Welcome to the Swaminarayan WikiProject. The Swaminarayan Wikiproject encompasses all Swaminarayan related articles. The Swaminarayan Wikiproject is dedicated to the improvement of Swaminarayan related articles and Hinduism related articles. The group of editors who are members of this project share a common goal for the extension and improvement of Swaminarayan related articles as well as Hinduism related articles. The group's goals include providing accurate and detailed information about the Swaminarayan Sampradaya. The project's primary goals are:
Improve the quality of Swaminarayan and Hindu related articles
Build on top of the amount information on Wikipedia with accurate and detailed articles
Maintain a neutral point of view on all articles even with a difference in faiths among the project's participants
If you are interested in becoming a member of this group to improve Swaminarayan related articles, we strongly encourage you to become a participant. As a member, you will
be notified when major changes have occurred or when help is needed
have an active role in large group discussions and polls
be able to more easily communicate with editors who also show an interest in this topic
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A list of all Swaminarayan-related articles can be found here
Featured articles
The Swaminarayan-related articles listed below were chosen by the election of Wikipedians to be a featured article on the main page of Wikipedia. Featured articles are of excellent quality and are considered the best works produced by Wikipedians. To nominate a Swaminarayan-related article to become one of the featured articles, put it up for a vote at the featured articles candidate page.
The Current Featured Articles are:
Good articles
The Swaminarayan-related articles listed below were ranked as good articles. Good articles are articles which are considered to be of good quality but which are not yet reached featured class.
If there is an article, list, or category that falls within the scope of this project, use the code below to produce a banner on the article's talk page (not the main article page) that will mark the article as within the scope of this project.