// Filter Highligher
// Adds style and title text to links to edit filters, showing filter status, actions, etc.
(function() {
var have_css = false;
function filter_highlighter($content) {
var config = { // Default configuartion
// Local name of abuse filter pages
filter_page: "Special:AbuseFilter",
// Don't bother fetching filter info unless our copy is this old
cache_seconds : 30 * 60,
// Stylesheet, or null for none
style : "User:Suffusion of Yellow/filter-highlighter.css",
// Show title text?
show_title: true,
// Highlight background of Special:AbuseFilter/nnn?
style_editor: false,
// Probably no need to change anything here
max_filters: 2000,
max_query_size: 500
var wconfig = window.filterHighlighterConfig || {};
for (var conf in wconfig)
if (config.hasOwnProperty(conf) && wconfig.hasOwnProperty(conf))
config[conf] = wconfig[conf];
var start = config.max_filters, end = 0;
var links = [];
// Find anything that looks like a sane link to a local abuse filter, and index it by filter id for later use
var match_re = new RegExp("^" + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace("$1", config.filter_page + "/([0-9]{1,4})") + "$");
$content.find('a[href*="' + config.filter_page + '"]').each(function(index, link) {
var uri = new mw.Uri(link.href);
var id_match = match_re.exec(uri.path);
if (id_match && (uri.host === mw.config.get('wgServerName')
|| uri.host === window.location.host)) {
var id = id_match[1];
if (0 < id && id <= config.max_filters) {
start = Math.min(start, id);
end = Math.max(end, id);
if (links[id] !== undefined)
links[id] = [link];
var $form = $content.find("#mw-abusefilter-editing-form");
var want_css = false;
if (config.style && config.style_editor && $form.length) {
want_css = true;
if (config.style && start <= end)
want_css = true;
// Load style if user hasn't opted-out
if (want_css && !have_css) {
var url = /^https?:\/\//.test(config.style) ? config.style :
(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + "/index.php?title=" +
encodeURIComponent(config.style) + "&action=raw&ctype=text/css");
mw.loader.load( url, 'text/css' );
have_css = true;
if (start > end)
// Normalize requests if caching
if (config.cache_seconds > 0) {
start = 1;
end += config.max_query_size - 1;
end -= end % config.max_query_size;
// Fetch the information for any relevant filters
for (; start <= end; start += config.max_query_size) {
(new mw.Api()).get( {
action: 'query',
list: 'abusefilters',
abfprop: 'id|description|actions|hits|lasteditor|lastedittime|private|status',
abfstartid: start,
abflimit: Math.min(end - start + 1, config.max_query_size),
maxage: config.cache_seconds,
smaxage: config.cache_seconds
// Given a batch of filters, add CSS classes and title text to all the relevant links
function mark_filters(response) {
if (!response || !response.query || !response.query.abusefilters)
response.query.abusefilters.forEach(function(filter) {
if (links[filter.id] !== undefined)
links[filter.id].forEach(function(link) {
if (config.show_title)
link.title = filter_desc(filter);
$(link).addClass(filter_classes(filter).join(" "));
// Given the filter parameters, return an human-readable string
function filter_desc(filter) {
var desc = "Filter " + filter.id + ": \"" + filter.description + "\" (";
desc += (filter.private !== undefined) ? "private, " : "public, ";
desc += (filter.deleted !== undefined) ? "deleted, " : "";
desc += (filter.enabled !== undefined) ? "enabled, " : "disabled, ";
desc += filter.actions ? filter.actions.replace(",", ", ") + ", " : "";
desc += filter.hits + " hits, last modified by " + filter.lasteditor + " at " + filter.lastedittime + ")";
return desc;
// Given the filter parameters, return an array of classes for styling
function filter_classes(filter) {
var actions = ["throttle", "tag", "warn", "disallow", "blockautopromote", "block", "rangeblock", "degroup"];
var classes = [];
var real_action = false;
classes.push((filter.private !== undefined) ? "filter-highlighter-private" : "filter-highlighter-public");
classes.push((filter.deleted !== undefined) ? "filter-highlighter-deleted" : "filter-highlighter-notdeleted");
classes.push((filter.enabled !== undefined) ? "filter-highlighter-enabled" : "filter-highlighter-disabled");
actions.forEach(function(action) {
if (filter.actions.includes(action)) {
classes.push("filter-highlighter-" + action);
// "throttle" with no other action is still just long-only
if (action != "throttle")
real_action = true;
if (!real_action)
return classes;
// Add style to the filter editing form
function style_editor() {
$form.removeClass("filter-highlighter-public filter-highlighter-private filter-highlighter-noaction filter-highlighter-tag filter-highlighter-warn filter-highlighter-disallow filter-highlighter-blockautopromote");
if ($('[name=wpFilterHidden]').is(':checked'))
if (!$('[name=wpFilterEnabled]').is(':checked'))
if ($('[name=wpFilterActionBlockautopromote]').is(':checked'))
else if ($('[name=wpFilterActionDisallow]').is(':checked'))
else if ($('[name=wpFilterActionWarn]').is(':checked'))
else if ($('[name=wpFilterActionTag]').is(':checked'))
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.Uri'],
() => mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(filter_highlighter));