This page is intended to summarise the state of biographical metadata on Wikipedia. Where such data exists, what tools are available to extract and use it, and what systems are in place to synchronise, update and extend existing data. Please add more to this summary as needed.
Examples of biographical metadata
- Date of birth
- Date of death
- Surname and given names
- Gender (currently not covered at all)
- Place of birth
- Place of death
- Relationships (marriages and genealogy)
- Location of grave or other resting place (see Geographical coordinates)
Examples of biographical metadata systems
Examples of biographical metadata systems used on Wikipedia-EN include:
- Year of birth and year of death categories
- Birth and death and age data in an article and an article infobox
- hCard microformats
- See WikiProject Microformats & WikiProject Microformats/hcard
- Currently applied mainly through biographical infoboxes; see Category:Templates generating hCards
- There is a need for a template to apply hCards in inline text, for people whose biographical article has no infobox, or who appear in articles but who are not the subject of a biographical article.
- Wikipedia:DEFAULTSORT values
- Wikipedia:Authority control
- Currently used mainly in biographical articles, but intended for all topics with authority records (organizations, entities, index terms, etc.).
- Uses unique IDs of the person's entries in various authority files (LCCN, VIAF, PND). Through this, biographical articles can be linked with lists of literature and other works from and about that person in many databases.
- Mainly imported from Wikidata, by {{Authority control}}
Missing or incorrect data
Various systems exist to track and update missing data.
Others try to detect inconsistencies and incorrect metadata.
- Wikipedia:Database reports/Living people on EN wiki who are dead on other wikis, see also meta:Death anomalies table
Various applications and tools exist or could exist to handle and search biographical data.
- Personensuche is a toolserver application developed for the German Wikipedia that provides a search for biographical articles on the German Wikipedia. Persons can be searched by name, gender, dates and locations of birth and death, description and nationality. The tool also provides a data sheet for every person in the database which includes all metadata (Persondata, categories, authority records) from the article as well as links to corresponding entries in various online databases.
External databases
Examples of external databases that include biographical metadata include:
- NNDB website
- WorldCat Identities, which links to the Library of Congress Name Authority File (especially useful for providing variant name forms)
- Internet Movie Database - biographies of actors and related professional
- Virtual International Authority File website - an aggregation of authority records from national libraries and other institutions