First, and sincerely, special thanks to Eloquence, RickK and ESP, to all those that helped, encouraged, thanked and respected me, and to all those that liked my work (I made it with love); these includes Paul A, Brion, Koyaanis Qatsi, Kpjas, Valhalla, and many others whom I do not know their names or nicknames.
The rest, have a nice day.
Under request, I have fixed some articles, but by adding paragraphs to clarify the question without altering the context or destroying others' work. When Tuf-Kat felt disturbed because I corrected a religious mistake that misunderstood Roman by Wiccan, I created a whole page cross-linked with the origin of the problem to explain the derivation of the name Aradia without disrespect for Wiccanism or any other opinion.
I have accepted with humility tips, advices and reasonable criticism, I have even thanked them, I was pleased that other people added their own contributions to pages I have started. When I suggested something I said "humbly" and accepted the answer without discussion. But my humility is not enough to tolerate the stupid Byzantine discussion about Demon possession and a non-NPOV on my NPOV, or the suggested mayhem of my article (now yours, it will not shame me because nobody will know who wrote it as I used a nickname).
As an extra explanation to all those jackasses that allowed themselves the right to judge my religious opinions, POVs and NPOVs without knowing me, I clean my behind with all religions, and the Trade Mark of my toilet paper is God. To the jackass/es that openly said I did not know what I was talking about when writing on telekinesis and other stuff in the article of Demon possession, believe in demons or not, the expression is valid: go to Hell, and the same applies to the one that said my article was not good (thanks, it was not going to be paid to me but to another person: principle of action and reaction, Physics). I know their names, but for politeness, I am going to mention them like in Psychiatry books: Tim S., developer, Robert M., writer on sports, and the anonymous user Nr. (very "contributive"... in criticism, doubtfully constructive).
Just take a look to Wikipedia and you will see how many articles are written with a true NPOV. There is a lot of nonsense written and left in peace, but I did not have good luck because not even my medical explanation DENYING the possibility of demon possession was understood, thanks to a supine ignorance that, ironically, allowed those other non-neutral and capricious articles (some of them, even coarse). I would just suggest more reading of books and serious works (not on the Internet) to acquire a little more culture and try to understand what I wanted to explain, although I know I am wasting my time with such a suggestion.
I love teaching and learning. Well, trying to teach, I have learnt. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. So, I go back to my cave, the place I should have never got out from. More, taking into account that I use a telephone modem (my own one) and I was paying for making you the "favour" (with pleasure until I learnt that this is a chaotic but not free - not gratis, just free -, cultural, open-minded and for everybody place as somebody pretends to show it).
Good-bye. The Warlock 08:36, 3 Aug 2003 (UTC)