Missing articles about physics
Thanks to User:Linas for clearing things up & User:Crowsnest, User:Headbomb, User:Heurisko, User:Hugo99, User:Jheald, User:Phn229, User:Porphyro, User:Sbyrnes321, User:Tassedethe, User:TimothyRias, Tls60, User:Trurle & User:TStein
For sectioned version of this list see Wikipedia:WikiProject Physics/Missing physics topics
Physics terminology
- Absolute unit - ()
- Activation cross section - ()
- Active neutron assay - ()
- Allechromy - ()
- Allobar - ()
- Angle of deviation - ()
- Angular correlations Angular correlation - ()
- Asymmetry parameter - ()
- Atomic world - ()
- Atomistic approach - ()
- Attractive force - ()
- Base of support - ()
- Bennett hardness scale - ()
- Bound-free absorption - ()
- Breaking point (dynamics) - ()
- Brightness wave - ()
- Buoyancy oscillation - ()
- Buoyancy pressure - ()
- Centrifugal Potential Centrifugal potential - ()
- Charge decay - ()
- Coherence width - ()
- Colliding plane wave - ()
- Compact Light Source compact light source - ()
- Compensating phase shift - ()
- Complementary symmetry - ()
- Condensation resistance factor - ()
- Condensing power - ()
- Constancy of Interfacial Angles, crystallography - ()
- Coulter volume - ()
- Coupled system - ()
- Critical constant - ()
- Critical potential - ()
- Critical volume - ()
- Curvature singularity - ()
- Cybernetics (physics) - ()
- Delay time - ()
- Differential compound-wound - ()
- Dimensional motion times (DMT) - ()
- Dirty beam - ()
- Discontinuous diffusion - ()
- Dispersion parameter - ()
- Dynamic characteristic - ()
- Dynamic stability - ()
- Effective energy, effective wavelength - ()
- Effective resistance - ()
- Effort distance - ()
- Electrogen - ()
- Electron stain - ()
- Electron-dense - ()
- Elemental energy - ()
- Emissive power - ()
- Energy profile diagram - ()
- Entering Source Temperature - ()
- Equilibrant - ()
- Equilibrium assemblage - ()
- Equilibrium of forces - ()
- Equivalent positions, equivalent points - ()
- Error of measurement - ()
- Excluded Volume Repulsion - ()
- External force - ()
- External work - ()
- field of force - ()
- Fission to yield ratio - ()
- Free Current Density free current density - ()
- Free vibrations, free oscillations - ()
- Fringe-stopping - ()
- Fringing field - ()
- Full radiator - ()
- Gauge unification - ()
- Geometric image - ()
- Geometrical focus - ()
- Gyrodynamics - ()
- Hermionics - ()
- Heterogenous strain - ()
- Homogeneous solid - ()
- Hybrid cubit - ()
- Hyperfragment - ()
- Hysteresis coefficient - ()
- Illumination (physics) - ()
- Indifferent equilibrium - ()
- Inertial man - ()
- Instantaneous axis - ()
- Integration time - ()
- Internal mass – ()
- International steam cable calorie - ()
- Ion Activity Product - ()
- Ionic balance - ()
- Isentropic surfaces Isentropic surface - ()
- Isodynamic - ()
- Isogam - ()
- Least energy principle - ()
- Levels of aspiration - ()
- Limit of proportionality - ()
- Locally isometric - ()
- Long range influence - ()
- Luminous quantities luminous quantity - ()
- Lumped parameter - ()
- Mark space ratio - ()
- Master effect - ()
- Mean pressure - ()
- Mean spherical intensity - ()
- Method of mixtures - ()
- Metre slug - ()
- Molecular trap - ()
- multiple connected space - ()
- Mutual intensity - ()
- Negative energy density - ()
- Negative principal and nodal points - ()
- Net radiative effect - ()
- Neutral equilibrium - ()
- Non-saturated mode - ()
- Nonlinear physics - ()
- Nuclear receptor signaling - ()
- Order of interference, order of diffraction - ()
- Pattern function - ()
- Peak factor - ()
- Photon Transfer Curve photon transfer curve - ()
- Potential of zero charge - ()
- Pressure differential - ()
- Pressure profile - ()
- Principal null congruences Principal null congruence - ()
- Principle of least coupling - ()
- Probability (physics) - ()
- Proportional region - ()
- Proticity - ()
- Pump pressure - ()
- Pump rate - ()
- Quarter phase two-phase - ()
- Radio-opaque contrast - ()
- Radiopague - ()
- Reflecting power - ()
- Refractory element - ()
- Relativistic multipole moments Relativistic multipole moment - ()
- Relativistic state - ()
- Scalar wave approximation - ()
- Scattering range - ()
- Selective reflection - ()
- Semistructured model - ()
- Short pulse - ()
- Short-term potentiation - ()
- Small-signal parameters - ()
- Solidification curve - ()
- Solution pressure - ()
- Specific reluctance - ()
- specific retention - ()
- Spectroscopic state - ()
- Spectrum shift - ()
- Splintering - ()
- Spot curve - ()
- Square law output state - ()
- Static characteristic - ()
- Stationary limit surfaces Stationary limit surface - ()
- Stationary system - ()
- Stem correction - ()
- Storage time - ()
- Stress component - ()
- Structural relaxation - ()
- Subprismatic - ()
- Super plastic behaviour - ()
- Tangential force - ()
- Terminal distance - ()
- Time base - ()
- Toroidal winding - ()
- Torsional hysteresis - ()
- Total emission - ()
- Transition rate - ()
- Transitional elements transitional element - ()
- Triplet representation - ()
- Turbid media -()
- Turns ratio - ()
- Ultimate effect - ()
- unimolecular reactions unimolecular reaction - ()
- Unit place - ()
- Unstable system - ()
- Vacuum zero - ()
- vis inertiae - ()
- Voidspace void space - ()
- Volume elasticity - ()
- Yield value - ()
- Zero-error – ()
- Finsen unit - ()
- Joule equivalent - ()
- liter atmosphere, unit of work or energy used in the study of confined gases - ()
- Microangstrom - ()
- Microwave noise standard - ()
- Moisture gradient - ()
- particle flux unit (PFU) - ()
- Pound per square inch gage - ()
- Pound per square root – ()
- radiation unit - ()
- siegbahn unit - ()
- sturgeon (unit), proposed unit of magnetic reluctance - ()
- thermal ohm - ()
Laws and theories of physics
- Abney's law - ()
- Ackeret's theory - ()
- Actualization theory - ()
- Alloy theory - ()
- Amonton's laws of friction - ()
- Ampère-Laplace theorem - ()
- Ampère's theorem - ()
- Ampere's theory of magnetism - ()
- Barba's law - ()
- Bernal model of a monatomic liquid - () -- proposed by John Desmond Bernal, 1950s
- Bernouilli's hypothesis - ()
- Blackbody theorem - ()
- Blagden's law - () -- redirect to either Charles Blagden or Freezing-point depression
- Bloch's theory - ()
- Blondel-Rey law - ()
- Bohr-Wheeler theory of nuclear fission - ()
- Boltzmann's superposition principle - ()
- Born's theory of melting - ()
- Brouwer Theory Brouwer Theory - ()
- Brueckner's theory of nuclear matter - () -- cf de:Keith Brueckner
- Calorie theory - ()
- Central limit theorem for convex bodies - ()
- Charles's Theorem Charles's theorem - ()
- Charm theory - ()
- Compound nucleus theory of Bohr and Brest and Wigner - ()
- Conway non linear momentum theory - ()
- Copenhagen laws - ()
- Dieterici's rule - () -- equivalent to Equation_of_state#Dieterici_equation_of_state ?
- Dirac's quantum theory - ()
- Dislocation model of melting - ()
- Displacement law in complex spectra - ()
- Dynamic state theory dynamic state - ()
- Dynamical similarity principle dynamical similarity - ()
- Dynamical theory of heat - ()
- Eddington's theory - ()
- Einstein's law - ()
- Einstein's theory of photoelectric effect - ()
- Electromagnetic peeling theorem - ()
- Electron theory of metals - ()
- Electronic theory of valency - ()
- Eqing's theory of ferromagnetism - ()
- Ewing's theory of magnetism - ()
- Eyring theory of liquid viscosity - ()
- Fermi age theory, Fermi's ageing theory - () -- Fermi age equation redirects to Nuclear reactor physics, but isn't explicitly identified there
- Five-fourth power law Five-fourths power law- ()
- Fleming-Kennelly law - ()
- Fourier principle - ()
- Frenkel-Andrade theory of liquid viscosity - ()
- Galileo's law of inertia - ()
- Gamow-Gurney-Condon theory of alpha particle decay - ()
- Gibb's adsorption theorem - ()
- Group theory (physics) - ()
- Gruneisen's law - ()
- Hakki-Coleman method - () -- relates to measurement of dielectric permittivity
- Hallwachs' effect - ()
- Hard-sphere collision theory - ()
- Hartree–Fock–Bogolyubov - ()
- Heisenberg's theory of ferromagnetism - ()
- Hertzfeld and Mayer theory of melting - ()
- Hildebrandt's rule - ()
- Hole theory of liquids - ()
- Hydrostatic law - ()
- Inequality theorem - ()
- Ionic hypothesis - ()
- Juvin's rule - ()
- Kersten's theory - ()
- Kinematical theory of k-ray and electron diffraction - ()
- Kundt's law of abnormal dispersion - ()
- Kutta and Joukowski hypothesis - ()
- Lagrance law - ()
- Lamy's theorem - () Note: relates to triangle of forces
- Langevin's theory of diamagnetism - ()
- Law of baryon conservation baryon conservation - ()
- Law of conservation of parity - ()
- Law of constancy, principle of constancy - ()
- Law of illuminance - ()
- Law of increase of entropy - ()
- Law of rational intercepts - ()
- Least work principle least work - ()
- Least-work theory - ()
- Lee's rule - ()
- Light quantum theory - ()
- Lindeman's theory of melting - ()
- Linear stability theory - ()
- Mathiessen's rule - ()
- Maxwell's law of gas viscosity - ()
- McDougall's colour theory - ()
- Meson theory of nuclear forces - ()
- Metric theories of gravitation - ()
- Models of nucleus - ()
- Mollwo-Ivey Law - ()
- Multigroup neutron diffusion theory - ()
- Nernst-Lindemann theory of heat capacities - ()
- Nyquist's noise theorem - ()
- One-group theory - ()
- Pauli's g-sum rule - ()
- Penard's mass absorption law - ()
- perturbance theory – ()
- Phenomenological theory - ()
- Principle of least work, in physics - ()
- Principle of thermodynamic similarity thermodynamic similarity - ()
- Reciprocal theorem - ()
- Ruelle-Takens scenario – () -- bifurcation sequence from a periodic orbit to a torus to a strange attractor: a scenario for the onset of turbulence
- Scalar diffraction theory - ()
- Sohncke's law of brittle fracture - ()
- Spin conservation rule - ()
- Square law - ()
- Stark-Einstein theory of photochemical equivalence, Einstein theory of photochemical equivalence - ()
- Statolith hypothesis of gravity perception - ()
- Stevinus' theorem - ()
- Stokes' law of phosphorescence - ()
- Sutherland's law of gas viscosity - ()
- Talbot's law - ()
- Target theory of radiation process - ()
- Theory of heat conduction in solids - ()
- Twin law - ()
- Wave and corpuscle theory - ()
- Wave hypothesis - ()
- Weiss zone law – ()
- Expansion needed for Resonance in particle/nuclear physics generally.
- Article needed on Breit-Wigner theory ().
- Currently see:
- Resonance (particle) (1 line);
- Resonance#Resonance_.28particle.29_and_resonance_in_quantum_mechanics (3 lines); and
- Relativistic Breit–Wigner distribution (not much physical motivation).
- Breit-Wigner currently redirects to Cauchy distribution! Jheald (talk) 08:45, 23 May 2009 (UTC)
Eponymic terms
- Abbe criterion - () Note Test for randomness (or rather, no evidence of autocorrelation). Also Abbe-Helmert criterion.
- Barnes Number - ()
- Bartlett force - ()
- Batterman's Effect - ()
- Bénard Configuration - ()
- Biruni's specific-gravity balance – ()
- Bjorken Scaling Function - ()
- Blake's threshold - ()
- Blondel-Rey law - ()
- Bole's temperature - ()
- Bondi radiating chart - ()
- Brinell test - ()
- Bullen Parameter Bullen parameter - ()
- Callan-Gross Relation Callan-Gross relation - ()
- Carathéodory's principle - () Article needed Statement from which Carathéodory derived his axiomatic formulation of the Second law of thermodynamics, which really needs a whole article to explain.
- Chebyshev alternation theorem - ()
- clark degree (hardness of water) - ()
- Clausius' virial law - ()
- Connes–Lott model - ()
- Coulomb's theorem - ()
- Crookes dark space - ()
- Cutkosky rules - ()
- Dalton's temperature scale - ()
- Dicke paradox - ()
- Ehrenfest's rule - ()
- Einstein Theory of Mechanics -()
- Eley-Rideal Mechanics - ()
- Fermi solution - ()
- Gauss-Encke-Merton Method - ()
- Giorgi unit - ()
- Golitsyn Number Golitsyn number - ()
- Gould-Trivelpiece Waves - ()
- Heisenberg force - ()
- Inverse Richardson Effect - ()
- Johnson UBV Bandpasses - ()
- Kirkwood-Brinkely's theory - ()
- Kolosov-Muskhelishvili formulas - ()
- Krigar-Menzel law - ()
- Lagrange-Hamilton theory - ()
- Lanchester's rule - ()
- Laplace's coefficient - ()
- Laue diagram - () Note = X-ray diffraction pattern -- not sure whether just to redirect to X-ray crystallography
- Lauritsen criterion - ()
- Law of corresponding times - ()
- Loschmidt's demon - ()
- Maxwell-turn - ()
- Morris-Thorne Solution -()
- Moulton-Väisälä Method - ()
- Newtonian reference frame - ()
- Newtonian system, Newtonian frame of reference - ()
- Nilsson Term - ()
- Peltier constant - () Note redirected to Peltier effect, but I'm not sure that article mentions the Peltier constant (which I think may be different to the Peltier coefficient)
- Penrose limit - ()
- Petzval surface - ()
- Planck-Wheeler area - ()
- Robinson-Trautman spacetime - () Article needed Exact solution of GR for radiation expanding from a radiating object. See Category_talk:Exact_solutions_in_general_relativity for checklist of more missing GR exact solutions.
- Rosen coordinates Rosen coordinate - ()
- Russell's Thought Experiment in Special Relativity - ()
- Schlieren coefficient - ()
- Stevin's principle - ()
- Sudokov Effect - ()
- Thomson number - ()
- Unwin coefficient - ()
Physics phenomena
- Aerosol and sound effect -()
- Atomic polarizibility, atomic polarization atomic polarisation - () - ()
- Barycenter velocity, center of mass velocity - ()
- Bound surface charge density - ()
- Carbon resonance - ()
- Cyclic electron transport - ()
- Cylindrical wave - ()
- Dark matter wind - ()
- Deformation potential - ()
- Desiccant cooling - ()
- Disintegration process - ()
- Dynamic polarization - ()
- Electro-chromatic effect - ()
- Electroabsorption - ()
- Electrode effect - ()
- Electrodisintegration - ()
- Electromagnetic Field Emission (EFE) - ()
- Electron-photon interactions - ()
- Equiviscous temperature - ()
- Excessive heat event - ()
- Field production - ()
- Flux refraction - ()
- Hydrogen toroid - ()
- Infrared absorption - ()
- Ionisation current - ()
- Ionization avalanche - ()
- Jet tone - ()
- Kelvin jet effect - ()
- Long-wave scattering -()
- Mean motion resistance - ()
- Mechanical rolling - ()
- Motor effect - ()
- Multipole Fields multipole field - ()
- Net ionic reaction - ()
- Non cyclic electron flow - ()
- Noncyclic electron transport - ()
- Paraxial refraction - ()
- particle induced gamma-ray emission (PIGME) - ()
- particle induced x-ray emission - ()
- Pulse regeneration - ()
- Raman-Nath diffraction - ()
- Reflection polarization - ()
- Refrigerant cycle - ()
- Scattering polarization - ()
- Sparkover - ()
- Stimulated scattering -()
- Thermo-evaporation - ()
- Wall effect - ()
- Wave energy conversion - ()
- Wavelength dispersie x-ray fluorescencence - ()
- Window condensation – ()
Eponymous effects
- Batterman's effect - ()
- Benedick's effect - ()
- Blears effect - ()
- Bohm Trajectories Bohm trajectory - ()
- Brane inflation - ()
- Bronson resistance - ()
- Chandrasekhar mean opacity - ()
- Chandrasekhar/Ferrari CPW vacuum - ()
- Christiansen frequency - ()
- Coulomb field - ()
- Debye-Scherrer ring - ()
- Debye-Sears effect - ()
- Echeletter effect - ()
- Ernst vacuums ernst vacuum - ()
- Ettinghaus effect - ()
- Felicili balance - ()
- Fermat's balance - ()
- Gould-Trivelpiece Waves -()
- Kerr-Vaidya null dust - ()
- Langmuir effect - ()
- Lyman-Birge-Hopfield bands (LBH) - ()
- Majorana effect - ()
- Majorana force - ()
- Neugebauer/Meinel disk - ()
- neutron logging – ()
- Newtonian relaxation - ()
- Raman-Nath diffraction - ()
- Shenstone effect - ()
- Atomic world - ()
- Conservation of nucleons - ()
- Heavy nucleus - ()
- Odd-even nucleus - ()
- Parasitic capture - ()
- Recoiled atom - ()
- Subatomic structure - ()
- Wigner force - ()
- Wigner nuclides - ()
- Angle of external friction - ()
- Angle of fall - ()
- Angle of impact - ()
- Angle of rest - ()
- Angle of wall friction angle of external friction - ()
- Angular travel error - ()
- Astroballistics - ()
- Asymmetric top - ()
- Axial load - ()
- Axis of torsion - ()
- Axis of twist - ()
- Barycentric energy - ()
- Betti's method - ()
- Bobillier's law - ()
- Body cone polhode cone - ()
- Bow's notation - ()
- Cantilever vibration - ()
- Center of attraction - ()
- Center of suspension - ()
- Centimeter of mercury - ()
- Central orbit - ()
- Centrifugal barrier - ()
- Centrifugal moment - ()
- Centrobaric - ()
- Closed pair - ()
- Coefficient of friction of rest - ()
- Coefficient of rigidity - ()
- Coefficient of strain - ()
- Cohesive strength - ()
- Condensation (mechanics) - ()
- Cone of friction - ()
- Continuity of state - ()
- Deformation ellipsoid strain ellipsoid - ()
- Delauney orbit element - ()
- Descent trajectory - ()
- Differential motion - ()
- Elastic aftereffect elastic lag - ()
- Elastic axis - ()
- Elastic center - ()
- Elastic equilibrium - ()
- Elastic failure - ()
- Elastic flow - ()
- Elastic ratio - ()
- Elastic recovery - ()
- Elastic vibration - ()
- Elastoplasticity - ()
- End play - ()
- End stop - ()
- Endurance ratio, fatigue ratio - ()
- Energy ellipsoid, moment ellipsoid - ()
- Energy integral - ()
- Entering angle - ()
- Equal-arm balance - ()
- Equilibrant - ()
- Equivalent bending moment - ()
- Equivalent twisting moment - ()
- Equivalent viscous damping - ()
- External force - ()
- Firmoviscosity - ()
- Fixed-end moment, fixing moment - ()
- Fixing moment - ()
- Flat trajectory - ()
- Flexure theory - ()
- Flow curve - ()
- Fluid stress - ()
- Flying start - ()
- Foot (mechanics) - ()
- Fracture wear - ()
- Free-flight angle - ()
- Frictional grip - ()
- Gear loading - ()
- Gear pound - ()
- Gear up - ()
- Graphical statics - ()
- Gyrodynamics - ()
- Helical angle - ()
- Hookean deformation - ()
- Impulsive force - ()
- Inelastic buckling - ()
- Inextensional deformation - ()
- Instantaneous axis - ()
- Instantaneous recovery - ()
- Instantaneous strain - ()
- Internal force - ()
- Invariable line - ()
- Isodynamic - ()
- Isostatic surface - ()
- Isostatics - ()
- Kelvin body - ()
- Kennedy and Pancu circle - ()
- Kinematically admissible motion - ()
- Kinetic equilibrium - ()
- Laboratory coordinate system - ()
- Land measure - ()
- Least-energy principle - ()
- Line of fall - ()
- Local buckling - ()
- Local structural discontinuity - ()
- Localized vector - ()
- Longitudinal vibration - ()
- Material particle - ()
- Maximum angle of inclination - ()
- Maximum ordinate - ()
- Mechanical hysteresis - ()
- Mechanical ohm - ()
- Mechanical property - ()
- Mechanical rotational impedance rotational impedance - ()
- Mechanical rotational reactance rotational reactance - ()
- Mechanical rotational resistance rotational resistance - ()
- Mechanomotive force - ()
- Melt fracture - ()
- Melt instability - ()
- Membrane stress - ()
- Metarheology - ()
- Metric centner - ()
- Modulus of decay - ()
- Modulus of deformation - ()
- Modulus of elasticity in shear - ()
- Modulus of rupture in torsion - ()
- Modulus of single longitudinal extension axial modulus - ()
- Modulus of volume elasticity - ()
- Mohm - ()
- Momental ellipsoid - ()
- Moving constraint - ()
- Muskhelisvili's method - ()
- Navier's equation - ()
- Negative acceleration - ()
- Neutral fiber - ()
- Normal frequencies Normal frequency - ()
- Normal impact - ()
- Nozzle efficiency - ()
- Offset yield strength - ()
- Opening pressure - ()
- Overfire draft - ()
- Palpable coordinate - ()
- Particle energy - ()
- Permanent axis - ()
- Pile formula - ()
- Pitch acceleration - ()
- Plane lamina - ()
- Plane of departure - ()
- Plastic collision - ()
- Plasticoviscosity - ()
- Plate modulus - ()
- Plenum blower assembly - ()
- Positive acceleration - ()
- Precessional torque - ()
- Pressure-travel curve - ()
- Primary creep - ()
- Principal plane of stress - ()
- Proof resilience - ()
- Proportional elastic limit - ()
- Pull strength - ()
- Relative momentum - ()
- Revolution (mechanics) - ()
- Rotation coefficient - ()
- Static moment - ()
- Static reaction - ()
- Three-point problem - ()
- Translation (mechanics) - ()
- Variable force - ()
- Anisotropic friction - ()
- Cone of friction - ()
- Bound electrons bound electron - ()
- Electron capture with positron emission -()
- Electron spectra - ()
- Planetary electron - ()
- Primary electron - ()
- Neutron age - ()
- Neutron balance - ()
- Neutron generation - ()
- Neutron shielding - ()
- Pulsed neutron - ()
- Adiabatic pressure - ()
- Aerophysics - ()
- Atmospheric friction - ()
- Balanced pressure – ()
- Absorption energy - ()
- Absorption factor - ()
- Ambient energy exchange (AEE) - ()
- Average annual energy flux - ()
- Average logarithmic energy decrement - ()
- Deferred energy balance - ()
- Energy absorption - ()
- Energy fluency - ()
- Free surface energy - ()
- Power coefficient - ()
- Source energy - ()
- Annular effect - ()
- Anomalous viscosity - ()
- engler degree degree engler - ()
- Environment fluid mechanics - ()
- Fluid coefficient - ()
- Fluid level - ()
- Hydrostatic level - ()
- Hydrostatic strength - ()
- Laminar boundary layer - ()
- Parallel flow - ()
- Partially tritiated water - ()
- Rotating fluid – ()
- Aerosol physics - ()
- Base pressure - ()
- Cascade liquefaction - ()
- Clear gas - ()
- Column of air - ()
- Conduction in gases - ()
- Derived air concentration - ()
- Edge tone - ()
- Equivalent nitrogen pressure - ()
- Gas absorption operations - ()
- Gas breakdown - ()
- Gas multiplication, gas amplification - ()
- Gas seal - ()
- Gas trap - ()
- Gas-compression cycle - ()
- Gas-deviation factor - ()
- Gas-discharge relay - ()
- Hot air pressure - ()
- Individual gas constant -()
- Internal work - ()
- Intrinsic pressure - ()
- Isometric change - ()
- Moisture tension - ()
- Nonthermal escape - ()
- Oxygen point - ()
- Particle gas dynamics - ()
- Rarefied gas flow - ()
- Saturation vapor - ()
- Staggered atmosphere - ()
- Standard volume - ()
- Superheated vapor - ()
- Supersaturated vapour - ()
- Unsaturated vapour - ()
- Vapor deplacement - ()
- Vapor migration - ()
- Vapor phase crystallization - ()
- Vaporization coefficient - ()
- Viscosity of gas - ()
- Acceleration free fall - ()
- Aggregation of matter - ()
- Altered gravity - ()
- Barology, gravitation- ()
- Boussinesq Number Boussinesq number - ()
- Cube gravitational force - ()
- Gravitation moment - ()
- Gravitational system of unit - ()
- Gravitational unit - ()
- Gravity balance - ()
- Graviweak - ()
- Monochromatic gravitational plane wave - ()
- Self-gravitating sphere - ()
- Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio Analysis (SIRA) - ()
- Thermogravitational column - ()
- Viscosity-gravity constant – ()
See also
Red links in: