taxon
          pageTitle = getDisambig(m)
          If pageTitle = "" Then pageTitle = tax
          page = updatePage(tax, pageTitle, alteration)

          If page <> "" Then
            File.AppendAllText(outFile, vbCrLf & "=============" & tax & "================" &
                               vbCrLf & page & vbCrLf & vbCrLf)

            If sendingMode <> 0 And nSent < maxPagesSent Then
              If alteration <> "" Then alteration = "Page update: " & alteration
              s1 = sendWikiPage(pageTitle, page, urlWikiPedia, alteration, sendingMode)
              If s1 <> "" Then
                nSent += 1
                k = nonQuery("update pagesmade set updated = @parm1 where pagetitle = @parm2", Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), pageTitle)
                If k > 1 Then Stop
                If k = 0 Then outLog("database pagesmade not updated. pagetitle: " & pageTitle)
                outLog("update: " & pageTitle & ", " & alteration)
                outLog("not sent: " & pageTitle)
              End If
            End If
            If nSent >= maxPagesSent Then Exit For
            outLog("no update necessary: " & pageTitle)
            k = nonQuery("update pagesmade set updated = @parm1 where pagetitle = @parm2", "Checked " & Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), pageTitle)
            If k <> 1 Then outLog("cannot update pagesmade database: " & pageTitle & ", " & alteration)
          End If
        End If
      Next i1

    End Using

    File.AppendAllText(outFile, "=========================================" & vbCrLf)
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default

  End Sub

  Private Sub cmdEtc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdEtc.Click

    ' utility command button
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
    formatChildList(False, 27)
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default

  End Sub

  Sub selfredirect()

    ' reads a list of titles from the self-redir file and makes pages for redirect pages or delinks the recursive links.
    ' qbugbot 4

    Dim m, m2 As New taxrec
    Dim tax, lasttax As String
    Dim mm As New List(Of taxrec)
    Dim ss As List(Of String)
    Dim sr As List(Of String)
    Dim dbRequired, dbAllowed As Integer
    Dim sendingMode As Integer
    Dim n, n1, n2, n3 As Integer
    Dim s As String
    Dim replacePage As Boolean
    Dim page, pagetitle, editsummary As String
    Dim result As MsgBoxResult

    maxPagesSent = 3
    nPagesSent = 0
    sendingMode = 0 ' 0 = no sending, 1 = create only, 2 = update possible

    dbRequired = 0
    dbAllowed = 27

    If sendingMode <> 0 Then
      result = MsgBox("Send Pages?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel)
      If result <> MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
        Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
        Exit Sub
      End If
      s = qlogin(urlWikiPedia)
      If s <> "Success" Then
        MsgBox("login failure")
        Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
        Exit Sub
      End If
      sToken = gettoken(urlWikiPedia)
    End If

    File.WriteAllText(outFile, "")

    n = 0 : n1 = 0 : n2 = 0 : n3 = 0
    tax = ""
    ss = New List(Of String)
    ss = File.ReadAllLines(My.Settings.redirlist).ToList
    lasttax = ""
    page = "" : pagetitle = "" : editsummary = ""

    For i1 As Integer = 0 To ss.Count - 1
      If nPagesSent >= maxPagesSent Then Exit For

      If ss(i1).Trim.StartsWith("----") Then Exit For
      sr = ss(i1).Split(vbTab.ToCharArray).ToList

      If sr.Count >= 4 AndAlso eqstr(sr(0), "arthropoda") Then ' process a record
        tax = sr(1).Split("(")(0)

        If tax.StartsWith("List of") Then tax = tax.Split(" ")(2)
        If tax <> lasttax And page <> "" Then
          s = botban(page, "qbugbot")
          If s <> "" Then
            outLog(tax & " - bot ban: " & s)
            File.AppendAllText(outFile, " - bot ban: " & s & vbCrLf & "=========================" & vbCrLf)
            If getDisambig(m2) <> "" Then Stop
            nPagesSent += 1
            s = sendWikiPage(pagetitle, page, urlWikiPedia, editsummary, sendingMode)
            File.AppendAllText(outFile, "=========mod===" & pagetitle & "=============" & vbCrLf & page & vbCrLf & "=========================" & vbCrLf)
          End If
          page = "" : pagetitle = "" : editsummary = ""
        End If

        m = loadMatch(tax, True)
        If m.taxon = "" Then Stop ' parent not found.
        m2 = loadMatch(sr(3), True)

        If m2.taxon = "" OrElse Not eqstr(m2.rank, sr(4)) Then ' child not found or different ranks. Remove the link
          File.AppendAllText(outFile, "=======================" & vbCrLf & "Redirect page not in database (or different rank): " & sr(3) & vbCrLf)
          replacePage = False

        ElseIf m.rank = m2.rank Then ' probably synonyms
          replacePage = False

        ElseIf eqstr(m2.rank, "species") Then ' make page if not monotypic, else remove link
          If Not eqstr(tax, lasttax) Then
            mm = getChildren(m, False, 27)
          End If

          If mm.Count = 1 Then ' single child in database. remove link
            replacePage = False
          Else ' not monotypic - replace page
            replacePage = True
          End If

        Else ' not species
          If eqstr(m2.rank, "genus") Or eqstr(m2.rank, "family") Then ' make page
            replacePage = True
          End If
        End If

        If replacePage Then ' replace the redirect page, m2
          If getDisambig(m2) <> "" Then Stop

          ' make sure it's a redirect
          s = getWikiPage(m2.taxon, urlWikiPedia).ToLower
          If Not s.Contains("#redirect") Then
            outLog(m2.taxon & " - not a redirect page")
            File.AppendAllText(outFile, "========= Not a redirect page: " & m2.taxon & vbCrLf &
                                        "=========================" & vbCrLf)
            s = botban(page, "qbugbot")
            If s <> "" Then
              outLog(tax & " - bot ban: " & s)
              File.AppendAllText(outFile, " - bot ban: " & s & vbCrLf & "=========================" & vbCrLf)
              makePage(m2, dbRequired, dbAllowed, sr(3), False, sendingMode, "qBugbot replaced self-redirect with article.")
              File.AppendAllText(outFile, madePage.ToString)
              madePage = New StringBuilder
            End If
          End If

        Else ' remove link to self-redirect
          If page = "" Then
            page = getWikiPage(sr(1), urlWikiPedia)
            If page = "" Then Stop
            pagetitle = sr(1)
          End If
          s = page
          page = page.Replace("[[" & sr(3) & "]]", sr(3))
          page = Regex.Replace(page, "\[\[" & sr(3) & "\|(.+?)\]\]", "$1")
          If s <> page Then
            If editsummary = "" Then
              editsummary = "Removed link to a self-redirect page."
              editsummary = "Removed links to self-redirect pages."
            End If
            If editsummary = "" Then page = "" ' no change so far
          End If
        End If
        lasttax = tax
      End If
    Next i1

    If page <> "" Then ' last page
      s = botban(page, "qbugbot")
      If s <> "" Then
        outLog(tax & " - bot ban: " & s)
        File.AppendAllText(outFile, " - bot ban: " & s & vbCrLf & "=========================" & vbCrLf)
        If getDisambig(m2) <> "" Then Stop
        nPagesSent += 1 : If nPagesSent <= maxPagesSent Or sendingMode = 0 Then
          s = sendWikiPage(pagetitle, page, urlWikiPedia, editsummary, sendingMode)
          File.AppendAllText(outFile, "=========mod===" & pagetitle & "=============" & vbCrLf & page & vbCrLf & "=========================" & vbCrLf)
        End If
      End If
    End If

  End Sub

  Private Sub cmdRedir_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdRedir.Click

    Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default

  End Sub

End Class


' main.vb, by Robert Webster (CC BY-SA 3.0 US)
' various functions, global variables, main sub (startup)

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Http
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.IO

Imports System.Data
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

Public Module main

  Structure refstruc
    Dim used As Boolean
    Dim shortref As String
    Dim longref As String
  End Structure

  Public Class taxrec
    Public rank As String
    Public taxon As String
    Public descr As String
    Public taxid As String
    Public parentid As String
    Public imageCounter As Integer
    Public childimageCounter As Integer
    Public link As String
    Public taxlink As String
    Public authority As String
    Public extinct As Boolean ' string in database
    Public parentTsn As Integer ' not in database, used for list pages
    Public catLifeID As String ' not in database, used for list pages
    Public catLifeParentID As String ' not in database, used for list pages
    Public gbifID As String ' not in database, used for list pages
    Public gbifParent As String ' not in database, used for list pages
    Public gbifUsable As String ' not in taxatable, in gbif
    Public spiderID As Integer ' not in database, used for list pages
    Public spiderParent As Integer ' not in database, used for list pages
    Public spiderlink As String ' not in database, used for list pages
    Public spiderdist As String ' not in database, used for list pages
    Public iucnStatus As String ' not in taxatable, in iucn
    Public iucnTrend As String ' not in taxatable, in iucn
    Public iucnYear As String ' not in taxatable, in iucn
    Public iucnID As String ' not in taxatable, in iucn
    Public iucnVersion As String ' not in taxatable, in iucn
    Public itistsn As Integer

    ' old wikirec stuff, now in oddinfo
    Public synonyms As List(Of String)
    Public synauth As List(Of String)
    Public syresource As List(Of String)
    Public wikipediaPageID As String
    Public commonNames As List(Of String)
    Public commonWikiLink As String
    Public hodges As String
    Public wikidataid As String
    Public ambigLink As String
    Public unimportant As Integer ' tells whether it's an autogenerated ancestor

    Sub New()
      rank = ""
      taxon = ""
      descr = ""
      taxid = ""
      parentid = ""
      link = ""
      taxlink = ""
      authority = ""
      catLifeID = ""
      catLifeParentID = ""
      gbifID = ""
      gbifParent = ""
      gbifUsable = ""
      spiderlink = ""
      spiderdist = ""
      commonNames = New List(Of String)
      ambigLink = ""
      unimportant = 0
      itistsn = 0

      ' old wikirec stuff, now in oddinfo
      synonyms = New List(Of String)
      synauth = New List(Of String)
      syresource = New List(Of String)
      wikipediaPageID = 0
      commonWikiLink = ""
      hodges = ""
      wikidataid = ""

      extinct = False
      iucnStatus = ""
      iucnTrend = ""
      iucnYear = ""
      iucnID = ""
      iucnVersion = ""

    End Sub
  End Class

  Class refrec
    Public refid As Integer
    Public reftype As String
    Public pubtype As String
    Public afirst As String
    Public alast As String
    Public efirst As String
    Public elast As String
    Public year As String
    Public title As String
    Public journal As String
    Public publisher As String
    Public series As String
    Public volume As String
    Public issue As String
    Public chapter As String
    Public pages As String
    Public url As String
    Public isbn As String
    Public issn As String
    Public doi As String
    Public doiaccess As String
    Public taxon As String
    Public taxonExcept As String
    Public bottomRank As Integer
    Public updated As String
    Public etc As String ' a set of "| a = b| c = d..."
    Public urlAccessed As String ' last access date for cite web
    Public comment As String ' a set of "| a = b| c = d..."

    Sub New()
      refid = 0
      reftype = ""
      pubtype = ""
      afirst = ""
      alast = ""
      efirst = ""
      elast = ""
      year = ""
      title = ""
      journal = ""
      publisher = ""
      series = ""
      volume = ""
      issue = ""
      chapter = ""
      pages = ""
      url = ""
      isbn = ""
      issn = ""
      doi = ""
      doiaccess = ""
      taxon = ""
      taxonExcept = ""
      bottomRank = 0
      etc = ""
      updated = ""
      urlAccessed = ""
    End Sub

  End Class

  Structure imagerec
    Dim imageid As Integer
    Dim filename As String
    Dim photodate As String
    Dim dateadded As String
    Dim modified As String
    Dim taxonid As String
    Dim gps As String
    Dim elevation As String
    Dim rating As Integer
    Dim confidence As Integer
    Dim remarks As String
    Dim originalpath As String
    Dim bugguide As String
    Dim size As String
    Dim location As String
    Dim county As String
    Dim state As String
    Dim country As String
  End Structure

  Public maxlist As Integer = 100 ' how many in a list before you make a list page
  Public maxColumn As Integer = 12 ' how many in a list before you use multiple columns

  Public taxaConn As String ' mysql connection string

  Public stubs As New Dictionary(Of String, String)(System.StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
  Public taxAmbig As New Dictionary(Of String, String)(System.StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
  Public itisRankID As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)(System.StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
  Public itisRanks As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
  Public pluralRank As New Dictionary(Of String, String)(System.StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
  Public mainRank As New List(Of String)
  Public latinRank As New Dictionary(Of String, String)(System.StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
  Public locationID As New Dictionary(Of String, String)(System.StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
  Public numeral As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)

  Public urlWikiMedia As String = ""
  Public urlWikiPedia As String = ""
  Public urlWikiData As String = ""
  Public urlwikiSpecies As String = ""
  Public cookies As CookieContainer
  Public handler As HttpClientHandler
  Public qClient As HttpClient ' need these for cookies
  Public outFile As String

  Public botCreateMessage As String = "This article was created by the bot Qbugbot. " &
                                "For more information, see [[User:Qbugbot/info]]. " &
                                "For questions and comments, leave a message at [[User:Qbugbot/talk]]."

  Public botCreateCategory As String = "[[Category:Articles created by Qbugbot]]"

  Public sToken As String ' editing token

  Sub main()

    Dim ds As DataSet

    taxaConn = My.Settings.taxaconn
    outFile = My.Settings.outFile ' output file for pages

    ds = getDS("select * from stubs order by taxon")
    For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
      stubs.Add(dr("taxon"), "{{" & dr("stubname") & "-stub}}")
    Next dr

    numeral.Add(0, "zero")
    numeral.Add(1, "one")
    numeral.Add(2, "two")
    numeral.Add(3, "three")
    numeral.Add(4, "four")
    numeral.Add(5, "five")
    numeral.Add(6, "six")
    numeral.Add(7, "seven")
    numeral.Add(8, "eight")
    numeral.Add(9, "nine")

    locationID.Add("1", "Europe")
    locationID.Add("2", "Africa")
    locationID.Add("3", "temperate Asia")
    locationID.Add("4", "tropical Asia")
    locationID.Add("5", "Australasia")
    locationID.Add("6", "the Pacific Ocean")
    locationID.Add("7", "North America")
    locationID.Add("8", "South America")
    locationID.Add("9", "the Antarctic")
    locationID.Add("10", "northern Europe")
    locationID.Add("11", "Middle Europe")
    locationID.Add("12", "southwestern Europe")
    locationID.Add("13", "southeastern Europe")
    locationID.Add("14", "eastern Europe")
    locationID.Add("20", "northern Africa")
    locationID.Add("21", "Macaronesia")
    locationID.Add("22", "west tropical Africa")
    locationID.Add("23", "west-central tropical Africa")
    locationID.Add("24", "northeast Tropical Africa")
    locationID.Add("25", "east tropical Africa")
    locationID.Add("26", "south tropical Africa")
    locationID.Add("27", "southern Africa")
    locationID.Add("28", "the mid Atlantic Ocean")
    locationID.Add("29", "the western Indian Ocean")
    locationID.Add("30", "Siberia")
    locationID.Add("31", "the Russian Far East")
    locationID.Add("32", "Middle Asia")
    locationID.Add("33", "Caucasus")
    locationID.Add("34", "western Asia")
    locationID.Add("35", "the Arabian Peninsula")
    locationID.Add("36", "China")
    locationID.Add("37", "Mongolia")
    locationID.Add("38", "eastern Asia")
    locationID.Add("40", "the Indian subcontinent")
    locationID.Add("41", "Indo-China")
    locationID.Add("42", "Malesia")
    locationID.Add("43", "Papuasia")
    locationID.Add("50", "Australia")
    locationID.Add("51", "New Zealand")
    locationID.Add("60", "the southwestern Pacific")
    locationID.Add("61", "the south-central Pacific")
    locationID.Add("62", "the northwestern Pacific")
    locationID.Add("63", "the north-central Pacific")
    locationID.Add("70", "subarctic America")
    locationID.Add("71", "western Canada")
    locationID.Add("72", "eastern Canada")
    locationID.Add("73", "the northwestern United States")
    locationID.Add("74", "the north-central United States")
    locationID.Add("75", "the northeastern United States")
    locationID.Add("76", "the southwestern United States")
    locationID.Add("77", "the south-central United States")
    locationID.Add("78", "the southeastern United States")
    locationID.Add("79", "Mexico")
    locationID.Add("80", "Central America")
    locationID.Add("81", "Caribbean")
    locationID.Add("82", "northern South America")
    locationID.Add("83", "western South America")
    locationID.Add("84", "Brazil")
    locationID.Add("85", "southern South America")
    locationID.Add("90", "the Subantarctic Islands")
    locationID.Add("91", "the Antarctic continent")

    ' for template:taxonomy/ disambiguation
    taxAmbig.Add("Abroma", "Abroma (cicada)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Acanthocephala", "Acanthocephala (bug)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Agathis", "Agathis (wasp)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Apoda", "Apoda (moth)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Anisotoma", "Anisotoma (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Baloghia", "Baloghia (arachnid)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Bremia", "Bremia (gall midge)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Chrysopogon", "Chrysopogon (fly)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Clusia", "Clusia (fly)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Colocasia", "Colocasia (moth)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Collinsia", "Collinsia(spider)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Crossosoma", "Crossosoma (millipede)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Ctenophora", "Ctenophora (fly)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Danae", "Danae (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Dasypogon", "Dasypogon (fly)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Dictyoptera", "Dictyoptera (genus)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Eremothera", "Eremothera (arachnid)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Euclea", "Euclea (moth)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Euthyneura", "Euthyneura (insect)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Gesneria", "Gesneria (moth)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Hubbardia", "Hubbardia (arachnid)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Iris", "Iris (insect)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Isotoma", "Isotoma (springtail)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Lobopoda", "Lobopoda (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Luperini", "Luperini (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Malagasia", "Malagasia (cicada)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Osbornia", "Osbornia (bug)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Pellaea", "pellaea (bug)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Pelophila", "Pelophila (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Pentagramma", "Pentagramma (bug)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Phaleria", "Phaleria (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Platynota", "Platynota (moth)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Podolasia", "Podolasia (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Raphia", "Raphia (moth)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Reichenbachia", "Reichenbachia (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Rustia", "Rustia (cicada)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Sagenista", "Sagenista (wasp)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Scaphium", "Scaphium (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Sida", "Sida (arthropod)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Stelis", "Stelis (insect)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Thesium", "Thesium (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Thryallis", "Thryallis (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Trichodesma", "Trichodesma (beetle)")
    taxAmbig.Add("Trichopetalum", "Trichopetalum (millipede)")

    itisRankID.Add("kingdom", 10)
    itisRankID.Add("subkingdom", 20)
    itisRankID.Add("infrakingdom", 25)
    itisRankID.Add("superphylum", 27)
    itisRankID.Add("phylum", 30)
    itisRankID.Add("subphylum", 40)
    itisRankID.Add("infraphylum", 45)
    itisRankID.Add("superclass", 50)
    itisRankID.Add("class", 60)
    itisRankID.Add("subclass", 70)
    itisRankID.Add("infraclass", 80)
    itisRankID.Add("superorder", 90)
    itisRankID.Add("order", 100)
    itisRankID.Add("suborder", 110)
    itisRankID.Add("infraorder", 120)
    itisRankID.Add("parvorder", 122)
    itisRankID.Add("nanorder", 123)
    itisRankID.Add("section", 124)
    itisRankID.Add("subsection", 126)
    itisRankID.Add("superfamily", 130)
    itisRankID.Add("epifamily", 135)
    itisRankID.Add("family", 140)
    itisRankID.Add("subfamily", 150)
    itisRankID.Add("supertribe", 155)
    itisRankID.Add("tribe", 160)
    itisRankID.Add("subtribe", 170)
    itisRankID.Add("genus", 180)
    itisRankID.Add("subgenus", 190)
    itisRankID.Add("species", 220)
    itisRankID.Add("subspecies", 230)
    ' add latin ranks (where different)
    itisRankID.Add("regnum", 10)
    itisRankID.Add("subregnum", 20)
    itisRankID.Add("infraregnum", 25)
    itisRankID.Add("superclassis", 50)
    itisRankID.Add("classis", 60)
    itisRankID.Add("subclassis", 70)
    itisRankID.Add("infraclassis", 80)
    itisRankID.Add("superordo", 90)
    itisRankID.Add("ordo", 100)
    itisRankID.Add("subordo", 110)
    itisRankID.Add("infraordo", 120)
    itisRankID.Add("parvordo", 122)
    itisRankID.Add("nanordo", 123)
    itisRankID.Add("sectio", 124)
    itisRankID.Add("subsectio", 126)
    itisRankID.Add("superfamilia", 130)
    itisRankID.Add("epifamilia", 135)
    itisRankID.Add("familia", 140)
    itisRankID.Add("subfamilia", 150)
    itisRankID.Add("supertribus", 155)
    itisRankID.Add("tribus", 160)
    itisRankID.Add("subtribus", 170)

    itisRanks.Add(10, "kingdom")
    itisRanks.Add(20, "subkingdom")
    itisRanks.Add(25, "infrakingdom")
    itisRanks.Add(27, "superphylum")
    itisRanks.Add(30, "phylum")
    itisRanks.Add(40, "subphylum")
    itisRanks.Add(45, "infraphylum")
    itisRanks.Add(50, "superclass")
    itisRanks.Add(60, "class")
    itisRanks.Add(70, "subclass")
    itisRanks.Add(80, "infraclass")
    itisRanks.Add(90, "superorder")
    itisRanks.Add(100, "order")
    itisRanks.Add(110, "suborder")
    itisRanks.Add(120, "infraorder")
    itisRanks.Add(124, "section")
    itisRanks.Add(126, "subsection")
    itisRanks.Add(130, "superfamily")
    itisRanks.Add(135, "epifamily")
    itisRanks.Add(140, "family")
    itisRanks.Add(150, "subfamily")
    itisRanks.Add(155, "supertribe")
    itisRanks.Add(160, "tribe")
    itisRanks.Add(170, "subtribe")
    itisRanks.Add(180, "genus")
    itisRanks.Add(190, "subgenus")
    itisRanks.Add(220, "species")
    itisRanks.Add(230, "subspecies")

    pluralRank.Add("class", "classes")
    pluralRank.Add("family", "families")
    pluralRank.Add("epifamily", "epifamilies")
    pluralRank.Add("genus", "genera")
    pluralRank.Add("infraclass", "infraclasses")
    pluralRank.Add("infrakingdom", "infrakingdoms")
    pluralRank.Add("infraorder", "infraorders")
    pluralRank.Add("infraphylum", "infraphylums")
    pluralRank.Add("order", "orders")
    pluralRank.Add("phylum", "phylums")
    pluralRank.Add("section", "sections")
    pluralRank.Add("species", "species")
    pluralRank.Add("subclass", "subclasses")
    pluralRank.Add("subfamily", "subfamilies")
    pluralRank.Add("subgenus", "subgenera")
    pluralRank.Add("subkingdom", "subkingdoms")
    pluralRank.Add("suborder", "suborders")
    pluralRank.Add("subphylum", "subphylums")
    pluralRank.Add("subsection", "subsections")
    pluralRank.Add("subspecies", "subspecies")
    pluralRank.Add("subtribe", "subtribes")
    pluralRank.Add("superclass", "superclasses")
    pluralRank.Add("superfamily", "superfamilies")
    pluralRank.Add("superorder", "superorders")
    pluralRank.Add("superphylum", "superphylums")
    pluralRank.Add("supertribe", "supertribes")
    pluralRank.Add("tribe", "tribes")
    pluralRank.Add("kingdom", "kingdoms")


    latinRank.Add("class", "classis")
    latinRank.Add("cohort", "cohort")
    latinRank.Add("division", "divisio")
    latinRank.Add("domain", "domain")
    latinRank.Add("epifamily", "epifamilia")
    latinRank.Add("family", "familia")
    latinRank.Add("form", "forma")
    latinRank.Add("genus", "genus")
    latinRank.Add("grandorder", "grandordo")
    latinRank.Add("infraclass", "infraclassis")
    latinRank.Add("infrakingdom", "infraregnum")
    latinRank.Add("infralegion", "infralegio")
    latinRank.Add("infraorder", "infraordo")
    latinRank.Add("infraphylum", "infraphylum")
    latinRank.Add("infratribe", "infratribus")
    latinRank.Add("kingdom", "regnum")
    latinRank.Add("legion", "legio")
    latinRank.Add("magnorder", "magnordo")
    latinRank.Add("microphylum", "microphylum")
    latinRank.Add("microrder", "micrordo")
    latinRank.Add("mirorder", "mirordo")
    latinRank.Add("nanophylum", "nanophylum")
    latinRank.Add("nanorder", "nanordo")
    latinRank.Add("order", "ordo")
    latinRank.Add("parafamily", "parafamilia")
    latinRank.Add("parvorder", "parvordo")
    latinRank.Add("phylum", "phylum")
    latinRank.Add("section", "sectio")
    latinRank.Add("species", "species")
    latinRank.Add("subclass", "subclassis")
    latinRank.Add("subcohort", "subcohort")
    latinRank.Add("subdivision", "subdivisio")
    latinRank.Add("subfamily", "subfamilia")
    latinRank.Add("subgenus", "subgenus")
    latinRank.Add("subkingdom", "subregnum")
    latinRank.Add("sublegion", "sublegio")
    latinRank.Add("suborder", "subordo")
    latinRank.Add("subphylum", "subphylum")
    latinRank.Add("subsection", "subsectio")
    latinRank.Add("subspecies", "subspecies")
    latinRank.Add("subtribe", "subtribus")
    latinRank.Add("superclass", "superclassis")
    latinRank.Add("supercohort", "supercohort")
    latinRank.Add("superdivision", "superdivisio")
    latinRank.Add("superdomain", "superdomain")
    latinRank.Add("superfamily", "superfamilia")
    latinRank.Add("superkingdom", "superregnum")
    latinRank.Add("superlegion", "superlegio")
    latinRank.Add("superorder", "superordo")
    latinRank.Add("superphylum", "superphylum")
    latinRank.Add("supertribe", "supertribus")
    latinRank.Add("tribe", "tribus")
    latinRank.Add("variety", "varietas")


  End Sub

  Function singular(s As String) As String
    ' converts most (not all) plural nouns to singular

    Dim s1 As String
    s1 = s

    ' this line makes "singular" a nongeneral function
    If s1.Contains(" and ") Or s1.Contains(", ") Or s1.Contains(" & ") Then Return s1
    If s1.EndsWith("is") Or s1.EndsWith("us") Then Return s1 ' not general, but works for common names.
    If s1 = "barracks" Or
       s1 = "cantus" Or
       s1 = "chassis" Or
       s1 = "corps" Or
       s1 = "debris" Or
       s1 = "diabetes" Or
       s1 = "gallows" Or
       s1 = "headquarters" Or
       s1 = "herpes" Or
       s1 = "mumps" Or
       s1 = "news" Or
       s1 = "nexus" Or
       s1 = "rabies" Or
       s1 = "rhinoceros" Or
       s1 = "series" Or
       s1 = "species" Or
       s1 = "testes" Or
       s1 = "thrips" Then Return s1

    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("atlases", "atlas") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("cookies", "cookie") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("corpuses", "corpus") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("curves", "curve") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("foes", "foe") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("genera", "genus") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("genies", "genie") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("hooves", "hoof") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("leaves", "leaf") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("loaves", "loaf") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("niches", "niche") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("octopuses", "octopus") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("opuses", "opus") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("penises", "penis") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("testes", "testis") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = s1.Replace("waves", "wave") Else Return s1

    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([nrlm]ese|deer|fish|sheep|measles|ois|pox|media|ss)$", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "^(sea[- ]bass)$", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(s)tatuses$", "$1tatus") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(f)eet$", "$1oot") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(t)eeth$", "$1ooth") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "^(.*)(menu)s$", "$1\2") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(quiz)zes$", "$\1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(matr)ices$", "$1ix") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(vert|ind)ices$", "$1ex") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "^(ox)en", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(alias)(es)*$", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(alumn|bacill|cact|foc|fung|nucle|radi|stimul|syllab|termin|viri?)i$", "$1us") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([ftw]ax)es", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(cris|ax|test)es$", "$1is") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(shoe|slave)s$", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(o)es$", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "ouses$", "ouse") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([^a])uses$", "\1us") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([m|l])ice$", "$1ouse") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(x|ch|ss|sh)es$", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(m)ovies$", "$1\2ovie") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(s)eries$", "$1\2eries") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$", "$1y") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([lr])ves$", "$1f") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(tive)s$", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(hive)s$", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(drive)s$", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([^fo])ves$", "$1fe") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(^analy)ses$", "$1sis") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(analy|diagno|^ba|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$", "$1\2sis") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([ti])a$", "$1um") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(p)eople$", "$1\2erson") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(m)en$", "$1an") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(c)hildren$", "$1\2hild") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "(n)etherlands$", "$1\2etherlands") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "eaus$", "eau") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "^(.*us)$", "$1") Else Return s1
    If s = s1 Then s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "s$", "")

    Return s1
  End Function

  Function getLowerRank(rank As String) As String
    ' returns the next lower main rank
    If rank = "" Then Return ""

    For i1 As Integer = 0 To mainRank.Count - 1
      If itisRankID(mainRank(i1)) > itisRankID(rank) Then Return mainRank(i1)
    Next i1

    Return ""

  End Function

  Function getHigherRank(rank As String) As String
    ' returns the next higher main rank
    If rank = "" Then Return ""

    For i1 As Integer = mainRank.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
      If itisRankID(mainRank(i1)) < itisRankID(rank) Then Return mainRank(i1)
    Next i1

    Return ""

  End Function

  Function getDS(ByVal scmd As String,
                 Optional ByRef parm1 As Object = "",
                 Optional ByRef parm2 As Object = "",
                 Optional ByRef parm3 As Object = "",
                 Optional ByRef parm4 As Object = "",
                 Optional ByRef parm5 As Object = "") As DataSet

    ' returns ds, uses @parm1, @parm2, etc. in query

    Dim cmd As MySqlCommand = Nothing
    Dim da As New MySqlDataAdapter
    Dim ds As New DataSet

      Using conn As New MySqlConnection(taxaConn)
        cmd = New MySqlCommand(scmd, conn)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm1", parm1)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm2", parm2)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm3", parm3)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm4", parm4)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm5", parm5)
        da.SelectCommand = cmd
      End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
      MsgBox("Error, getDS: " & ex.Message)
      If cmd IsNot Nothing Then cmd.Dispose()
      Return Nothing
    End Try

    Return ds

  End Function

  Function nonQuery(ByVal scmd As String,
                 Optional ByRef parm1 As Object = "", Optional ByRef parm2 As Object = "",
                 Optional ByRef parm3 As Object = "", Optional ByRef parm4 As Object = "",
                 Optional ByRef parm5 As Object = "", Optional ByRef parm6 As Object = "",
                 Optional ByRef parm7 As Object = "", Optional ByRef parm8 As Object = "",
                 Optional ByRef parm9 As Object = "") As Object

    ' does a nonquery database call. uses @parm1 and @parm2 in query

    Dim cmd As MySqlCommand = Nothing
    Dim i As Integer

      Using conn As New MySqlConnection(taxaConn)
        cmd = New MySqlCommand(scmd, conn)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm1", parm1)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm2", parm2)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm3", parm3)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm4", parm4)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm5", parm5)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm6", parm6)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm7", parm7)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm8", parm8)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm9", parm9)
        i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
        Return i
      End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
      MsgBox("Error, nonQuery: " & ex.Message)
      If cmd IsNot Nothing Then cmd.Dispose()
      Return 0
    End Try
  End Function

  Function getScalar(ByVal scmd As String,
                 Optional ByRef parm1 As Object = "", Optional ByRef parm2 As Object = "",
                 Optional ByRef parm3 As Object = "") As Object

    ' returns scalar query result, uses @parm1 and @parm2 in query

    Dim cmd As MySqlCommand = Nothing
    Dim q As Object

      Using conn As New MySqlConnection(taxaConn)
        cmd = New MySqlCommand(scmd, conn)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm1", parm1)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm2", parm2)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parm3", parm3)
        q = cmd.ExecuteScalar
        If IsDBNull(q) OrElse q Is Nothing Then
          Return ""
          Return q
        End If

      End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
      MsgBox("Error, getScalar: " & ex.Message)
      If cmd IsNot Nothing Then cmd.Dispose()
      Return Nothing
    End Try

  End Function

  Function getTaxrecByID(ByVal taxid As String, addon As Boolean) As List(Of taxrec)

    ' gbif ids start with g: g1234, for example.

    Dim ds As New DataSet
    Dim m As New taxrec
    Dim matches As New List(Of taxrec)

    If taxid = "" Then Return matches

    If eqstr(taxid.Substring(0, 1), "g") Then ' gbif database
      ds = getDS("select * from where taxid = @parm1 and usable <> '';",

      'ds = getDS("select * from join taxa.gbifplus using (taxid) where taxid = @parm1 and usable <> '';",
      '           taxid.Substring(1).Trim)

      If ds IsNot Nothing Then
        For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
          m = getTaxrecg(dr, addon)
        Next dr
      End If

    Else ' taxatable database
      ds = getDS("select * from taxatable where taxid = @parm1", taxid)
      If ds IsNot Nothing Then
        For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
          m = getTaxrec(dr, addon)
        Next dr
      End If
    End If

    Return matches

  End Function

  Function getTaxrec(ByRef dr As DataRow, addon As Boolean) As taxrec

    Dim match As New taxrec

    ' load drow into match
    If IsDBNull(dr("rank")) Then match.rank = "" Else match.rank = dr("rank")
    If IsDBNull(dr("taxon")) Then match.taxon = "" Else match.taxon = dr("taxon")
    If IsDBNull(dr("descr")) Then match.descr = "" Else match.descr = dr("descr")
    If IsDBNull(dr("taxid")) Then match.taxid = "" Else match.taxid = dr("taxid")
    If IsDBNull(dr("parentid")) Then match.parentid = "" Else match.parentid = dr("parentid")
    If IsDBNull(dr("imagecounter")) Then match.imageCounter = 0 Else match.imageCounter = dr("imagecounter")
    If IsDBNull(dr("childimagecounter")) Then match.childimageCounter = 0 Else match.childimageCounter = dr("childimagecounter")
    If IsDBNull(dr("link")) Then = "" Else = dr("link")
    If IsDBNull(dr("taxlink")) Then match.taxlink = "" Else match.taxlink = dr("taxlink")
    If IsDBNull(dr("authority")) Then match.authority = "" Else match.authority = dr("authority")
    match.authority = match.authority.Replace(" and ", " & ")
    If IsDBNull(dr("extinct")) OrElse dr("extinct") = "" Then match.extinct = False Else match.extinct = True ' yes or extinct (or anything else) = true

    If addon Then taxrecAddon(match)
    Return match

  End Function

  Function getTaxrecg(ByRef dr As DataRow, addon As Boolean) As taxrec
    ' get a taxref from gbif database
    Dim match As New taxrec
    Dim matches As New List(Of taxrec)
    Dim vnames As New List(Of String)
    Dim taxid As String
    Dim ds As DataSet
    Dim s As String
    Dim ss() As String

    If IsDBNull(dr("taxid")) Then taxid = "" Else taxid = dr("taxid")
    If taxid <> "" Then match.taxid = "g" & taxid ' gbif id prefix

    ' load dr into match
    If IsDBNull(dr("rank")) Then match.rank = "" Else match.rank = dr("rank")
    If IsDBNull(dr("name")) Then match.taxon = "" Else match.taxon = dr("name")
    If IsDBNull(dr("parent")) Then match.parentid = "" Else match.parentid = "g" & dr("parent")
    If IsDBNull(dr("authority")) Then match.authority = "" Else match.authority = dr("authority")
    match.authority = match.authority.Replace(" and ", " & ")
    If IsDBNull(dr("usable")) Then match.gbifUsable = "" Else match.gbifUsable = dr("usable")

    ' get image counters and links, if possible
    ds = getDS("select * from gbifplus where taxid = @parm1", taxid)
    For Each dr2 As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
      If IsDBNull(dr2("imagecounter")) Then match.imageCounter = 0 Else match.imageCounter = dr2("imagecounter")
      If IsDBNull(dr2("childimagecounter")) Then match.childimageCounter = 0 Else match.childimageCounter = dr2("childimagecounter")
      If IsDBNull(dr2("link")) Then = "" Else = dr2("link")
    Next dr2

    ' get common names from oddinfo
    ds = getDS("select * from oddinfo where name = @parm1", match.taxon)
    For Each dr2 As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
      If dr2("commonnames") <> "" Then
        s = dr2("commonnames")
        ss = s.Split("|")
        If ss.Count >= 1 AndAlso ss(0) <> "" Then
          match.commonNames = ss.ToList
        End If
        Exit For
      End If
    Next dr2

    ' get descr from taxatable, if possible
    ds = getDS("select * from taxatable where taxon = @parm1", match.taxon)
    For Each dr2 As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
      If dr2("descr") <> "" Then
        match.descr = dr2("descr")
        Exit For
      End If
    Next dr2

    If addon Then taxrecAddon(match)

    If match.taxlink = "" Then match.taxlink = "" & match.taxid.Substring(1) ' no "g"

    Return match

  End Function

  Sub getCatLifeTaxByID(ByVal taxid As String, ByRef match As taxrec)

    Dim dset As New DataSet

    dset = getDS("select * from where taxid = @parm1 limit 1;", taxid)

    If dset IsNot Nothing AndAlso dset.Tables(0).Rows.Count >= 1 Then
      match = getCatLifeTaxrec(dset.Tables(0).Rows(0), True)
      match = New taxrec
    End If

  End Sub

  Function getGbifVernacular(taxid As String, toprank As String) As List(Of String)

    ' returns a list of gbif vernacular names
    ' upCount tells how far up the ancestry to go, "" for no ancestors

    Dim tax As String
    Dim ds As DataSet
    Dim s As String
    Dim k As Integer
    Dim rank, parent As String
    Dim vNames As New List(Of String)

    If Not taxid.StartsWith("g") Then Return vNames ' empty list - not gbif

    tax = taxid.Substring(1) ' no "g"

    Do While vNames.Count = 0 And k <= 10
      ds = getDS("select * from where taxid = @parm1", tax)
      parent = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("parent")
      rank = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("rank")

      ds = getDS("select * from gbif.vernacularname where taxid = @parm1 and language = 'en'", tax)

      If ds IsNot Nothing Then
        For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
          s = dr("vernacularname")
          If vNames.IndexOf(s) < 0 Then vNames.Add(LCase(s))
        Next dr

      End If

      If Not itisRankID.ContainsKey(toprank) OrElse Not itisRankID.ContainsKey(rank) OrElse
         itisRankID(rank) < itisRankID(toprank) Then Exit Do ' stop at toprank
      tax = parent
      k += 1

    Return vNames

  End Function

  Sub taxrecAddon(ByRef m As taxrec)

    ' load up the non-database things into m

    Dim s As String
    Dim k As Integer
    Dim ss() As String
    Dim ds As DataSet
    Dim dr As DataRow
    Dim catRank As String
    Dim vNames As List(Of String)

    s = getScalar("select is_extant from where taxon_name = @parm1", m.taxon)
    If eqstr(s, "extinct") Then m.extinct = True

    If m.itistsn = 0 Then
      ds = getDS("select * from itis.taxonomic_units where name_usage = 'valid' and kingdom_id = 5 and complete_name = @parm1", m.taxon)
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
        m.itistsn = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("tsn")
        m.parentTsn = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("parent_tsn")
      End If
      If m.parentTsn = 0 Then
        k = getScalar("select parent_tsn from itis.taxonomic_units where tsn = @parm1", m.itistsn)
        'If IsNumeric(v) Then m.parentTsn = v
        m.parentTsn = k
      End If
    End If

    If m.catLifeID = "" Then
      m.catLifeParentID = ""
      catRank = m.rank
      If eqstr(catRank, "Subspecies") Then catRank = "Infraspecies"
      ds = getDS("select * from where name = @parm1 and rank = @parm2", m.taxon, catRank)
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
        dr = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("author")) AndAlso m.authority = "" Then m.authority = dr("author")
        m.authority = m.authority.Replace(" and ", " & ")
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("taxid")) Then m.catLifeID = dr("taxid")
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("parent")) Then m.catLifeParentID = dr("parent")
      End If
    End If

    If m.gbifID = "" Or m.gbifID = "0" Then
      m.gbifParent = ""
      ds = getDS("select * from where name = @parm1 and rank = @parm2 and usable <> ''",
                 m.taxon, m.rank)
      'ds = getDS("select * from join taxa.gbifplus using (taxid) where name = @parm1 and rank = @parm2 and usable <> ''",
      '           m.taxon, m.rank) '  and status = 'accepted'
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
        dr = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("authority")) AndAlso m.authority = "" Then m.authority = dr("authority")
        m.authority = m.authority.Replace(" and ", " & ")
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("taxid")) Then m.gbifID = dr("taxid")
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("parent")) Then m.gbifParent = dr("parent")
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("usable")) Then m.gbifUsable = dr("usable")
        'If m.gbifUsable = "extinct" Then ' ignore extinct in gbif -- it's unreliable.
      End If
    End If

    If m.spiderID = 0 Then
      m.spiderParent = 0
      ds = getDS("select * from spidercat where name = @parm1 and rank = @parm2", m.taxon, m.rank)
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
        dr = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("authority")) AndAlso m.authority = "" Then m.authority = dr("authority")
        m.authority = m.authority.Replace(" and ", " & ")
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("idq")) Then m.spiderID = dr("idq")
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("parentid")) Then m.spiderParent = dr("parentid")
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("url")) Then m.spiderlink = dr("url")
        If Not IsDBNull(dr("distribution")) Then m.spiderdist = dr("distribution")
      End If
    End If

    m.iucnStatus = ""
    m.iucnTrend = ""
    m.iucnYear = ""
    m.iucnID = ""
    m.iucnVersion = ""

    ds = getDS("select * from iucn where name = @parm1;", m.taxon)
    If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
      dr = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)
      m.iucnStatus = dr("status")
      m.iucnTrend = dr("populationtrend")
      m.iucnYear = dr("yearassessed")
      m.iucnID = dr("speciesid")
      m.iucnVersion = dr("criteriaversion")
    End If

    m.commonNames = New List(Of String)
    If m.taxid.StartsWith("g") Then ' gbif
      vNames = getGbifVernacular(m.taxid, "")
      If vNames.Count > 0 Then m.commonNames = vNames
    End If

    ' get the old wikirec (now part of taxrec) from oddinfo
    If m.taxid <> "" Then ds = getDS("select * from oddinfo where taxid = @parm1", m.taxid) Else ds = Nothing

    If ds IsNot Nothing AndAlso ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
      dr = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)

      s = ""
      If m.taxid <> "" Then
        s = dr("commonnames")
        ss = s.Split("|")
        If ss.Count >= 1 AndAlso ss(0) <> "" Then m.commonNames = ss.ToList ' replaces anything already here (like gbif)
      End If

      If Not IsDBNull(dr("ambiglink")) Then m.ambigLink = dr("ambiglink") Else m.ambigLink = ""
      If Not IsDBNull(dr("unimportant")) Then m.unimportant = dr("unimportant") Else m.unimportant = ""

      m.synonyms = New List(Of String)
      m.synauth = New List(Of String)
      ds = getDS("select * from syns where taxonid = @parm1", m.taxid)
      For Each dr1 As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
      Next dr1

      If m.synonyms IsNot Nothing Then
        For i As Integer = m.synonyms.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
          m.synonyms(i) = m.synonyms(i).Trim
          If m.synonyms(i) = "" Then
            m.synonyms.RemoveAt(i) ' remove blank
          ElseIf i < m.synonyms.Count - 1 AndAlso m.synonyms(i) = m.synonyms(i + 1) Then
            m.synonyms.RemoveAt(i) ' remove dup
          End If
        Next i
      End If

      If Not IsDBNull(dr("wikipediaPageID")) Then m.wikipediaPageID = dr("wikipediaPageID")
      If Not IsDBNull(dr("commonwikilink")) Then m.commonWikiLink = dr("commonwikilink")
      If Not IsDBNull(dr("hodges")) Then m.hodges = dr("hodges")
      If Not IsDBNull(dr("wikidataid")) Then m.wikidataid = dr("wikidataid")
      If Not IsDBNull(dr("ambiglink")) Then m.ambigLink = dr("ambiglink")
      If Not IsDBNull(dr("unimportant")) Then m.unimportant = dr("unimportant")

    End If

    If m.commonNames.Count = 0 AndAlso m.descr <> "" AndAlso Not m.descr.Contains(" and ") AndAlso
         Not m.descr.ToLower.Contains("hodges") Then m.commonNames.Add(m.descr.ToLower)

  End Sub

  Function getImageRec(fname As String) As imagerec

    ' gets an imagerec from the taxa database, based on the file name.

    Dim dset As New DataSet
    Dim drow As DataRow
    Dim irec As New imagerec

    dset = getDS("SELECT * FROM images WHERE filename = @parm1 limit 1", fname)

    If dset IsNot Nothing AndAlso dset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
      drow = dset.Tables(0).Rows(0)
      If IsDBNull(drow("taxonid")) Then Return irec
      Return irec
    End If

    irec = getimagerecDr(drow)    ' load drow into irec
    Return irec

  End Function

  Function getimagerecDr(drow As DataRow) As imagerec

    Dim irec As New imagerec

    ' load drow into irec
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("imageid")) Then irec.imageid = 0 Else irec.imageid = drow.Item("imageid")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("filename")) Then irec.filename = "" Else irec.filename = drow.Item("filename")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("photodate")) Then irec.photodate = "" Else irec.photodate = drow.Item("photodate")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("dateadded")) Then irec.dateadded = "" Else irec.dateadded = drow.Item("dateadded")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("modified")) Then irec.modified = "" Else irec.modified = drow.Item("modified")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("taxonid")) Then irec.taxonid = "" Else irec.taxonid = drow.Item("taxonid")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("gps")) Then irec.gps = "" Else irec.gps = drow.Item("gps")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("elevation")) Then irec.elevation = "" Else irec.elevation = drow.Item("elevation")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("rating")) Then irec.rating = 0 Else irec.rating = drow.Item("rating")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("confidence")) Then irec.confidence = 0 Else irec.confidence = drow.Item("confidence")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("remarks")) Then irec.remarks = "" Else irec.remarks = drow.Item("remarks")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("originalpath")) Then irec.originalpath = "" Else irec.originalpath = drow.Item("originalpath")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("bugguide")) Then irec.bugguide = "" Else irec.bugguide = drow.Item("bugguide")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("size")) Then irec.size = "" Else irec.size = drow.Item("size")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("location")) Then irec.location = "" Else irec.location = drow.Item("location")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("county")) Then irec.county = "" Else irec.county = drow.Item("county")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("state")) Then irec.state = "" Else irec.state = drow.Item("state")
    If IsDBNull(drow.Item("country")) Then = "" Else = drow.Item("country")

    Return irec

  End Function

  Function getDescr(ByRef inMatch As taxrec, ByVal shortForm As Boolean) As String

    ' start at taxon, then ascend through the parents until a description is found.
    ' shortform is true to omit "Family: Brushfoot etc."

    Dim match As New taxrec
    Dim mm As List(Of taxrec)
    Dim parent As Integer
    Dim iter As Integer = 0

    If inMatch.parentid = "" Then ' inmatch might only have the taxonid
      ' load everything else into inmatch
      'getTaxonByID(i, inMatch) Then
      mm = getTaxrecByID(inMatch.taxid, False)
      If mm.Count > 1 Then Stop
      inMatch = mm(0)
    End If

    If inMatch.descr <> "" Or shortForm Then Return inMatch.descr
    parent = inMatch.parentid

    Do While parent >= 0 And iter < 25
      iter = iter + 1
      'getTaxonByID(parent, match)
      mm = getTaxrecByID(parent, False)
      If mm.Count = 0 Then Return "" Else If mm.Count > 1 Then Stop
      match = mm(0)

      If match.descr <> "" AndAlso match.rank <> "No Taxon" And
          (match.rank <> "Species" Or inMatch.rank = "Subspecies") And match.rank <> "Subspecies" Then
        Return match.rank & ": " & match.descr.Trim
      End If
      parent = match.parentid

    Return ""

  End Function

  Function TaxonkeySearch(ByVal findme As String) As DataSet
    ' get dataset taxatable record for taxon or common name findme
    Dim ds As New DataSet

    If findme Is Nothing OrElse findme.Trim = "" Then Return Nothing
    findme = findme.Trim
    ds = getDS("select * from taxatable where taxon = @parm1 order by taxon;", findme)
    Return ds
  End Function

  Function validTaxon(m As taxrec, dbRequired As Integer) As String

    Dim ds As DataSet = Nothing
    Dim ds2 As DataSet = Nothing
    Dim ds3 As DataSet = Nothing
    Dim dr As DataRow = Nothing
    Dim dr2 As DataRow = Nothing
    'Dim n, iRow As Integer
    Dim s, s1 As String

    s = LCase(m.taxon)
    If s.Split(" ").Length > 3 OrElse
        (s.Contains(" ") AndAlso (itisRankID.ContainsKey(m.rank) AndAlso itisRankID(m.rank) < 220)) OrElse
        s.Contains("""") OrElse
        s.Contains("(") OrElse
        s.Contains("--") OrElse
        s.Contains("-cf-") OrElse
        s.Contains("-new-") OrElse
        s.Contains("-non-") OrElse
        s.Contains("-nr-") OrElse
        s.Contains("-or-") OrElse
        s.Contains("-sp-") OrElse
        s.Contains("-idae") OrElse
        s.Contains(".") OrElse
        s.Contains("/") OrElse
        s.Contains("assigned") OrElse
        s.Contains("adventive") OrElse
        s.Contains("established") OrElse
        s.Contains("incertae") OrElse
        s.Contains("introduction") OrElse
        s.Contains("maybe") OrElse
        s.Contains("near-") OrElse
        s.Contains("possible") OrElse
        s.Contains("possibly") OrElse
        s.Contains("likely") OrElse
        s.Contains("probably") OrElse
        s.Contains("sensu lato") OrElse
        s.Contains("suspected") OrElse
        s.Contains("undescribed") OrElse
        s.Contains("undetermined") OrElse
        s.Contains("known") OrElse
        s.Contains("unnamed") OrElse
        s.Contains("placed") OrElse
        s.EndsWith("-cf") OrElse
        s.EndsWith("-like") OrElse
        s.EndsWith("-sp") OrElse
        s.EndsWith("complex") OrElse
        s.EndsWith("group") OrElse
        s.EndsWith("pseudo") OrElse
        s.StartsWith("cf-") OrElse
        s.StartsWith("n-") OrElse
        s.StartsWith("new-") OrElse
        s.StartsWith("non-") OrElse
        s.StartsWith("nr-") OrElse
        s.StartsWith("on-") OrElse
        s.StartsWith("-xxxx") OrElse
        s.StartsWith("sp-") Then Return "non-taxonomic text in name."

    s1 = ""
    If (dbRequired And 1) And m.taxid = "" Then s1 &= " taxa"
    If (dbRequired And 2) And m.itistsn <= 0 Then s1 &= " itis"
    If (dbRequired And 4) And m.catLifeID = "" Then s1 &= " catlife"
    If (dbRequired And 8) And m.gbifID = "" Then s1 &= " gbif"
    If (dbRequired And 16) And m.spiderID = 0 Then s1 &= " spidercat"
    If s1 <> "" Then Return m.taxon & " was not found in" & s1 & ", dbRequired = " & dbRequired & "."

    If Not itisRankID.ContainsKey(m.rank) Then Return "Invalid rank in taxa."

    Return ""

  End Function

  Function getParent(ByVal m As taxrec, dbAllowed As Integer)
    ' returns parent based on dbAllowed: priority high to low for 1=bugguide/gbif, 16=spider 8=gbif, 2=itis, 4=catlife (anded)

    Dim mp, mp1 As New taxrec
    Dim mm As List(Of taxrec)
    Dim mi As New taxrec
    Dim ds As DataSet

    If m.parentid IsNot Nothing AndAlso
          (((dbAllowed And 1) And Not m.parentid.StartsWith("g")) Or
          ((dbAllowed And 8) And m.parentid.StartsWith("g"))) Then
      mm = getTaxrecByID(m.parentid, True)
      If mm.Count > 0 Then mp = mm(0)
    End If

    If mp.taxon = "" AndAlso (dbAllowed And 16) AndAlso m.spiderParent <> 0 Then
      ds = getDS("select * from spidercat where idq = @parm1", m.spiderParent)
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then mp = getspiderTaxrec(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0), True)
    End If

    If mp.taxon = "" AndAlso (dbAllowed And 8) AndAlso m.gbifParent <> "" Then
      ds = getDS("select name from where taxid = @parm1", m.gbifParent)
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then mp = loadMatch(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("name"), True)
    End If

    If (dbAllowed And 2) AndAlso m.parentTsn > 0 Then ' check even if there is one already
      ds = getDS("select * from itis.taxonomic_units where tsn = @parm1", m.parentTsn)
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
        mp1 = getItisTaxrec(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0), True)
        If mp.taxon = "" Then  ' OrElse
          '(mp.rank IsNot Nothing AndAlso mp1.rank IsNot Nothing AndAlso
          'itisRankID.ContainsKey(mp1.rank) AndAlso itisRankID.ContainsKey(mp.rank) AndAlso
          'itisRankID(mp1.rank) > itisRankID(mp.rank)) Then
          mp = mp1 ' Itis has a lower rank (like subfamily vs. family)
        End If
      End If
    End If

    If mp.taxon = "" AndAlso (dbAllowed And 4) AndAlso m.catLifeParentID <> "" Then
      ds = getDS("select name from where taxid = @parm1", m.catLifeParentID)
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then mp = loadMatch(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("name"), True)
    End If

    Return mp

  End Function

  Function getancestors(ByVal m1 As taxrec, dbAllowed As Integer,
       ByVal excludeNoTaxon As Boolean, ByVal StopAt As String) As List(Of taxrec)

    ' returns a list of ancestors for ancestor(0). call with a single taxrec in the list "ancestor". 
    ' StopAt the topmost rank, phylum if "".

    Dim match As New taxrec
    Dim m As New taxrec
    Dim iter As Integer = 0
    Dim catLifeID As String = ""
    Dim ancestor As New List(Of taxrec)


    match = getParent(m1, dbAllowed)

    Do While (match.taxon <> "") And iter < 50

      If (Not excludeNoTaxon OrElse Not eqstr(match.rank, "no taxon")) AndAlso
          validTaxon(match, 0) = "" Then
      End If

      If eqstr(match.rank, StopAt) Or (match.taxon = "") Then Exit Do
      match = getParent(match, dbAllowed)
      iter = iter + 1

    Return ancestor

  End Function

  Function isAncestor(ancestor As List(Of taxrec), tax As String, start As Integer) As Boolean
    ' is taxon an ancestor? start tells where in ancestor to start looking.
    For i1 As Integer = start To ancestor.Count - 1
      If eqstr(ancestor(i1).taxon, tax) Then Return True
    Next i1

    Return False

  End Function

  Function getAncestor(ancestor As List(Of taxrec), tax As String, start As Integer) As taxrec
    ' is taxon an ancestor? start tells where in ancestor to start looking.
    For i1 As Integer = start To ancestor.Count - 1
      If eqstr(ancestor(i1).taxon, tax) Then Return ancestor(i1)
    Next i1

    Return Nothing

  End Function
  Function getCategoryRank(ancestor As List(Of taxrec), istart As Integer) As String

    ' returns the lowest existing category 
    ' istart is 0 to include current taxon as a potential category, 1 for next higher, etc.

    Dim tax, commoncat As String
    Dim ds As DataSet

    ' istart is zero to include current taxon as a potential category.

    For i As Integer = istart To ancestor.Count - 1
      ds = getDS("select * from wikicats where taxon = @parm1", ancestor(i).taxon)
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
        tax = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("taxon")
        commoncat = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("commoncat")
        If commoncat <> "" Then Return commoncat Else Return tax
      End If
    Next i

    If isAncestor(ancestor, "Arthropoda", 0) Then
      Return "Arthropods"
      Return "Animals"
    End If

  End Function

  Function getWikiPage(titleParm As String, url As String) As String

    Dim parms As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim r1 As HttpResponseMessage
    Dim qcontent As FormUrlEncodedContent
    Dim s As String
    Dim jq As JObject

    Dim pageID As String
    Dim pageText As String

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    parms.Add("action", "query")
    parms.Add("titles", titleParm) ' "File:Aeoloplides turnbulli P1490124a.jpg"
    parms.Add("prop", "revisions")
    parms.Add("rvprop", "content")
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

      r1 = qClient.PostAsync(url, qcontent).Result
      s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
      jq = JObject.Parse(s)

      pageID = jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*").SelectToken("pageid")

      If pageID IsNot Nothing Then
        pageText = jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*.revisions").ToList(0).ToList(2)
        pageText = ""
      End If
    Catch ex As Exception
      pageText = ""
    End Try

    Return pageText

  End Function

  Public Function getPageID(title As String, wikiurl As String) As Integer
    ' get the pageID for any wiki page based on title, url.

    Dim s, s1 As String

    Dim jq As JObject = Nothing
    Dim jt As JToken = Nothing
    Dim r1 As HttpResponseMessage
    Dim qcontent As FormUrlEncodedContent
    Dim parms As Dictionary(Of String, String)

    If title.Trim = "" Then Return ""

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
    parms.Add("action", "query")
    parms.Add("titles", title)
    parms.Add("prop", "revisions")
    parms.Add("rvprop", "content")
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)
    r1 = qClient.PostAsync(wikiurl, qcontent).Result
    s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
    If s.Contains("Wiki Error") Then
      outLog("GetPageID error: " & title)
      Return ""
    End If

      jq = JObject.Parse(s)
      jt = jq.SelectToken("$.query.pages.*")
      If jt IsNot Nothing Then s1 = jt.SelectToken("pageid") Else s1 = ""
    Catch ex As Exception
      s1 = ""
    End Try

    If IsNumeric(s1) Then Return Int(s1) Else Return 0

  End Function

  Sub sortTaxrec(ByRef children As List(Of taxrec))
    ' sort a list of taxrecs
    ' this is ugly. I am lazy.

    Dim ix As New List(Of Integer)
    Dim keys As New List(Of String)
    Dim sorted As New List(Of taxrec)

    For i1 As Integer = 0 To children.Count - 1
      sorted.Add(New taxrec)
    Next i1
    MergeSort(keys, ix, 0, ix.Count - 1)
    For i1 As Integer = 0 To ix.Count - 1
      sorted(i1) = children(ix(i1))
    Next i1
    children = New List(Of taxrec)

  End Sub

  Function getAncestorRank(ancestor As List(Of taxrec), rank As String) As taxrec
    ' return the ancestor at a given rank
    For i As Integer = 0 To ancestor.Count - 1
      If eqstr(ancestor(i).rank, rank) Then Return ancestor(i)
    Next i
    Return Nothing

  End Function

  Function getdescrMatch(ancestor As List(Of taxrec), sMinrank As String, sMaxrank As String,
              sUsedRank As String, checkCurrent As Boolean) As taxrec
    ' return the lowest ancestor with a common name, upto and including maxrank
    Dim checkNow As Boolean = False
    Dim minRank, maxRank, usedRank, itisRank As Integer

    If itisRankID.ContainsKey(sMinrank) Then minRank = itisRankID(sMinrank) Else minRank = 0
    If itisRankID.ContainsKey(sMaxrank) Then maxRank = itisRankID(sMaxrank) Else maxRank = 0
    If itisRankID.ContainsKey(sUsedRank) Then usedRank = itisRankID(sUsedRank) Else usedRank = 0

    For i As Integer = 0 To ancestor.Count - 1
      If itisRankID.ContainsKey(ancestor(i).rank) Then
        itisRank = itisRankID(ancestor(i).rank)
        itisRank = 0
      End If
      If itisRank = minRank And checkCurrent Then checkNow = True
      If checkNow Then
        If ancestor(i).descr <> "" AndAlso itisRank <> usedRank AndAlso
            itisRank <> 0 Then Return ancestor(i)
        If itisRank = maxRank AndAlso itisRank <> usedRank Then
          Return ancestor(i)
        End If
        If itisRank <= minRank Then checkNow = True ' higher ranks have lower numbers
      End If

    Next i

    Return Nothing

  End Function

  Function getChildren(tMatch As taxrec, addon As Boolean, dballowed As Integer) As List(Of taxrec)

    ' get all the immediate children of tmatch, in all database tables

    Dim ds As DataSet
    Dim desc As New List(Of taxrec)
    Dim childNames As New List(Of String)
    Dim m As New taxrec

    If (dballowed And 1) Then
      If tMatch.taxid <> "" Then
        ds = getDS("select * from taxatable where parentid = @parm1", tMatch.taxid)
        For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
          m = getTaxrec(dr, addon)
        Next dr
      End If
    End If

    If tMatch.taxlink.ToLower.Contains("") Then Return desc ' speciesfile implies correct, complete children.

    If (dballowed And 2) AndAlso tMatch.itistsn > 0 Then
      ds = getDS("select * from itis.taxonomic_units " &
                 "where parent_tsn = @parm1 and name_usage = 'valid';", tMatch.itistsn)
      For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
        m = getItisTaxrec(dr, addon)
        If childNames.IndexOf(m.taxon) < 0 Then ' new match
        End If
      Next dr
    End If

    If (dballowed And 8) AndAlso tMatch.gbifID <> "" Then
      ds = getDS("select * from where parent = @parm1 and usable <> '';", tMatch.gbifID)
      'ds = getDS("select * from join taxa.gbifplus using (taxid) where parent = @parm1 and usable <> '';",
      '           tMatch.gbifID)
      For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
        If eqstr(dr("name"), "Colonellus") Then Stop
        m = getTaxrecg(dr, addon)
        If childNames.IndexOf(m.taxon) < 0 Then ' new match
        End If
      Next dr
    End If

    If (dballowed And 4) AndAlso tMatch.catLifeID <> "" Then
      ds = getDS("select * from " &
                 "where parent = @parm1 and (namestatus = 'accepted name' or namestatus = 'provisionally accepted name');", tMatch.catLifeID)
      If ds IsNot Nothing Then
        For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
          m = getCatLifeTaxrec(dr, addon)
          If childNames.IndexOf(m.taxon) < 0 Then ' new match
          End If
        Next dr
      End If
    End If

    If (dballowed And 16) AndAlso tMatch.spiderID > 0 Then
      ds = getDS("select * from spidercat where parentid = @parm1;", tMatch.spiderID)
      For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
        m = getspiderTaxrec(dr, addon)
        If childNames.IndexOf(m.taxon) < 0 Then ' new match
        End If
      Next dr
    End If

    Return desc

  End Function

  Function allDescendants(tMatch As taxrec, rank As String, dballowed As Integer) As List(Of taxrec)
    ' returns a sorted list of itis + bugguide descendant names, at rank (or all descendants if rank is "")

    Dim children As New List(Of taxrec)
    Dim chil As New List(Of taxrec)
    Dim desc As New List(Of taxrec) ' all the descendants to return
    Dim childName As New List(Of String)
    Dim descName As New List(Of String)
    Dim validName As String
    Dim recRank As String
    Dim i As Integer

    children = getChildren(tMatch, True, dballowed) ' get immediate children, sources = dballowed

    For i1 As Integer = children.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
      validName = validTaxon(children(i1), 0)
      If validName = "" Then
        recRank = children(i1).rank
        If rank = "" OrElse eqstr(rank, recRank) Then
          If descName.IndexOf(children(i1).taxon) < 0 Then ' add new taxrec
          End If

        ElseIf (itisRankID.ContainsKey(recRank) AndAlso itisRankID(rank) <= itisRankID(recRank)) Then ' rank is as low as target
        End If

      End If
    Next i1

    For Each m As taxrec In children
      If rank = "" OrElse Not eqstr(rank, m.rank) Then
        chil = allDescendants(m, rank, dballowed)
        For Each m2 As taxrec In chil
          i = descName.IndexOf(m2.taxon)
          If i < 0 Then ' add new taxrec
          ElseIf m2.taxid <> "" Then
            desc(i) = m2
          End If
        Next m2
      End If
    Next m


    Return desc

  End Function

  Function getItisTaxrec(dr As DataRow, addon As Boolean) As taxrec
    ' get rank, taxon, authority, and tsn from Itis to a taxrec
    Dim m As New taxrec
    Dim s As String

    If IsDBNull(dr("complete_name")) Then m.taxon = "" Else m.taxon = dr("complete_name").trim
    If IsDBNull(dr("rank_id")) Then m.rank = "" Else m.rank = itisRanks(dr("rank_id"))
    s = getScalar("select taxon_author from itis.taxon_authors_lkp, itis.taxonomic_units " &
        "where taxon_authors_lkp.taxon_author_id = taxonomic_units.taxon_author_id and tsn = @parm1;", dr("tsn"))
    If Not IsDBNull(s) AndAlso s IsNot Nothing AndAlso s <> "" Then m.authority = s Else m.authority = ""
    m.authority = m.authority.Replace(" and ", " & ")
    m.itistsn = dr("tsn") = ""
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("parent_tsn")) Then m.parentTsn = dr("parent_tsn") Else m.parentTsn = 0

    If addon Then taxrecAddon(m)

    If m.taxlink = "" Then m.taxlink = "" & m.itistsn

    Return m

  End Function

  Function getspiderTaxrec(dr As DataRow, addon As Boolean) As taxrec
    ' get rank, taxon, etc from spider to a taxrec
    Dim m As New taxrec

    If IsDBNull(dr("name")) Then m.taxon = "" Else m.taxon = dr("name").trim
    If IsDBNull(dr("rank")) Then m.rank = "" Else m.rank = dr("rank").trim
    If IsDBNull(dr("authority")) Then m.authority = "" Else m.authority = dr("authority").trim
    m.authority = m.authority.Replace(" and ", " & ")
    If IsDBNull(dr("idq")) Then m.spiderID = 0 Else m.spiderID = dr("idq")
    If IsDBNull(dr("parentid")) Then m.spiderParent = 0 Else m.spiderParent = dr("parentid") = ""

    If addon Then taxrecAddon(m)

    If m.taxlink = "" Then m.taxlink = dr("url")

    Return m

  End Function

  Function getCatLifeTaxrec(dr As DataRow, addon As Boolean) As taxrec
    ' get rank, taxon, etc from catlife to a taxrec
    Dim m As New taxrec

    If IsDBNull(dr("name")) Then m.taxon = "" Else m.taxon = dr("name").trim
    If IsDBNull(dr("rank")) Then m.rank = "" Else m.rank = dr("rank")
    If eqstr(m.rank, "infraspecies") Then m.rank = "Subspecies"
    If IsDBNull(dr("author")) Then m.authority = "" Else m.authority = dr("author").trim
    m.authority = m.authority.Replace(" and ", " & ")

    If IsDBNull(dr("taxid")) Then
      m.catLifeID = "" = ""
      m.catLifeID = dr("taxid").trim
      ' = "" & m.catLifeID = ""
    End If
    If IsDBNull(dr("parent")) Then m.catLifeParentID = "" Else m.catLifeParentID = dr("parent").trim

    If addon Then taxrecAddon(m)

    Return m

  End Function

  Function eqstr(ByRef s1 As String, ByRef s2 As String) As Boolean
    ' case insensitive string equals
    Return String.Equals(s1, s2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
  End Function

  Function getRefrec(dr As DataRow) As refrec

    Dim rec As New refrec

    If Not IsDBNull(dr("refid")) Then rec.refid = dr("refid")
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("reftype")) Then rec.reftype = dr("reftype").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("pubtype")) Then rec.pubtype = dr("pubtype").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("afirst")) Then rec.afirst = dr("afirst").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("alast")) Then rec.alast = dr("alast").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("efirst")) Then rec.efirst = dr("efirst").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("elast")) Then rec.elast = dr("elast").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("year")) Then rec.year = dr("year").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("title")) Then rec.title = dr("title").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("journal")) Then rec.journal = dr("journal")
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("publisher")) Then rec.publisher = dr("publisher")
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("series")) Then rec.series = dr("series").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("volume")) Then rec.volume = dr("volume").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("issue")) Then rec.issue = dr("issue").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("chapter")) Then rec.chapter = dr("chapter").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("pages")) Then rec.pages = dr("pages").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("url")) Then rec.url = dr("url").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("isbn")) Then rec.isbn = dr("isbn").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("issn")) Then rec.issn = dr("issn").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("doi")) Then rec.doi = dr("doi").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("doiaccess")) Then rec.doiaccess = dr("doiaccess").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("taxon")) Then rec.taxon = dr("taxon").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("taxonexcept")) Then rec.taxonExcept = dr("taxonexcept").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("bottomrank")) Then rec.bottomRank = dr("bottomrank") Else rec.bottomRank = 230
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("etc")) Then rec.etc = dr("etc").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("comment")) Then rec.comment = dr("comment").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("urlaccessed")) Then rec.urlAccessed = dr("urlaccessed").trim
    If Not IsDBNull(dr("updated")) Then rec.updated = dr("updated").trim

    's = getScalar("select wikilink from wikipubs where pubname = @parm1;", rec.journal)
    'If s IsNot Nothing Then rec.wikilink = s

    Return rec

  End Function

  Function getWikiRefs(ancestor As List(Of taxrec)) As List(Of refrec)

    ' returns the refrecs for a taxrec (using taxon lookup)

    Dim ds As DataSet
    Dim refs As New List(Of refrec)
    Dim ref As New refrec
    Dim ss() As String

    For i1 As Integer = 0 To ancestor.Count - 1
      ' this will miss a few refs that have odd-ranked taxons.
      ds = getDS("select * from wikiref where taxon = @parm1;", ancestor(i1).taxon)

      For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
        ref = getRefrec(dr)
        If itisRankID.ContainsKey(ancestor(0).rank) AndAlso itisRankID(ancestor(0).rank) <= dr("bottomrank") Then

          If ref.taxonExcept <> "" Then ' does not apply to some taxons
            ss = ref.taxonExcept.Split("|")
            For Each rec As String In ss
              rec = rec.Trim
              If rec <> "" AndAlso isAncestor(ancestor, rec, 0) Then
                ref.title = "" ' exclude ref from this taxon
                Exit For
              End If
            Next rec
          End If

          If ref.title <> "" Then
            For Each r As refrec In refs
              If eqstr(r.title, ref.title) Then ' no dups
                ref.title = "" ' skip -- it's a duplicate
                Exit For
              End If
            Next r
            If ref.title <> "" Then refs.Add(ref)
          End If
        End If
      Next dr
    Next i1
    Return refs

  End Function

  Function iucnstatus(status As String, trend As String, year As String) As String
    ' translates the 2-character IUCN status into english
    Dim s As String

    s = """" & UCase(status) & """"

    Select Case LCase(status)
      Case "ex"
        s &= ". The species is extinct."
      Case "ew"
        s &= ". The species is extinct in the wild."
      Case "cr"
        s &= ", critically endangered. The species faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future."
      Case "en"
        s &= ", endangered. The species faces a high risk of extinction in the near future."
      Case "vu"
        s &= ", vulnerable. The species faces a high risk of endangerment in the medium term."
      Case "nt"
        s &= ", near threatened. The species may be considered threatened in the near future."
      Case "lc"
        s &= ", least concern, with no immediate threat to the species' survival."
      Case "dd"
        s &= ", data deficient."
      Case Else
        s = ""
    End Select

    If trend = "stable" OrElse trend = "increasing" OrElse trend = "decreasing" Then
      s &= " The population is " & trend & "."
    End If

    If year > 0 Then s &= " The IUCN status was reviewed in " & year & "."

    Return s

  End Function

  Function getRange(m As taxrec) As String

    ' returns the range in english for a wikipedia entry.
    Dim ref As String
    Dim s1, s2 As String
    Dim i1 As Integer
    Dim range As String
    Dim source As String
    Dim iRange As New List(Of String)

    ref = ""

    If m.spiderID > 0 Then ' get spidercat range
      s1 = getScalar("select distribution from spidercat where name = @parm1", m.taxon)
      If s1 <> "" Then
        s1 = m.spiderdist
        s1 = s1.Replace("Is. Introduced to", "Islands, and has been introduced into")
        s1 = s1.Replace(". Introduced to", ", has been introduced into")
        s1 = s1.Replace(" Is.", " Islands")
        iRange = s1.Split(",").ToList
      End If
    End If

    If iRange.Count = 0 AndAlso m.taxid <> "" Then ' check oddinfo, already formatted
      s1 = getScalar("select drange from oddinfo where taxid = @parm1", m.taxid)
      If s1 <> "" Then iRange = s1.Split("|").ToList
    End If

    If iRange.Count = 0 Then ' get gbif countries, if any
      source = ""
      If eqstr(m.rank, "species") OrElse eqstr(m.rank, "subspecies") Then
        iRange = getgbifrange(m, source)
      End If
    End If

    If m.spiderdist <> "" Then
      For i As Integer = 0 To iRange.Count - 1
        iRange(i) = iRange(i).Trim

        i1 = iRange(i).IndexOf(" to ")
        If i1 > 0 Then ' USA to Nicaragua
          s1 = iRange(i).Substring(0, i1)
          s2 = iRange(i).Substring(i1 + 4)
          s1 = translocation(s1)
          s2 = translocation(s2)
          iRange(i) = "a range from " & s1 & " to " & s2
          iRange(i) = translocation(iRange(i))
          If iRange(i).Contains("into USA") Or iRange(i).Contains("into Caribbean") Or iRange(i).Contains("into Far East") Or iRange(i).Contains("into Near East") Then
            iRange(i) = iRange(i).Replace("introduced into ", "introduced into the ")
          End If
          iRange(i) = iRange(i).Replace(" USA", " United States")
        End If
      Next i

    Else ' non-spider irange
      For i As Integer = 0 To iRange.Count - 1
        iRange(i) = translocation(iRange(i))
      Next i
    End If

    For i As Integer = iRange.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 ' remove duplicates (from translocation, etc.)
      For j As Integer = i - 1 To 0 Step -1
        If iRange(i) = iRange(j) Then
          Exit For
        End If
      Next j
    Next i

    Dim locale As New List(Of String)
    Dim wlink As New List(Of String)
    Dim ds As DataSet
    Dim iTitle As Integer
    ds = getDS("select * from translocation")
    For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
      s1 = dr("newlocation")
      If s1.StartsWith("the ") Then s1 = s1.Substring(4)
    Next dr

    For i As Integer = iRange.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 ' add wikilinks for some areas
      iTitle = -1

      s1 = iRange(i)
      If s1.StartsWith("the ") Then s1 = s1.Substring(4)
      For j As Integer = 0 To locale.Count - 1 ' check full title
        If eqstr(s1, locale(j)) Then
          iTitle = j
          Exit For
        End If
      Next j

      If iTitle < 0 Then
        For j As Integer = 0 To locale.Count - 1 ' get the longest match
          If (iTitle < 0 OrElse locale(j).Length > locale(iTitle).Length) AndAlso
            iRange(i).Contains(locale(j)) Then iTitle = j
        Next j
      End If

      If iTitle >= 0 AndAlso wlink(iTitle) <> "" Then ' add a wikilink
        If locale(iTitle) = wlink(iTitle) Then
          iRange(i) = iRange(i).Replace(wlink(iTitle), "[[" & wlink(iTitle) & "]]")
        Else ' display different text than link
          iRange(i) = iRange(i).Replace(locale(iTitle), "[[" & wlink(iTitle) & "|" & locale(iTitle) & "]]")
        End If
      End If
    Next i

    range = ""
    If iRange.Count > 0 Then ' have some range
      If eqstr(m.rank, "species") Or eqstr(m.rank, "subspecies") Then
        range = "It is found in " & formatList(iRange, "and") & "."
        range = "They are found in " & formatList(iRange, "and") & "."
      End If
    End If
    If range <> "" Then range = range.Replace("found in worldwide", "found worldwide")

    If range.EndsWith("..") Then range = range.Substring(0, range.Length - 1)
    If range.EndsWith("..") Then range = range.Substring(0, range.Length - 1)

    Return range & ref

  End Function

  Function getgbifrange(m As taxrec, ByRef source As String) As List(Of String)

    Dim ds, ds2 As DataSet
    Dim irange As New List(Of String)
    Dim countrycode, locationid, location, locality As String
    Dim name1, name2 As String
    Dim names1 As New List(Of String)
    Dim names2 As New List(Of String)
    Dim i, k As Integer

    If m.gbifID = "" Then Return irange

    ds = getDS("select * from gbif.distribution where taxonid = @parm1", m.gbifID)

    For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
      locality = dr("locality")
      If locality Is Nothing Then locality = ""
      countrycode = dr("countrycode")
      If countrycode Is Nothing Then countrycode = ""
      locationid = dr("locationid")
      If locationid Is Nothing Then locationid = ""

      If dr("source") = "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)" And locationid = "" And countrycode = "" Then
        ' use the locality
        locality = locality.Replace("""", "")
        locality = translocation(locality)
        If irange.IndexOf(locality) < 0 Then irange.Add(locality)

      Else ' get it from name1, name2
        name1 = "" : name2 = ""
        If countrycode IsNot Nothing AndAlso countrycode <> "" Then ' use countrycode
          ds2 = getDS("select * from glocation where countrycode = @parm1", countrycode)
        ElseIf Not locationid.StartsWith("TDWG") And countrycode = "" Then ' use the locality
          ds2 = getDS("select * from glocation where name = @parm1 order by idq", locality)
        ElseIf locationid IsNot Nothing AndAlso locationid <> "" Then ' use locationid
          If locationid.StartsWith("TDWG:") Then locationid = locationid.Substring(5)
          ds2 = getDS("select * from glocation where code = @parm1", locationid)
          ds2 = Nothing
        End If

        If ds2 IsNot Nothing AndAlso ds2.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
          name1 = ds2.Tables(0).Rows(0)("name1")
          name2 = ds2.Tables(0).Rows(0)("name2")
          name1 = translocation(name1)
          name2 = translocation(name2)
        End If

        If name1 <> "" Then
          If name2.Contains("United States") Then name2 = "the United States"
          If name2.Contains("Canada") Then name2 = "Canada"
          If name2.Contains("Atlantic Ocean") Then name2 = "the Atlantic Ocean"
          If name2.Contains("Tropical Africa") Then name2 = "Tropical Africa"
        End If

        If name1.Contains("Europe &") OrElse name2.Contains("Europe &") Then Stop

        Select Case name2
          Case "the Caribbean",
               "Central America",
               "Western Asia",
               "the Indian Subcontinent",
               "New Zealand"
            ' use name2
          Case "the southwestern Pacific",
               "the south-central Pacific",
               "south-central Pacific",
               "the northwestern Pacific",
               "the north-central Pacific",
               "north-central Pacific"
            name1 = "the Pacific Ocean"
            name2 = ""
          Case Else
            name2 = ""
        End Select

        i = names1.IndexOf(name1)
        If i < 0 Then
        ElseIf names2(i) <> name2 Then
          names2(i) = "" ' go with continent if there's more than one country in it.
        End If

        If name1 IsNot Nothing AndAlso name1 <> "" Then
          Select Case (dr("source"))
            Case "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)"
              '  source = "itis"
            Case "Catalogue of Life"
              ' source = "catlife"
            Case "World Register of Marine Species"
              source = "worms"
          End Select

        End If
      End If
    Next dr

    ' combine temperate and tropical Asia into a single continent.
    i = names1.IndexOf("temperate Asia")
    k = names1.IndexOf("tropical Asia")
    If i >= 0 AndAlso k >= 0 Then
      names1(i) = "Asia" : names2(i) = ""
      names1.RemoveAt(k) : names2.RemoveAt(k)
    End If

    ' special case for Europe & itis
    If irange.IndexOf("Europe & Northern Asia (excluding China)") >= 0 Then
      i = names1.IndexOf("Europe")
      If i >= 0 Then
      End If
    End If

    For i1 As Integer = 0 To names1.Count - 1
      If names2(i1) <> "" Then location = names2(i1) Else location = names1(i1)
      If location <> "" AndAlso irange.IndexOf(location) < 0 Then irange.Add(location)
    Next i1

    Return irange

  End Function

  Function translocation(locality As String)
    ' translate locality to better form

    Dim s As String
    s = getScalar("select newlocation from translocation where original = @parm1", locality)
    If s Is Nothing OrElse s = "" Then Return locality
    Return s

  End Function

  Function formatList(ss As List(Of String), separator As String) As String

    ' add commas and ", and" to a list, return a single string
    ' separator is "and" or "or"

    Dim s = ""

    If ss.Count = 1 Then
      s = ss(0)
    ElseIf ss.Count = 2 Then
      s = ss(0) & " " & separator & " " & ss(1)
      For i As Integer = 0 To ss.Count - 1
        If i = ss.Count - 1 Then ' done
          s &= ss(i)
        ElseIf i = ss.Count - 2 Then ' next to last
          s &= ss(i) & ", " & separator & " "
          s &= ss(i) & ", " ' others
        End If
      Next i

    End If

    Return s

  End Function

  Function loadMatch(sTaxon As String, addon As Boolean) As taxrec

    ' load a taxrec from the database for a taxon

    Dim match As New taxrec
    Dim ds As New DataSet

    ds = TaxonkeySearch(sTaxon)

    If ds IsNot Nothing Then
      For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
        match = getTaxrec(dr, addon)
        If eqstr(match.taxon, sTaxon) AndAlso match.rank <> "" AndAlso
            itisRankID.ContainsKey(match.rank) Then Exit For
      Next dr ' should only be one
    End If

    If match.taxid = "" AndAlso match.gbifID = "" Then ' check gbif
      ds = getDS("select * from where name = @parm1 and usable <> ''", sTaxon)
      'ds = getDS("select * from join taxa.gbifplus using (taxid) where name = @parm1 and usable <> ''", sTaxon)
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then match = getTaxrecg(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0), addon)
    End If

    If match.taxid = "" AndAlso match.catLifeID = "" Then ' check catlife
      ds = getDS("select * from where name = @parm1 and namestatus = 'accepted name'", sTaxon)
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then match = getCatLifeTaxrec(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0), addon)
    End If

    If match.taxid = "" AndAlso match.spiderID <= 0 Then ' check spidercat
      ds = getDS("select * from spidercat where name = @parm1", sTaxon)
      If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then match = getspiderTaxrec(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0), addon)
    End If

    Return match

  End Function

  Function loadGbifMatch(sTaxon As String, addon As Boolean) As taxrec
    ' like loadmatch, except for gbif including accepted and doubtful taxa.

    Dim match As New taxrec
    Dim ds As New DataSet

    ds = getDS("select * from " &
               " where name = @parm1 and (status = 'accepted' or status = 'doubtful')", sTaxon)
    If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
      match = getTaxrecg(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0), addon)
      Return match
    ElseIf ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 1 Then
      For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
        If dr("usable") = "ok" Then
          match = getTaxrecg(dr, addon)
          Return match
        End If
      Next dr

      For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
        If dr("status") = "accepted" Then
          match = getTaxrecg(dr, addon)
          Return match
        End If
      Next dr

      match = getTaxrecg(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0), addon)
    End If

    Return match

  End Function

  Sub MergeSort(ByRef v As Object, ByRef ix As List(Of Integer), min As Integer, max As Integer)
    ' use for in-place sorting.

    Dim half As Integer
    Dim isString As Boolean
    Dim j, i, k As Integer

    If v.count - 1 < min Then Exit Sub
    isString = TypeOf v(min) Is String

    If max - min > 1 Then
      Dim tix As New List(Of Integer)
      tix.AddRange(ix)  ' copy index array
      half = (max + min) * 0.5
      If min < half Then MergeSort(v, tix, min, half) ' sort lower half
      If half + 1 < max Then MergeSort(v, tix, half + 1, max) ' sort upper half
      ' now merge the two sorted halves
      i = min : j = half + 1 : k = min - 1
      Do While i <= half Or j <= max
        k = k + 1
        If j > max Then
          ix(k) = tix(i)
          i = i + 1
        ElseIf i > half Then
          ix(k) = tix(j)
          j = j + 1
          ' ignore case when comparing strings 
        ElseIf (isString AndAlso String.Compare(v(tix(i)), v(tix(j)), True) <= 0) OrElse _
          (Not isString AndAlso v(tix(i)) <= v(tix(j))) Then
          ix(k) = tix(i)
          i = i + 1
          ix(k) = tix(j)
          j = j + 1
        End If
    Else ' 1 or 2 elements -- do by hand
      If max - min >= 1 Then
        k = min
        ' If v(ix(k)) > v(ix(k + 1)) Then ' compare first and second items
        If isString AndAlso String.Compare(v(ix(k)), v(ix(k + 1)), True) > 0 OrElse _
          (Not isString) AndAlso v(ix(k)) > v(ix(k + 1)) Then
          i = ix(k) : ix(k) = ix(k + 1) : ix(k + 1) = i ' swap
        End If
      End If
    End If

  End Sub

  Function abbreviate(s1 As String)
    ' abbreviates the genus in a species or subspecies combination

    Dim k As Integer

    k = s1.IndexOf(" ")
    If k >= 0 And k < s1.Length Then
      Return UCase(s1.Substring(0, 1)) & ".&nbsp;" & s1.Substring(k + 1)
      Return s1
    End If

  End Function

  Function getUrlDomain(s As String) As String
    ' get the domain of a url.

    Dim i As Integer

    If s Is Nothing OrElse s = "" Then Return ""

    s = s.Replace("https://", "")
    s = s.Replace("http://", "")
    If s.StartsWith("www.") Then s = s.Replace("www.", "")
    i = s.IndexOf("/")
    If i < 0 Then i = s.IndexOf("?")
    If i < 0 Then i = s.IndexOf("#")
    If i < 0 Then i = s.IndexOf("|")
    If i >= 0 Then s = s.Substring(0, i)

    Return s

  End Function

  Function binsearch(ByRef ss As List(Of String), s As String, i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer) As Integer

    Dim ihalf As Integer
    Dim i As Integer

    If s = ss(i2) Then Return i2
    If i1 = i2 OrElse i1 + 1 = i2 Then Return -1
    ihalf = (i1 + i2) \ 2

    i = String.Compare(s, ss(ihalf), True)
    If i > 0 Then
      Return binsearch(ss, s, ihalf, i2)
    ElseIf i < 0 Then
      Return binsearch(ss, s, i1, ihalf)
      Return ihalf
    End If

  End Function

  Sub gardener(PageID As String, ByRef inPages As List(Of String), ByRef level As Integer,
                 max As Integer, maxlev As Integer)
    ' check for walled garden
    ' returns a list of pages that link here, along with their incoming links, and theirs, etc.
    ' aborts when inpages.count reaches max or recursion level (no-repeats) reaches maxlev.

    Dim s, s1 As String
    Dim incoming As New List(Of String)
    Dim ss As New List(Of String)

    Dim r1 As HttpResponseMessage
    Dim qcontent As FormUrlEncodedContent
    Dim parms As Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim jq As JObject
    Dim jtt As List(Of JToken)

    level += 1
    If level > maxlev Then level = -1
    If level < 0 Then Exit Sub

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    parms.Add("action", "query")
    parms.Add("pageids", PageID)
    parms.Add("prop", "linkshere")
    parms.Add("lhnamespace", "0")
    parms.Add("lhlimit", max)
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

    ss = New List(Of String)
    r1 = qClient.PostAsync(urlWikiPedia, qcontent).Result
    s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
    jq = JObject.Parse(s)

    If jq.SelectToken("query.pages." & PageID & ".linkshere") IsNot Nothing Then
      jtt = jq.SelectToken("query.pages." & PageID & ".linkshere").ToList
      For Each jt As JToken In jtt
        s1 = jt("pageid")
        If inPages.IndexOf(s1) < 0 Then
          If inPages.Count >= max Then Exit Sub
        End If
      Next jt

      For Each s1 In ss
        gardener(s1, inPages, level, max, maxlev)
        If level < 0 Or inPages.Count >= max Then Exit Sub
      Next s1
    End If

    level -= 1

  End Sub

  Function getQnumber(m As taxrec, ancestor As List(Of taxrec)) As String
    ' get the wikidata qnumber of an animal.

    Dim s, s1, s2, s3 As String
    Dim sb As New StringBuilder
    Dim qNumber As String

    Dim jq As JObject
    Dim jz, jz2, jt As JToken
    Dim parms As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim r1 As HttpResponseMessage
    Dim qcontent As FormUrlEncodedContent
    Dim pageID As String
    Dim parentTaxon As String

    's = getWikiDataPage(m.taxon, urlWikiData)

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    parms.Add("action", "wbsearchentities")
    parms.Add("search", m.taxon)  ' "File:Aeoloplides turnbulli P1490124a.jpg"
    parms.Add("language", "en")
    parms.Add("limit", "50")
    parms.Add("continue", "0")
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

    r1 = qClient.PostAsync(urlWikiData, qcontent).Result
    s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
    jq = JObject.Parse(s)
    jz = jq.SelectToken("search")

    qNumber = ""
    For i1 As Integer = 0 To jz.Count - 1
        s1 = jz(i1).SelectToken("match.type").ToString
        s2 = jz(i1).SelectToken("match.language").ToString
        s3 = jz(i1).SelectToken("match.text").ToString
      Catch ex As Exception
        s1 = "" : s2 = "" : s3 = ""
      End Try

      pageID = jz(i1).SelectToken("title").ToString

      If s1 = "label" And s2 = "en" And eqstr(s3, m.taxon) Then
        pageID = jz(i1).SelectToken("title").ToString

        parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
        parms.Add("action", "wbgetentities")
        parms.Add("ids", pageID) ' "File:Aeoloplides turnbulli P1490124a.jpg"
        parms.Add("props", "claims") ' P815 P2464 = bugguide
        parms.Add("languages", "en") ' P815
        parms.Add("format", "json")
        qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

        r1 = qClient.PostAsync(urlWikiData, qcontent).Result
        s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
        jq = JObject.Parse(s)
        jz2 = jq.SelectToken("entities." & pageID & ".claims") ' 109216

        ' P171 is parent
        ' P105 is rank

        jt = jz2.SelectToken("P171") ' parent
        If jt IsNot Nothing Then
          s2 = jt.ToList(0)("mainsnak")("datavalue")("value")("id").ToString ' parent qnumber
          If s2 <> "" Then
            parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
            parms.Add("action", "wbgetentities")
            parms.Add("ids", s2) ' "File:Aeoloplides turnbulli P1490124a.jpg"
            parms.Add("props", "claims") ' P815 P2464 = bugguide
            parms.Add("languages", "en") ' P815
            parms.Add("format", "json")
            qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

            r1 = qClient.PostAsync(urlWikiData, qcontent).Result
            s3 = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
            jq = JObject.Parse(s3)
            jz2 = jq.SelectToken("entities." & s2 & ".claims")
            jt = jz2.SelectToken("P225") ' value
            parentTaxon = jt.ToList(0)("mainsnak")("datavalue")("value").ToString ' parent qnumber
            If isAncestor(ancestor, parentTaxon, 0) Then Return pageID
          End If

          jt = jz2.SelectToken("P171") ' grandparent
          If jt IsNot Nothing Then
            s2 = jt.ToList(0)("mainsnak")("datavalue")("value")("id").ToString ' parent qnumber
            If s2 <> "" Then
              parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
              parms.Add("action", "wbgetentities")
              parms.Add("ids", s2) ' "File:Aeoloplides turnbulli P1490124a.jpg"
              parms.Add("props", "claims") ' P815 P2464 = bugguide
              parms.Add("languages", "en") ' P815
              parms.Add("format", "json")
              qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

              r1 = qClient.PostAsync(urlWikiData, qcontent).Result
              s3 = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
              jq = JObject.Parse(s3)
              jz2 = jq.SelectToken("entities." & s2 & ".claims")
              jt = jz2.SelectToken("P225") ' value
              parentTaxon = jt.ToList(0)("mainsnak")("datavalue")("value").ToString ' parent qnumber
              If isAncestor(ancestor, parentTaxon, 0) Then Return pageID
            End If
          End If
        End If

      End If
    Next i1

    Return ""

  End Function

  Function addInitialPeriods(s As String) As String
    ' puts periods at initials in reference names.

    Dim s1 As String

    If s Is Nothing OrElse s = "" Then Return ""
    s1 = s.Trim
    s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([^A-Za-z\-\'’]|^)([A-Z])([^A-Za-z\.\-\'’]|$)", "$1$2.$3")  ' A '
    s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([^A-Za-z\-\'’]|^)([A-Z])([^A-Za-z\.\-\'’]|$)", "$1$2.$3")  ' A '
    s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([^A-Za-z\-\'’]|^)([A-Z])([A-Z])([^A-Za-z\.\-\'’]|$)", "$1$2.$3.$4") ' AA '
    s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([^A-Za-z\-\'’]|^)([A-Z])([A-Z])([^A-Za-z\.\-\'’]|$)", "$1$2.$3.$4") ' AA '
    s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([^A-Za-z\-\'’]|^)([A-Z])([A-Z])([A-Z])([^A-Za-z\.\-\'’]|$)", "$1$2.$3.$4.$5") 'AAA'
    s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([^A-Za-z\-\'’]|^)([A-Z])([A-Z])([A-Z])([^A-Za-z\.\-\'’]|$)", "$1$2.$3.$4.$5") 'AAA'
    s1 = Regex.Replace(s1, "([^A-Za-z\-\'’]|^)(Jr)([^A-Za-z\.\-\'’]|$)", "$1$2.$3")
    s1 = s1.Replace(" |", "|")

    Return s1.Trim

  End Function

  Sub appendPageTitle(pageTitle As String)
    ' write to qbug.txt
    Dim fname As String
    Dim sq() As String = Nothing

    fname = Path.ChangeExtension(My.Settings.logfile, "txt")
    If pageTitle.StartsWith("orphan") Then
      sq = pageTitle.Split(vbTab)
      For i1 As Integer = 1 To sq.Count - 1
        File.AppendAllText(fname, "* " & Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") & " orphan, check parent: " & "[[" & sq(i1) & "]]" & vbCrLf)
      Next i1
    ElseIf pageTitle = "" Then
      File.AppendAllText(fname, "* " & vbCrLf & "* " & Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") & vbCrLf)
      File.AppendAllText(fname, "* " & Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") & " [[" & pageTitle & "]]" & vbCrLf)
    End If

  End Sub

  Sub outLog(s As String)

    File.AppendAllText(My.Settings.logfile, Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") & vbTab & s & vbCrLf)

  End Sub

  Function citation(ref As refrec) As String
    ' returns a citation in {{cite...}} format

    Dim afirst() As String
    Dim alast() As String = {}
    Dim efirst() As String
    Dim elast() As String
    Dim cit As String = ""
    Dim maxAuthors As Integer = 4
    Dim s1 As String
    Dim sq() As String

    If ref.pubtype <> "" Then
      cit = "{{Cite " & ref.pubtype.ToLower
    ElseIf ref.journal = "" And ref.url <> "" And ref.chapter = "" Then
      cit = "{{Cite web"
      cit = "{{Cite journal"
    End If

    If ref.comment <> "" Then cit &= " " & ref.comment
    cit &= vbCrLf

    If cit.Contains("Cite web") AndAlso ref.urlAccessed <> "" Then cit &= "| accessdate = " & ref.urlAccessed & vbCrLf

    If ref.title <> "" Then cit &= "| title = " & ref.title & vbCrLf
    If ref.year <> "" Then cit &= "| date = " & ref.year & vbCrLf

    If ref.alast <> "" Then
      afirst = ref.afirst.Split("|")
      alast = ref.alast.Split("|")
      For i As Integer = 0 To afirst.Count - 1
        If alast(i) <> "" Then cit &= "| last" & i + 1 & " = " & alast(i) & " | first" & i + 1 & " = " & afirst(i) & vbCrLf
      Next i
    End If

    If ref.elast <> "" Then
      efirst = ref.efirst.Split("|")
      elast = ref.elast.Split("|")
      For i As Integer = 0 To efirst.Count - 1
        If elast(i) <> "" Then cit &= "| editor-last" & i + 1 & " = " & elast(i) & " | editor-first" & i + 1 & " = " & efirst(i) & vbCrLf
      Next i
    End If

    If alast.Count > maxAuthors Then cit &= "| display-authors = " & maxAuthors & vbCrLf

    If ref.journal <> "" Then cit &= "| journal = " & ref.journal & vbCrLf
    If ref.publisher <> "" Then cit &= "| publisher = " & ref.publisher & vbCrLf

    s1 = ""
    If ref.series <> "" Then s1 &= "| series = " & ref.series
    If ref.volume <> "" Then s1 &= "| volume = " & ref.volume
    If ref.issue <> "" Then s1 &= "| issue = " & ref.issue
    If ref.chapter <> "" Then s1 &= "| chapter = " & ref.chapter
    If ref.pages <> "" Then
      If ref.pages.Contains("-") Or ref.pages <> "–" Or ref.pages = "," Then
        s1 &= "| pages = " & ref.pages
        s1 &= "| page = " & ref.pages
      End If
    End If
    If s1 <> "" Then cit &= s1 & vbCrLf

    If ref.isbn <> "" Then cit &= "| isbn = " & ref.isbn & vbCrLf
    If ref.issn <> "" Then cit &= "| issn = " & ref.issn & vbCrLf
    If ref.url <> "" Then cit &= "| url = " & ref.url & vbCrLf ' url not necessary with doi? Sometimes only the URL works.
    If ref.doi <> "" Then
      cit &= "| doi = " & ref.doi
      If ref.doiaccess <> "" Then cit &= "| doi-access = " & ref.doiaccess
      cit &= vbCrLf
    End If

    sq = ref.etc.Split("|".ToCharArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
    For Each s2 As String In sq
      If s2.Trim <> "" Then cit &= "| " & s2.Trim & vbCrLf
    Next s2
    cit &= "}}"

    Return cit

  End Function

  Function getTaxAmbig(taxon As String) As String
    If taxAmbig.ContainsKey(taxon) Then Return taxAmbig(taxon)
    Return taxon
  End Function

  Function orphanCheck(pageTitle As String) As List(Of String)
    ' returns the incoming links in mainspace

    Dim parms As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim r1 As HttpResponseMessage
    Dim qcontent As FormUrlEncodedContent
    Dim jq As JObject
    Dim s As String
    Dim cont As String
    Dim pages As List(Of String)

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    parms.Add("action", "query")
    parms.Add("titles", pageTitle) ' "File:Aeoloplides turnbulli P1490124a.jpg"
    parms.Add("prop", "linkshere")
    parms.Add("lhlimit", "500")
    parms.Add("lhnamespace", "0")
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

    r1 = qClient.PostAsync(urlWikiPedia, qcontent).Result
    s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
    jq = JObject.Parse(s)

    pages = New List(Of String)
    If jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*.linkshere") IsNot Nothing Then
      For i1 As Integer = 0 To jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*.linkshere").Count - 1
        s = jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*.linkshere")(i1)("title")
      Next i1
    End If

    cont = jq.SelectToken("continue.lhcontinue")

    parms = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    parms.Add("action", "query")
    parms.Add("titles", pageTitle) ' "File:Aeoloplides turnbulli P1490124a.jpg"
    parms.Add("prop", "linkshere")
    parms.Add("lhlimit", "500")
    parms.Add("lhnamespace", "0")
    parms.Add("lhcontinue", cont)
    parms.Add("format", "json")
    qcontent = New FormUrlEncodedContent(parms)

    r1 = qClient.PostAsync(urlWikiPedia, qcontent).Result
    s = r1.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
    jq = JObject.Parse(s)

    If jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*.linkshere") IsNot Nothing Then
      For i1 As Integer = 0 To jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*.linkshere").Count - 1
        s = jq.SelectToken("query.pages.*.linkshere")(i1)("title")
      Next i1
    End If

    cont = jq.SelectToken("continue.lhcontinue")

    Return pages

  End Function

  Class references

    Dim name As New List(Of String)
    Dim reference As New List(Of String)
    Dim used As New List(Of Boolean)

    Dim k As Integer

    Function refExists(rname As String, ref As String) As Integer
      ' return 2 if reference itself exists, 1 if the ref name exists, 0 if clear
      If reference.Contains(ref) Then Return 2
      If name.Contains(rname) Then Return 1
      Return 0
    End Function

    Function Ref(rname As String) As String
      ' <ref name=name/>
      ' sets used = true
      k = name.IndexOf(rname)

      If k >= 0 Then
        used(k) = True
        Return "<ref name=" & rname & "/>"
        Return ""
      End If
    End Function

    Function longRef(rname As String) As String
      ' does not include <ref> and </ref>
      ' does not set used = true
      k = name.IndexOf(rname)

      If k >= 0 Then
        Return reference(k)
        Return ""
      End If

    End Function

    Sub addref(rname As String, ref As String)
      ' adds a references, sets used to false

      If refExists(rname, ref) = 0 Then
      End If

    End Sub

    Function allRefs() As String
      ' returns a string of all the used references, with <ref name=> and </ref>

      Dim s As String = ""

      For i As Integer = 0 To name.Count - 1
        If used(i) Then
          If s <> "" Then s &= vbCrLf ' blank line between references
          s &= "<ref name=" & name(i) & ">" & vbCrLf & reference(i) & "</ref>" & vbCrLf
        End If
      Next i

      Return s

    End Function

  End Class

  Function formatchildren(m As taxrec, children As List(Of taxrec), refs As references,
                          ancestor As List(Of taxrec), showSource As Boolean) As String

    ' returns a formatted list of children, either in a sentence or a table.

    Dim subrank As String
    Dim s, s1, s2 As String
    Dim ss As New List(Of String)
    Dim sq As New List(Of String)
    Dim sTaxon As String
    Dim childred As New List(Of taxrec)
    Dim source As String
    Dim sourceUsed As Boolean = False
    Dim spiderflag As Boolean
    Dim bugref As String

    If children.Count <= 1 Then Return ""

    sTaxon = m.taxon
    If eqstr(m.rank, "species") Or eqstr(m.rank, "genus") Or eqstr(m.rank, "subspecies") Then sTaxon = "''" & sTaxon & "''"

    For i1 As Integer = 0 To children.Count - 1
      s1 = getDisambig(children(i1))
      If s1 = "" Then
        s1 = children(i1).taxon
        If (eqstr(children(i1).rank, "species") Or eqstr(children(i1).rank, "subspecies")) And children.Count = 1 Then s1 = abbreviate(s1)
        s1 = s1 & "|" & children(i1).taxon ' should not happen for species or subspecies, so abbreviation won't matter
      End If

      If eqstr(children(i1).rank, "species") Or eqstr(children(i1).rank, "genus") Then
        s1 = "''[[" & s1.Trim & "]]''"
      ElseIf eqstr(children(i1).rank, "subspecies") Then
        s1 = "''" & s1.Trim & "''"
        s1 = "[[" & s1.Trim & "]]"
      End If

      If children(i1).taxon = "Mesagyrtoides" Then Stop

      If children(i1).extinct Then s1 = "† " & s1

      If m.spiderID > 0 And children(i1).spiderID <= 0 Then
        s1 = "* (" & s1 & ")"
        spiderflag = True
        s1 = "* " & s1
      End If
      If children(i1).authority IsNot Nothing AndAlso children(i1).authority.Trim <> "" Then
        s1 &= " <small>" & children(i1).authority & "</small>"
      End If

      source = ""
      If showSource Then
        If children(i1).itistsn > 0 Then source &= " i"
        If children(i1).catLifeID IsNot Nothing AndAlso children(i1).catLifeID <> "" Then source &= " c"
        If children(i1).gbifID <> "" Then source &= " g"
        If LCase(children(i1).link) IsNot Nothing AndAlso LCase(children(i1).link).Contains("bugguide") Then source &= " b"
        If children(i1).spiderID > 0 Then source &= " s"
        If source <> "" Then
          s1 &= "<span style=""color:gray""><sup>" & source & "</sup></span>"
          sourceUsed = True
        End If
      End If

      s2 = firstCommon(children(i1).taxid)
      If s2 <> "" Then s1 &= " (" & s2 & ")"

    Next i1

    subrank = LCase(children(0).rank)


    subrank = pluralRank(subrank)
    s = "==" & UCase(subrank.Chars(0)) & subrank.Substring(1) & "==" & vbCrLf

    If children.Count < 10 Then
      s1 = numeral(children.Count)
      s1 = children.Count
    End If

    s &= "These " & s1 & " " & subrank & " belong to the " & LCase(m.rank) & " " & sTaxon & ":" & vbCrLf

    If children.Count >= maxColumn Then
      If itisRankID(children(0).rank) >= 220 Then
        s &= "{{Div col|colwidth=29em}}" & vbCrLf ' species or subspecies
        s &= "{{Div col|colwidth=22em}}" & vbCrLf ' single word taxon
      End If
    End If

    spiderflag = False
    For i1 As Integer = 0 To children.Count - 1
      s &= ss(i1) & vbCrLf
    Next i1

    If s.EndsWith(vbCrLf) Then s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 2)
    If children.Count >= maxColumn Then s &= vbCrLf & "{{Div col end}}"

    If refs.refExists("bugguide", "") > 0 Then ' name exists - use generic bugguide ref
      bugref = refs.Ref("bugguide")
      bugref = refs.Ref("buglink") ' specific reference
    End If

    If sourceUsed Then
      If isAncestor(ancestor, "Araneae", 0) Then ' spider
        s &= "<small>Data sources: i = ITIS," & refs.Ref("itis") & " c = Catalogue of Life," & refs.Ref("catlife") &
          " g = GBIF," & refs.Ref("gbif") & " b =," & bugref &
          " s = World Spider Catalog" & refs.Ref("spidercat") & "</small>"
        If spiderflag Then s &= vbCrLf & "<small>" & StrConv(m.rank, VbStrConv.ProperCase) & "names in parentheses may no longer be valid.</small>"
        s &= vbCrLf & "<small>Data sources: i = ITIS," & refs.Ref("itis") & " c = Catalogue of Life," & refs.Ref("catlife") &
          " g = GBIF," & refs.Ref("gbif") & " b =" & bugref & "</small>"
      End If
      s &= vbCrLf
    End If

    Return s

  End Function

  Function firstCommon(taxonID As String) As String
    ' select the first common name (the best one, lower case) from wiki.

    Dim ss() As String
    Dim s As String

    If taxonID <> "" Then
      s = getScalar("select commonnames from oddinfo where taxid = @parm1", taxonID)
      s = ""
    End If

    If s IsNot Nothing Then
      ss = s.Split("|")
      If ss.Count >= 1 Then Return ss(0)
    End If

    Return ""

  End Function

  Function getDisambig(m As taxrec) As String
    ' get a disambig link for a taxon, if there is one.
    ' "" (for no change) or a page title, normally the same but sometimes with (genus) or something added
    Dim s1 As String
    If m.taxid <> "" Then
      s1 = getScalar("select ambiglink from oddinfo where taxid = @parm1", m.taxid)
      s1 = ""
    End If
    If s1 = "" Then s1 = getScalar("select ambiglink from oddinfo where name = @parm1", m.taxon)
    Return s1

  End Function

  Sub defineRefs(tmatch As taxrec, ancestor As List(Of taxrec), bugname As String,
            refs As references, showSource As Boolean)
    ' define the "automatic" references (not in wikirefs) in case they're needed later

    Dim s, s1 As String
    Dim prec As paleorec

    s1 = ""

    If tmatch.itistsn > 0 Then
      s = "" & tmatch.itistsn
      s = citeweb(s, bugname & " Report", "Integrated Taxonomic Information System")
      'If tmatch.itiscomments IsNot Nothing AndAlso tmatch.itiscomments.Count > 0 Then s &= "{{PD-notice}}"
      refs.addref("itis", s)
      ' define a generic itis ref
      s = citeweb("", "ITIS, Integrated Taxonomic Information System", "")
      refs.addref("itis", s)
    End If

    If tmatch.hodges <> "" AndAlso isAncestor(ancestor, "lepidoptera", 0) Then
      s = "" & tmatch.hodges
      s1 = tmatch.taxon
      If eqstr(tmatch.rank, "species") Or eqstr(tmatch.rank, "genus") Or eqstr(tmatch.rank, "subspecies") Then s1 = "''" & s1 & "''"
      s = citeweb(s, "North American Moth Photographers Group, " & s1, "")
      refs.addref("mpg", s)
    End If

    If tmatch.catLifeID <> "" Then
      If eqstr(tmatch.rank, "species") Or eqstr(tmatch.rank, "subspecies") Then
        s = "" & tmatch.catLifeID
        s = citeweb(s, bugname & " species details", "Catalogue of Life")
        refs.addref("catlife", s)
        s = "" & tmatch.catLifeID
        s = citeweb(s, "Browse " & bugname, "Catalogue of Life")
        refs.addref("catlife", s)
      End If
    ElseIf showSource Then
      ' define a generic webref
      s = citeweb("", "Catalogue of Life", "")
      refs.addref("catlife", s)
    End If

    If tmatch.gbifID <> "" Then
      s = "" & tmatch.gbifID
      s = citeweb(s, bugname, "GBIF")
      refs.addref("gbif", s)
    ElseIf showSource Then
      ' define a generic webref
      s = citeweb("", "GBIF", "")
      refs.addref("gbif", s)
    End If

    If tmatch.spiderlink <> "" Then
      s = citeweb(tmatch.spiderlink, bugname, "NMBE World Spider Catalog")
      refs.addref("spidercat", s)
    End If

    If tmatch.iucnID <> "" Then
      s = "" & tmatch.iucnID  '
      s = citeweb(s, bugname & " Red List status", "IUCN Red List")
      refs.addref("iucn", s)
    End If

    If tmatch.taxid <> "" Then
      s = citeweb("" & tmatch.taxon.Replace(" ", "%20"),
                     " Images and collection data for " & bugname, "Pictures from Earth")
      refs.addref("xp01", s)
    End If

    If <> "" Then
      If Not LCase("wsc.") Or tmatch.spiderlink = "" Then ' use the domain
        s1 = getUrlDomain(
        If s1 <> "" Then
          If s1.Contains("") Then
            s = citeweb(, "The Paleobiology Database, " & tmatch.rank & " " & bugname, "")
            refs.addref("buglink", s)
            If s1 = "" Then s1 = ""
            s = citeweb(, bugname & " " & tmatch.rank & " Information", s1)
            refs.addref("buglink", s)
          End If
        End If
        If showSource AndAlso Not"bugguide") Then ' add generic bugguide reference, for data source 
          s = citeweb("", "", "")
          refs.addref("bugguide", s)
        End If
      End If
    End If

    If tmatch.extinct AndAlso (Not s1.Contains("paleobiodb")) Then
      ' add paleo reference
      prec = getPaleo(tmatch)
      If prec.pID > 0 Then
        s = citeweb("" & prec.pID, "The Paleobiology Database, " & tmatch.rank & " " & bugname, "")
        refs.addref("paleo", s)
      End If
    End If

  End Sub

  Function citeweb(url As String, title As String, site As String) As String
    ' returns a citation in {{cite web...] format
    Dim s As String

    ' "{{cite web|url=" & text & "|title=" & webtitle & "|website=" & substring text & "|accessdate= format(date, "yyyy-MM-dd") & "}}"
    s = "{{Cite web| title=" & title & vbCrLf
    s &= "| url=" & url & vbCrLf
    If site <> "" Then s &= "| website=" & site & vbCrLf
    s &= "| accessdate=" & Format(CDate(Today), "yyyy-MM-dd") & vbCrLf
    s &= "}}"

    Return s

  End Function

  Function createTaxTemplate(m As taxrec, parent As String) As String
    ' create a taxonomy template for taxrec

    Dim sb As StringBuilder

    '{{Don't edit this line {{{machine code|}}}
    '|refs=<!--Shown on this page only; don't include <ref> tags -->

    sb = New StringBuilder
    sb.AppendLine("{{Don't edit this line {{{machine code|}}}")
    sb.AppendLine("|rank=" & latinRank(m.rank))
    If m.ambigLink <> "" Then
      sb.AppendLine("|link=" & m.ambigLink & "|" & m.taxon)
      sb.AppendLine("|link=" & m.taxon)
    End If
    sb.AppendLine("|parent=" & parent)

    If m.extinct Then sb.AppendLine("|extinct=yes")

    If (m.spiderlink <> "") Then
      sb.AppendLine("|refs=" & m.spiderlink)
    ElseIf m.taxlink <> "" Then
      sb.AppendLine("|refs=" & m.taxlink)
    ElseIf m.itistsn > 0 Then
      sb.AppendLine("|refs=" & m.itistsn)
    ElseIf (m.gbifID <> "" And m.gbifID <> "0") Then
      sb.AppendLine("|refs=" & "" & m.gbifID)
    ElseIf m.catLifeID <> "" Then
      sb.AppendLine("|refs=" & "" & m.catLifeID)
      Return ""
    End If

    Return sb.ToString

  End Function

  Class paleorec
    Public pID As Integer = 0
    Public name As String = ""
    Public rank As String = ""
    Public authority As String = ""
    Public commonname As String = ""
    Public parentID As Integer = 0
    Public parentName As String = ""
    Public extant As String = ""
    Public nOccurences As Integer = 0
    Public firstMaxma As String = ""
    Public firstMinma As String = ""
    Public lastMaxma As String = ""
    Public lastMinma As String = ""
    Public earlyinterval As String = ""
    Public lateinterval As String = ""
    Public nDesc As Integer = 0
    Public nExtant As Integer = 0
    Public phylum As String = ""
    Public cclass As String = ""
    Public order As String = ""
    Public family As String = ""
    Public genus As String = ""
    Public imageID As Integer = 0
  End Class

  Function getPaleoRec(dr As DataRow) As paleorec

    Dim prec As New paleorec

    If IsDBNull(dr("orig_no")) Then prec.pID = "" Else prec.pID = dr("orig_no")
    If IsDBNull(dr("taxon_name")) Then = "" Else = dr("taxon_name")
    If IsDBNull(dr("taxon_rank")) Then prec.rank = "" Else prec.rank = dr("taxon_rank")
    If IsDBNull(dr("taxon_attr")) Then prec.authority = "" Else prec.authority = dr("taxon_attr")
    prec.authority = prec.authority.Replace(" and ", " & ")
    If IsDBNull(dr("common_name")) Then prec.commonname = "" Else prec.commonname = dr("common_name")
    If IsDBNull(dr("parent_no")) Then prec.parentID = "" Else prec.parentID = dr("parent_no")
    If IsDBNull(dr("parent_name")) Then prec.parentName = "" Else prec.parentName = dr("parent_name")
    If IsDBNull(dr("is_extant")) Then prec.extant = "" Else prec.extant = dr("is_extant")
    If IsDBNull(dr("n_occs")) Then prec.nOccurences = "" Else prec.nOccurences = dr("n_occs")
    If IsDBNull(dr("firstapp_max_ma")) Then prec.firstMaxma = "" Else prec.firstMaxma = dr("firstapp_max_ma")
    If IsDBNull(dr("firstapp_min_ma")) Then prec.firstMinma = "" Else prec.firstMinma = dr("firstapp_min_ma")
    If IsDBNull(dr("lastapp_max_ma")) Then prec.lastMaxma = "" Else prec.lastMaxma = dr("lastapp_max_ma")
    If IsDBNull(dr("lastapp_min_ma")) Then prec.lastMinma = "" Else prec.lastMinma = dr("lastapp_min_ma")
    If IsDBNull(dr("early_interval")) Then prec.earlyinterval = "" Else prec.earlyinterval = dr("early_interval")
    If IsDBNull(dr("late_interval")) Then prec.lateinterval = "" Else prec.lateinterval = dr("late_interval")
    If IsDBNull(dr("taxon_size")) Then prec.nDesc = "" Else prec.nDesc = dr("taxon_size")
    If IsDBNull(dr("extant_size")) Then prec.nExtant = "" Else prec.nExtant = dr("extant_size")
    If IsDBNull(dr("phylum")) Then prec.phylum = "" Else prec.phylum = dr("phylum")
    If IsDBNull(dr("class")) Then prec.cclass = "" Else prec.cclass = dr("class")
    If IsDBNull(dr("oorder")) Then prec.order = "" Else prec.order = dr("oorder")
    If IsDBNull(dr("family")) Then = "" Else = dr("family")
    If IsDBNull(dr("genus")) Then prec.genus = "" Else prec.genus = dr("genus")
    If IsDBNull(dr("image_no")) Then prec.imageID = "" Else prec.imageID = dr("image_no")

    Return prec

  End Function

  Function getPaleo(m As taxrec) As paleorec

    ' get a matching paleo orig_no.

    Dim ds As DataSet
    Dim author, year, mauthor, myear As String
    Dim rm As RegularExpressions.Match
    Dim anc As List(Of taxrec)
    Dim prec As New paleorec

    ds = getDS("select * from where taxon_name = @parm1 and taxon_rank = @parm2 and parent_name <> ''", m.taxon, m.rank)

    If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then Return New paleorec

    For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
      prec = getPaleoRec(dr)
      rm = Regex.Match(dr("taxon_attr"), "^.*?([\p{L}\-\.]+?),? ([0-9]{4})\)?$")
      If rm.Groups.Count = 3 Then
        author = rm.Groups(1).Value
        year = rm.Groups(2).Value
        author = ""
        year = ""
      End If
      rm = Regex.Match(m.authority, "^.*?([a-zA-Z\-\.]+?),? ([0-9]{4})\)?$")
      If rm.Groups.Count = 3 Then
        mauthor = rm.Groups(1).Value
        myear = rm.Groups(2).Value
        mauthor = ""
        myear = ""
      End If

      If year <> "" And year = myear OrElse author <> "" And
        String.Compare(mauthor, author, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = 0 Then Return prec

      ' check ancestor
      anc = getancestors(m, 1, False, "kingdom")
      If isAncestor(anc, dr("parent_name"), 0) Then Return prec
      If dr("family") <> "" Then
        If isAncestor(anc, dr("family"), 0) Then Return prec
      Else ' family blank
        If isAncestor(anc, dr("oorder"), 0) Then Return prec
      End If

    Next dr

    Return New paleorec

  End Function

End Module