

Hello. I'm a bit player on Wikipedia who has been around since 2005, but try to be active and helpful. What I'm usually doing (aside from lurking):

  • Making small corrections as I see fit...
  • Add/correct information, usually with pages about some form of entertainment.
  • Creating redirects for convenience. (usually for movies with multiple sequels and long names)
  • Occasionally make new pages, usually about some form of entertainment.

Aside from being a media freak, I especially like reading pages about history, prehistory (sometimes even pre-earth!), anthropology (including closely related hominids like Neanderthals), biology, and computers/programming topics (especially Linux related).

Some preferred pages

  • Neanderthal - Them, and other hominids that came before us or coexisted with us. Nowadays it's another part of the strange story of our collective being.
  • Big Bang Theory - Who doesn't want to know where we came from?
  • [anything here] Period/Era/Epoch - Even though Dinosaurs tend to get front billing, most anything from prehistory interests me. Maybe it's because we know so little about it.

Created pages


Languages Music Political Interests
en-5This user can contribute with a professional level of English.
This user knows intermediate
music theory.
This user is a libertarian.
This user is a technical diver.
This user can read sheet music.
This user is an objectivist, but not a jerk.
This user is a certified scuba diver.
prog-4This user is an expert programmer.
This user enjoys music by Johann Sebastian Bach.
This user finds censorship offensive.
This user is a Caver.
bash-2This user is an intermediate Bash programmer.
This user is a drummer.
This user strongly supports animal rights.
This user enjoys backpacking.
bat-2This user is an intermediate Batch programmer.
This user plays the flute.
This user is against the ban on smoking in public places.
This user is interested in Lucid Dreaming
C++-4This user is an expert C++ programmer.
This user is against the war on drugs.
Y This user's favourite colour is Yellow.
Java-5This user is a professional Java programmer.
This user enjoys classical music.
File:M1911 Pistol US.jpgThis user's safety and liberty are protected by firearms.
PHP-3This user is an advanced PHP programmer.
This user enjoys folk music.
This user supports heterosexual and homosexual marriages. Against gay marriage? Don't get one. Problem solved.
This user is interested in political science.
vb-3This user is an advanced Visual Basic programmer.
This user likes most types of music.
This user is a skeptic.
This user is a fan of nu metal.
This user believes in a foreign policy of non‐interven­tionism, but is not a pacifist.
This user has a channel on YouTube.
This user is interested in drama and acting.
This user is interested in ancient monuments.
This user plays German-style board games.

This user has a thing for meeple.
This user loves the Great Outdoors.
This user loves knowledge.
This user does not smoke.

End of file

Feel free to contact me at, removing nospam and dontspam.

Category:User en-6