User:Shouryafantastic/The Unknown Island

The Unknown Island

This is story written by Shouryadeep Singh. It is about a journey of five friends Andrew and Darren Copperfield, who are twins, along with Stephen Ruth, Emma Christine and Angela Helen.

  1. Numbered list item

1) Story begins 2) The Red Indians 3) Mr.Jeans 4) Journey through the sea 5) The annoying island 6) Two strangers met 7) The Heaven's cave 8) Escape

Story begins

The story begins when Emma finds a book titled 'Unknown Island' which is annonymous. She informs her fellow friends. Andrew feels something fishy and borrows the book. He and Darren after escaping from their father read the book and find something unusual written. In the book it was said whatever you read in this book is real. It was written that the island is 50km below Hawaii. It's strange and unusual over there but at the end of the text they find it that the book wasn't annonymous but was written by some red Indian. The name was written in a code which Emma did not understand.