About:Juvenile, Uber, Splendiferous & Tantalizing..this is what defines Just About Entertainment; which is a young & budding event management company founded by a group of seasoned management professionals. For any query please call +91 9899930056
General Information:We completely follow the maxim of the Five W's (and one H) i.e. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Description:Services Spectrum:
Concerts, Conferences, Corporate Events & Weddings Company Overview:
Juvenile, Uber, Splendiferous & Tantalizing..this is what defines Just About Entertainment; which is a young & budding event management company with innovative ideas. We provide an experience that takes you "there" where you exactly" want to be". If you are looking for interactivity, uniqueness and transparency, we are there for you. Our Services Portfolio includes: Celebrity Management, Concerts, Conferences, Corporate Events & Weddings. For more info please write to: info@justaboutentertainment.com
Mission:To deliver a complete package of entertainment while striving on innovation & quality!