This page is for discussing usernames which may be inappropriate under Wikipedia's username policy. All potential username violations should first be reported to Wikipedia:Usernames for administrator attention.
- At Wikipedia:Usernames for administrator attention, administrators will review reported usernames and block usernames that are against policy.
- Usernames that are not against policy will be removed from the page.
- If discussion is required, usernames will be brought here.
- Before commenting, please make yourself familiar with the username policy.
- Administrators will review the discussion and block usernames which are found to be against policy, the HBC AIV helperbots will automatically remove these usernames from this page. If a block is not required, administrators will remove the threaded discussion from the page.
- Do not list directly here, please list all usernames at Wikipedia:Usernames for administrator attention first.
Tools: Special:Listusers, Special:Ipblocklist
List usernames for discussion below, using the syntax {{subst:rfcn1|username|reason ~~~~}}