- Born 1970 - Car Mechanic - Engineer Chemistry - Biochemistry - Cognitive Sciences - Neurosciences - Environmental Technologies - mini MBA Finance, Post Graduated in International Relations and World Peace Development (KUL - Katholic University Leuven)
- I'm in the #EuLongCovidSyndrome program for ESPA - the EU Federation of the 1400 Medical Spas
- 1 term (7 years) Judge at the Environmental Court Brussels, publication in the Belgian State Paper (run it through a google translate as it is in Flemish or French) http://www.etaamb.be/nl/besluit-van-de-brusselse-hoofdstedelijke-regering-van-_n2011031506.html
- skype: SvenAERTS
- http://www.linkedin.com/in/svenaerts
- + 1000 contributions to the wikipedia
- familiar invoking templates and wikibots
- Financial contributor to the Wikipedia/wikimedia